I'm so bored , -_- , I need someone to recommend a good game! Something long-term.

Don't get stuck on another RTS, the shit is like birth control.

Play some TF2 or DOTA.
Fortunately for the summer I spent time in Baltimore, so there was plenty of outgoing type stuff to do.

As a Baltimoron, I had to laugh at that.

Honestly, I'd suggest getting into a MUD. Fun, long-term, addictive, and can be played from anywhere. Find a nice, modded ROM MUD somewhere :)
City of Heroes/Villains...

Here are a few highlights of the game:
- The City of Heroes costume creator is bar none the best available and you can spend hours making one char-toon.
- You want a flaming head ala Ghost Rider? Done.
- You want a swarm of flies to buzz around you continuously? Done.
- You want your eyes to glow red, pink, purple, or blue or your body to smoke? Done and done.
- You want to be able to flip from your "super hero" costume into your mild mannered alter ego costume at the touch of a button? Done.
- You want scantily clad heroines or beefed up Hulk looking tanks? Done and done.
- You want a sword wielding roman warrior? Done.
- You want a wolf headed zombie or a human with a bionic arm? Done.
- You want a surfer hair cut, or do you want to be bald? Would you rather have dreads or nice neat Princeton cut?
- You want your girl to have pig tails or a bun? Long glam hair or a short 5th Element do?
- You want brains sticking out of your skull or a comb over? Take your pick, they are all available.
- You want a well endowed stripper with a peg leg and a tiny kitten on her shoulder? Done.

I could go on……and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about character costume customization.

What about powers?
- You want to shoot a bow and arrow (flaming ones, ones that have grenades on them, 20 arrows at once) and knock the bejeezus out of someone with your fist? Ok.
- You want to conrol plants and make whole mobs confused so they fight each other? Ok.
- You want to wield dual swords, or a huge mace, or a SHOVEL!! or even a pipe wrench or shoot baddies with your M16? Ok.
- Want to make your dual swords pink, or your huge mace all black, or your M16 red and green to match your costume? Ok.
- You want to heal people or protect them with your force fields or summon storms, lightning, and tornadoes? Ok.
- You want to shoot fire from your hands, conjure a flaming sword from thin air and kill foes just by standing next to them? Ok.
- You want a natural hero that has super agility and inhuman martial arts ability? Ok.
- Would you rather super jump(ala Hulk), run super fast (ala Flash) fly (ala take your pick) or teleport around (ala Nightcrawler)? Take your pick? Or have them all!
- Want to freeze your foe in a block of ice or make them look foolish by slipping on the ice patch you just laid down? Ok.
- You want to stomp your foot and knock down your enemies? Ok.
- You want to run into a crowd of enemies and just explode and watch them fly away lifeless and limp? Ok.
- Bit off more than you can chew? That’s alright, phase out of reality or encase yourself in a block of ice and watch your enemies futilely try to hit you while you heal.
- Want a pet that scares the pants off the baddies? How about a some fire monkeys who run around and burn your foes? How about a snow man that wreaks cold havoc? Take your pick.
- Don't have a tank? Then use some pets that only last a minute but cannot be harmed or touched in any way and take all aggro.
- Want to turn invisible and stealth your way to the end of the mission where you have to retrieve something? Ok. (have fun emote dancing in front of the Boss at the end!)
- Want to teleport your entire team to the entrance of your mission? Ok.
- Want to radiate your foes so they their resistance is lower and they do less damage? Ok.

I literally don't have the room to list all the different power combos that are available to you and I have not even touched on villain powers!

- In City of Heroes your guild(super group) actually has a home!
They are called bases which, just like your character, you can fully customize to your liking.
My wifes base is a cross between a brothel and a night club with a huge atrium complete with a small river running through it.
Mine has a hospital and a museum.
Want to look at what people can do with their bases? Head over to the City of Heroes base forums and look at their pictures. You will be amazed.

Did I mention you can fly....from level 14......and you don’t need to spend 5000 gold to do it. Nor do you have to sell yourself on Craigs List as some poor woman did recently.

It’s the best kept secret in the MMO world, believe me.

For some more good info on the game you can go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_Heroes
The Witcher = awesome single-player RPG. One of the best games I've played in a long time, IMO.

Team Fortress 2 = great multiplayer. Very easy to kill a couple of hours playing it, especially if you're in a good server.
I think I will go buy The Witcher and see what it's like.

If you can find the European version, its uncensored. Boobies and whatnot. I think GoGamer is selling the U.K. version of the enhanced edition.

However, the American version (censors and everything) is quite suggestive. You don't need the uncensored version to know exactly what is going on when... they go right up to the limit of what the censors deem "risque". Heck, you get to collect SEX cards. Yeah. This is what happens when the "magic the gathering" crowd grows up and starts designing video games.


