I'm BORED with the XBOX 360!?!?


Oct 26, 2005
I'm not really....just bored cause I only have 1 game to play on it (PGR3) and nobody has games to rent (aside from gamefly) locally.

I have been playing the live marketplace games ALOT lately and theyre amazing! Geometry Wars II and SmashTV are great games on the 360 and this got me thinking.

I asked a couple people at my job and we all agreed that some of the better games are the basic side scrolling games (ie original mario bros, castlevania, acrade games like double dragon, rolling thunder, etc). It seems that todays generation of games are graphically amazing but they just arent fun to play anymore. It also seems that the genre of FPS are all the same. Basically every game I've played recently (Doom 3, HL2, Far Cry, FEAR, and Call of Dooty 2) are in some way or another the same exact game but have better graphics, different story lines and maybe 1 exciting new feature.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that all these games suck or anything. I think they were all fun to play but once I'm done playing them they have NO replay value at all (single player that is). Is it just me or are the games just becoming stale despite being graphically superior to anything that has come before? I say this because I find myself playing the previously mentioned marketplaces games more then PGR3 and even more I just purchased a Dreamcast just to play some of the older great games of that underrated system.

On a side note, I think Nintendo may be realizing this with the Revolution as they are including all of the older games with that system via download and just the configuration of the new control pad. I think this could be what will lead to the champion of the next generation of consoles....not graphics but the actual gameplay and fun of the game. I for one envy the day we get back to a control pad with just 2 buttons and a directional control. I just dont have enough fingers to hit 16 buttons while using my left hand to control the player, my right hand to look directionally and scratch my balls while the control pad rumbles and some kid is screaming in my ear via the headset....just overkill IMHO.
Welcome to the world of a few of us in this forum. Not knocking on the X360, since it's a decent machine with some kick under the hood. But I'm tired of eye candy taking presedence over fun, and that's exactly what's happening with these next gen consoles, IMO. Hell, it happened this gen as well. The DC still exists and the DS is insanely popular for the exact reason that the games are freaking fun, and not just eye candy. That, and 2D sidescrollers are still alive there :)

On a side note, I too find the FPS genre currently stale, and it's going to take a lot of impressing for me to go out and buy another FPS game in the next little while. The XBox 360 will have to impress me with non-FPS/racing/sports titles for me to pay retail for one as well. There are a few of us here that have pretty much been saying what you're saying now, for months. Myself, of course, being one of them. Some game developers are saying the same thing, though (Miyamoto, Wright, Specter, and the dude who made Katamari are a few examples). I'm sure eventually people will wake up, but for now, for most people, visuals >>>>> gameplay, despite what they may say.
I agree on gameplay vs eye candy any day of the week, but remember it is early.

The games will come, console launches are usually somewhat weak. Just give it some time, you'll have plenty of great titles to choose from.
I hear this argument on here all the time.

Exactly what do you expect of a FPS? It's a first person shooter so every game is going to be at least somewhat similar.

If you want a little different game try Kameo. I played the demo and it's really good. I'm going to buy that next.
Yep, what is the worlds most popular online videogame....still? CS: 1.6 and 1.6 Looks like crap!

I don't blame you that the X360 is getting stale, it should get better later on. **should**
Could you explain a little bit how you are playing old games on the 360? I haven't looked into the 360 at all since I knew I couldn't get one (or afford it now). Are you downloading them and rocking out? Do they have updated graphics? Forgive my ignorance. Oh, and I tried to look it up but the man is blocking those ip's.
Dude, I highly recommend Dead or Alive 4, if you can enjoy fighting games. I just got my 10 hours played achievement on it!
Saying that the FPS are all the same is a little like saying deer hunting is the same year after year. LOL But I know what you mean. In fact a FPS in a zoo would totally rock. I'm tired of this alien bullshit.
Go buy DOA4, then slap yourself for complaining about being bored with ONLY ONE FREAKING GAME.
i agree. ive been playing my N64 and SNES more than anything lately, and prior to that, my gamecube. i havent touched my compuer for weeks, which is really sad considering how much cash ive blown on it :(

im really excited about the revolution, but the others are... meh... same ol same ol. my playstation2 has been getting the most use as a DVD/CD player, with some MGS3 and GTA3 rarely.
I'm tired of all the same crap too. It's just like movies these days, rehashes of old ideas or sequels. Without some new ideas or gameplay mechanics how long do developers expect people to keep buying the same thing all time? Right now on the 360 I have more fun with a game like Hexic HD then something like Perfect Dark Zero. Perfect Dark is fun for a bit but I've played it before many times.

