Image quality problems in cs:source with 66.81 drivers


Limp Gawd
Jul 24, 2004
Hey guys just got the 66.81 drivers for my 6800gt but have been getting weird image quality problems in source. There are lots of lines where textures meet, such as in this pic:


Does anyone else get this? I think I'm just gonna go back to the 61.77's since I didn't get this problem nearly as badly with those drivers

It's a bug with nVidia cards -- if you search, you'll find other threads with the same problem. Go to if you really wanna see the heat of it.
Tower said:

It's a bug with nVidia cards -- if you search, you'll find other threads with the same problem. Go to if you really wanna see the heat of it.

This isn't shimmering.

It is a problem I've noticed on different video cards now in different games, CS:S, DOOM 3, FarCry, City of Heroes. I have screenshots in some of the reviews.

CS:S seems to be pretty bad at it, whatever it is.
Here are some links I gathered up that show this is a widespread problem cropping up in current games:

The first time I noticed these dots appearing in games was actually with the X600XT, I'll direct you to this page showing Image Quality in City of Heroes: - If you scroll down to the Image Quality section and look at the first two screenshots I outlined some dots that appear in this game.

We also experienced this on the X700XT in DOOM3, FarCry and City of Heroes, I will direct you to those three pages: - Here in Doom 3 Under the Image Quality section check out the first screenshot where you can clearly see reddish dots. - Here in FarCry under the Image Quality section check out the first screenshot. - In City of Heroes check out the first two screenshots under Image Quality, same thing.

Here at this thread at Rage3D showing screenshots in CS:S on an X800XT-PE and 6800GT and see some dots in them as well, check this out:

Look at the Third Screenshot there, you can see vertical white dots next to where the clothes are hanging, Then look at the 10th screenshot, I see some dots outlining that entry way in the middle of the screen.

Then scroll way down to Grydune's post and look at his second screenshot, you can clearly see white dots on the edges of the floor.
This si just a bug. The shimmering bug is a much larger bug affected thousands of people that Nvidia kindly ignores :rolleyes:

Anyway, roll back to the 66.51 or 65.73 drivers and theyll fix ya right up.
Cali3350 said:
This si just a bug. The shimmering bug is a much larger bug affected thousands of people that Nvidia kindly ignores :rolleyes:

Anyway, roll back to the 66.51 or 65.73 drivers and theyll fix ya right up.

FYI I am using driver version 61.77 on a 5900XT and I see this problem in CS:S.
Brent_Justice said:
FYI I am using driver version 61.77 on a 5900XT and I see this problem in CS:S.

Yep, the CS:S thing happens on all Nvidia cards as much as i can tell. 66.51 and 65.73 work fine for most people. This is just a driver bug/glitch theyve fixed (and apparently re-broken).
Brent_Justice said:
I've been playing CS:S a lot recently myself and I've seen this problem frequently.

Brent, are these dots just...there..or are they scrolling?

Like the picture in this post is kind of what i'm experiencing in doom3 and farycry, on the edges of walls or rails. It almost looks like at times AA isn't on (and I'm not using temporal AA)

Like in the pictures you have for doom3 on the grates, picture moving and look thats there now..crawling

I've found If you turn off AI and lower the mip level down one notch to Quality (instead of high quality) that it reduces flickering alot.
That picture is with 4xaa and 8xaf so that isn't the problem. I installed the omega 61.77's and they are working fine, it is still slightly there but not nearly as much, it's really not even noticable.
Only two drivers to use right now that have little problems with IQ IMO. 61.77 and 65.73.

Also use HQ.