PS: I'm enjoying it. Its very in depth.
Hey I had a lot of fun with that game... :(

I am not bashing on the game; there are many people here that play it alot. Most of them though can move on and focus on other things in life. In his case, he is saying that there is NOTHING to do and he is completely bored with everything; that truly is sad.
If you like Sam and Max check out Season One and Two of the new Episodic version of the game!
Very fun, the two seasons will take quite a few hours for ya.
I am not bashing on the game; there are many people here that play it alot. Most of them though can move on and focus on other things in life. In his case, he is saying that there is NOTHING to do and he is completely bored with everything; that truly is sad.

He lives in Connecticut. Cut him some slack.
If you can find the European version, its uncensored. Boobies and whatnot. I think GoGamer is selling the U.K. version of the enhanced edition.

However, the American version (censors and everything) is quite suggestive. You don't need the uncensored version to know exactly what is going on when... they go right up to the limit of what the censors deem "risque". Heck, you get to collect SEX cards. Yeah. This is what happens when the "magic the gathering" crowd grows up and starts designing video games.


PS: I'm enjoying it. Its very in depth.

I was majorly dissapointed paying 20$ more for the non-american 'un-censored' version only to find out the ONLY nudity in the Witcher is a couple pink photoshoped nipples in the form of 'playing cards.' It isn't actual nudity as far as I'm concerned lol :rolleyes: I'd save money and get the US one.
Long term.. Team Fortress 2. I could care less about much else right now. And they are updating the game constantly. :cool:
I was majorly dissapointed paying 20$ more for the non-american 'un-censored' version only to find out the ONLY nudity in the Witcher is a couple pink photoshoped nipples in the form of 'playing cards.' It isn't actual nudity as far as I'm concerned lol :rolleyes: I'd save money and get the US one.

Just buy the US version and mod it to be the uncensored version.

The censored version is annoying in principle, but I agree you're not missing much.
its ok dude, I did as well. Getting ready for the expansion pack!! FTMFW
thats why they call it addicting... Come on, I live in a small texas town with only 6000 people. our wal-mart closes at 9. I can still find things to do.

you say you are finishing college applications? Well what are you planning to major in? It should be enjoyable enough for you to do something along those lines.

Example: I majored in Aeronautical Engineering... when I was bored in high school (and not playing halo with friends) I constructed 3 trebuchets, 2 coilguns, and a remote controlled dirigible. (actually it ended up being a blimp... a rigid dirigible is impossible under certain, admittingly large dimensions)
HAS to have an online component?

Well if you can go without it (some awesome games dont need it) play:

Grim Fandango
Star Control 2
Dont worry OP they made WoW for people just like you. I feel bad for all the good people here that wasted their time recommending solid titles.
I didn't see Total War in there at all. A single Total War campaign can easily last you months. Personally, Rome: Total War is my favorite of the franchise. I just dig the whole Roman time period. It's a bit dated visually so if that turns you off, there's still Medieval 2: Total War, which is very good as well (and you don't need to know or have played the first Medieval: TW to understand M2:TW).
Mount and Blade

It can take weeks to conquer the world with one character, then you can download some mods and take weeks more for each mod. Then when you are done with that you can spend a few weeks doing a mini-mod of your own and then spends many more weeks playing through your own mod and tweaking that as well.

You can download the game as a demo from www.taleworlds.net
Mount and Blade

It can take weeks to conquer the world with one character, then you can download some mods and take weeks more for each mod. Then when you are done with that you can spend a few weeks doing a mini-mod of your own and then spends many more weeks playing through your own mod and tweaking that as well.

You can download the game as a demo from www.taleworlds.net

Woo! Very fun game. An indie hit, huge cult following, but a bit hit or miss with everyone else.
Mount and Blade

It can take weeks to conquer the world with one character, then you can download some mods and take weeks more for each mod. Then when you are done with that you can spend a few weeks doing a mini-mod of your own and then spends many more weeks playing through your own mod and tweaking that as well.

You can download the game as a demo from www.taleworlds.net

This is a great recommendation. You can download the game for free, but you are limited to only like 8 levels or 10 levels for your character. You can buy the game and it opens up the whole game for you. My brother-in-law has been playing for quite a while. He digs it, big time.
if you are really that bored
get a girlfriend and / or a musclecar / new job
I'm with ya. I do not want to even play WOW. I have had all I can stand of COD4!! Dialo 3 anyone???
I suggest ya go download the Sacred 2 Demo and try that out (its on fileshack among others). I loved the first one, and the 2nd one is a great RPG.

Its got online play, but you can literally do single player mode and enjoy it without it. I played as much SP as I did MP mode on the first one.

The 2nd one releases on Nov 11 in the states. Its a fun game, really is. Its very much hack and slash speed like Diablo 2, but its got an incredible depth that I felt D2 lacked somewhat.

The hardcore MP community (die once, no more character, start over) is very supportive, and will help you get your newbie hardcore character going in the right direction too.
Sounds like the OP needs to try RL for a bit. That or a hard drug addiction, something like smack or meth should do the trick :D

edit: Whoops, I forgot, you can always check out open source games too, I've found quite a few gems of games for linux.
Defcon. It's "Global Thermonuclear War" from that movie Wargames. It's like a very pared-down RTS that you can play with one hand.