The best game I've played in a long time was Darwina. It was fun, simple, looked great and had an original concept that didn't make me feel like I'd played it before. Make more games like that please.

I wasn't even thinking about getting a Revolution but now since it looks like Nintendo is actually going to innovate, I might think twice.
Sanitarium said:
I wasn't even thinking about getting a Revolution but now since it looks like Nintendo is actually going to innovate, I might think twice.
nintendo always innovates :p

the small disks were genious, the controller was the best of the bunch (IMO), and games like Pikmin really made the console shine. not to mention i thought it had the best looking visuals of the three... even compared to teh xbox.
Look around the Market Place. I'm playing more Geometry Wars than anything. Great stuff in the Market Place.
Exactly how were the small disks genious? I mean .. they're small disks. Big f-in deal.
theNoid said:
Go buy DOA4, then slap yourself for complaining about being bored with ONLY ONE FREAKING GAME.

obviously you did not get my point...it wasnt that I was bored...it was just to get some attention...thats ok though it was a long post :)
Sorry but I dont enjoy button mashing fighting games like DOA4....never have and probably never will.....well, aside from maybe the original MK.

Again, the whole point of the thread was not to bash the 360 and its launch games but to analyze where the future of gaming is going. Maybe everybody is too focused on the graphic side of games when they really should be focused on gameplay, story and just overall fun of the game. Don't get me wrong PGR3 is visually stunning and is fun to play single player as well as on XBL but honestly I'll take Daytona USA over it any day of the week.
I agree that pretty much everything these days entertainment wise (Movies, Games, Music), seems unoriginal. Somewhere during this last console generation, I found myself pretty much not enjoying any of the games out there, because they all seemed the same. So, right now I pretty much only play PC games because it seems (to me at least) that the PC still has some originality left. And then I also play all of my old favorites on NES SNES MAME etc...

When I look at the X360 launch lineup, I see mostly sequels to games I already played (PGR3, Perfect Dark, COD2) and that makes me not really want to get into this next generation of consoles at all. I've done it all before 4 years ago it seems. Now I'm not saying that these games coming out arent any good, I'm just saying I want something fresh. Homefully with the Revolution, we'll see something new with that crazy controller of theirs. I see the revolution being either a dismal failure, or totally kickass.

Hopefully with this new controller, Nintendo has some awesome new ideas up their sleeves to revitilize the stale game industry. Hopefully Sony & MS have some good ideas too, because I'd really like to see all 3 consoles be a success, so that games will keep on being made. Hopefully the games being made will continue to get better in the future, instead of just rehashing the same ideas over and over.
flapbreaker said:
Saying that the FPS are all the same is a little like saying deer hunting is the same year after year. LOL But I know what you mean. In fact a FPS in a zoo would totally rock. I'm tired of this alien bullshit.

I agree with you that there really isnt much more you can do with a FPS....as its all been done. Ranging from the civil war, korean war, WWI and WWII, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf, the wild wild west, the future, space, fiction, sci-fiction, etc etc

Just think about it....from the first Doom and HL both were genre changing....both revolutionized the industry. But from then what really has improved?? Granted the graphics and physics are both greatly improved and now we have "bullet time" but what else has changed. The gaming industry has been playing things wayyyyy too safe lately not taking risks on games maybe its because of the big hollywood budgets and whatnot.....but the games that have taken the risks have been the biggest winners (GTA3 series for example).
cb9fl said:
Exactly how were the small disks genious? I mean .. they're small disks. Big f-in deal.
Load times. i cant fucking stand the load times on my PS2, on my gamecube load times and loading screens do not exist.

