Ikonic case - panel rattle


Limp Gawd
Sep 6, 2006

Bought this case for my new build, and upon opening it, the side panels dont really "lock" into place like most other cases. This one you kind of just.. put it back up to the case and it latches on maybe.. 1/4" and then 3 thumb screws.

So, any movement on my desk or even walking (raised wooden house), it rattles, and gets quite annoying.

Anyone have ideas on how to make the side panel more.... stable, i guess the term would be?

Other than that, great case :D
You can try using some of those thin sticky foam pads (dunno what they are called) as a buffer to tighten up the sidepanel latch thing
That's natual when case doesn't have real damping and there's loose in somewhere.

You can try tightening attachment of side panels or just strip away that fraud foam and install bitumen mat which inreases vibration resistance.
It actually has dampening on the panel itself, but you think if i put weather stripping around the edges that might help? I think im going to try that.
It actually has dampening on the panel itself
Basing to pics it's definitely very thin and it's also light highly compressible foam, isn't it?
Those are essentially acoustically useless BS by being able to absorbt only little of highest frequencies and having zero mass to resist vibrations.
Generic bitumen mat would be light years better and if it actually had such then there shouldn't be any rattles. I know that because combination mat with 2mm bitumen base layer stopped all light rattling of little loose sides in my Lian Li.
(when first taking case out of packet I though I would have to tighten their attachment)