nintendo effectivly took the biggest drawback of optical media and made it pretty much an non-issue.
theNoid said:
Go buy DOA4, then slap yourself for complaining about being bored with ONLY ONE FREAKING GAME.

then hell be bored with 2.

yes im a hardcore doa fan but damn i wanted a better doa not this piece of crap.
NetJunkie said:
Look around the Market Place. I'm playing more Geometry Wars than anything. Great stuff in the Market Place.

Exactly my point.....so I bought a $400 console with so much raw power that I'm playing a game (geometry wars) that my SNES could handle....and I love it!
I still play the original Command & Conquer game every now and then. Great Game! I can't even think about re-playing the newer graphical games over and over like C&C.
lithium726 said:
Load times. i cant fucking stand the load times on my PS2, on my gamecube load times and loading screens do not exist.

nintendo effectivly took the biggest drawback of optical media and made it pretty much an non-issue.

QFT. I've almost eaten meals waiting for some PS2 games to load :D
But it wasn't just the size of the optical media that did that. If you'll notice, some 3rd party Gamecube titles still have loading times. Not as bad as the other systems, but bad enough on some games (you listening, EA?). Reason? Nintendo pretty much pulled a GTA "streaming" long before GTA3 was out - they learned the ins and outs of optical media and learned to pre-load necessary content where possible and did other optimizations to minimize load times.
I really wish they had more naval battle games out personally. Are some alright ones that have been out but none like the great naval battle series. With modern graphics and technology i bet it would be a great game for those who like that genre.
Imagine civil war ironclads fighting? Would be a fun , but a niche game.
What the much of the media and most gamers still don't realize is that MS's goal with the 360 is not just to get into more homes, it's to get into FAR more peoples LIVES. The original Xbox was geared towards console gamers and really nobody else. The 360 offers features for virtually everyone in the modern family, from grandparents to children, and every stop inbetween.

Its things like the games in the marketplace, simple, fun, and eventually educational, that will put this system in 5 times as many homes as the Xbox, and, more importantly, in nearly 20 times as many lives. And you know MS will try to add features in the next version, 4 or 5 years from now, that will increase their penetration into daily life just as much as the 360 is going to do over the Xbox. I think what a lot of people still miss when discussing the PS3 vs. the 360 is that the PS3 will be a true gaming system. The 360 is already a 40/60, respectively, hybrid of home-entertainment and gaming, and in the Xbox's next incarnation I bet it will be more 60/40.

I also will be truly suprised if the 360 doesn't get a firmware and OS upgrade to make it a full blown Vongo enabled device. Think of the increased sales of hardware and services that added selling point would bring! It's completely win-win for MS, and it will increase their install base, and thus developer support, far more than just being a simple gaming system ever possibly could.
All you need is more games. Right now I have Condemed, NBA 2k6, DOA4, and COD2 they keep me pretty busy. The gamerscore system has me going back and beating them on the different skill levels and collecting all the misc. things in them. Im a Gamerscore whore.
Elmntskater1588 said:
All you need is more games. Right now I have Condemed, NBA 2k6, DOA4, and COD2 they keep me pretty busy. The gamerscore system has me going back and beating them on the different skill levels and collecting all the misc. things in them. Im a Gamerscore whore.

well, i do have a wtb thread out there for anyone with 360 games.....i am looking for madden and NFSMW.....really looking forward to dead rising. I have call of dooty 2 for the PC....no need for it on the 360 and I dont like the DoA series.
lithium726 said:
Load times. i cant fucking stand the load times on my PS2, on my gamecube load times and loading screens do not exist.

nintendo effectivly took the biggest drawback of optical media and made it pretty much an non-issue.

Well... they could have used a faster drive >.>
I actually wish they had used larger disks I hated trying to store all the disks (without their cases). Still.... Pikman FTW :p
Darakian said:
Well... they could have used a faster drive >.>
I actually wish they had used larger disks I hated trying to store all the disks (without their cases). Still.... Pikman FTW :p
well, yes, i believe Nintendo did use an extremely fast drive combined with the small disks to get load times down, i believe that is what they were saying back in 01. still, i thought it was an excellent idea.

i have a tiny little case dealy that holds gamecube disks, i think i got it at wallyworld or something.. love the thing, holds 12 games and two memory cards
THe Xbox Live Arcade games are pretty good for just some solid oldschool gameplay. Not big on graphics but Geometry Wars, Zuma and Hexic get almost more time then my store bought 360 games.
outsida said:
THe Xbox Live Arcade games are pretty good for just some solid oldschool gameplay. Not big on graphics but Geometry Wars, Zuma and Hexic get almost more time then my store bought 360 games.

again....exactly my point
could it be that everybody is missing the point on next gen when all we want is fun arcade style games? or maybe nintendo has this in mind.....to be continued
"could it be that everybody is missing the point on next gen when all we want is fun arcade style games?"

I don't know who this "we" is. I'm perfectly happy playing Quake 4 and PGR3 on my 360. I'm planning on picking up Kameo pretty soon too.

I tried playing Geometry Wars for a little bit but was board even before the demo timed out.
cb9fl said:
"could it be that everybody is missing the point on next gen when all we want is fun arcade style games?"

I don't know who this "we" is. I'm perfectly happy playing Quake 4 and PGR3 on my 360. I'm planning on picking up Kameo pretty soon too.

I tried playing Geometry Wars for a little bit but was board even before the demo timed out.

well, "we" is the people I had this discussion with at work....and "we" could also be the big 3 manufacturers (Sony, MS, Nintendo) or just simple the general public....its whoever u want it to be

just curious....how old are u? i dont mean this in a bad way....just that most of the people I had spoken to were in their late 20's and began playing with the Ataris and NESs of the time.....just curious if you began with the PSone or so....could make a difference
Rich Tate said:
I agree on gameplay vs eye candy any day of the week, but remember it is early.

The games will come, console launches are usually somewhat weak. Just give it some time, you'll have plenty of great titles to choose from.

No kidding.

Nintendo fans were so fucking quick to use the "ZOMG, it's NUO, GIVE IT TYME!' argument when defending the DS, yet when the tables turn and a competitor releases a product they're supposed to have the perfect line-up right from the start. The system isn't even two months old yet. Stop being hypocritical.
Mid-20's. Played Atari maybe once but played a bunch of NES, Genesis, TG16. I played the PS1 some and then played a PS2 for about three months.

I've gone back and played some of the older games like Sonic and Zelda. I don't see why some people think those older games were so great. The games that have gotten the most time out of me are Half Life, Q2 (online play) and SoF2 (online play).

Exactly what do you want out of the games? I mean how innovative can a FPS really be. Being able to sit down and play Q4 on a 51" HD tv really draws me in.
cb9fl said:
Mid-20's. Played Atari maybe once but played a bunch of NES, Genesis, TG16. I played the PS1 some and then played a PS2 for about three months.

I've gone back and played some of the older games like Sonic and Zelda. I don't see why some people think those older games were so great. The games that have gotten the most time out of me are Half Life, Q2 (online play) and SoF2 (online play).

Exactly what do you want out of the games? I mean how innovative can a FPS really be. Being able to sit down and play Q4 on a 51" HD tv really draws me in.

seems to me that you like the FPS genre....online multiplayer and eye candy from those games that u listed....I for one prefer the zeldas, sonics of the world....I love side scrollers...arcade style games. I like FPS, multiplayers but they are far from my favorites.
I do like the FPS genre. I played the Kameo demo and even though it's 3rd person it was really fun.

If you're into Zelda type games then maybe you should have looked at the 360 game lineup before purchasing one. The 360 doesn't even have an RPG yet. It's practically all sports and FPS right now.

There is supposed to be a new Sonic for the 360 released this year, maybe that will appeal to you.