Incompetent driver developers

You are an incompetent's wet dream: someone who is willing to spend top dollar for something that doesn't work. I've got a nice bridge that I am not using atm. Interested?

wow was that you trying to be funny? I have been at the 'puter building business a very long time and for some forum cry baby to come in and whine about how his $2K rig don't work = ur doing it wrong....... and quite frankly no one gives a crap that you have problems maybe you should spend some time researching on how to fix your problems instead of whining about them? Ther are so many factors that come into play that there is NO WAY that they can account for them all.........

Edit had to fix a spelling error and fix the slang (lol do the whiners even know what slang is?) because that's the best thing they could come up with to complain about my post.......
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Well really the issue is more symptomatic of how the industry and market works for performance video cards.

It is basically duopoly, where both competitors are relatively even in terms of the issue discussed. And the customer base as a whole puts a much greater emphasis on raw performance numbers and feature set, then driver reliability.

The car industry example does not quite fit because of the differences. The car industry has much more competitors and a customer base that puts more emphasis on reliability then raw performance.

Nvidia or AMD could likely make a more reliable product, while sacrificing performance/price, except the majority of the customer base would buy the competitors product that competes more favorably on performance/price.
imagine the Aperture Science "from the scratch" drivers with "no hand holding" :eek:
wow was that you tring to be funny? I have been at the 'puter building business a very long time and for some forum cry baby to come in and whine about how his $2K rig don't work = ur doing it wrong....... and quite frankly no one gives a crap that you have problems maybe you should spend some time reaching on how to fix ur problems instead of whining about them? Ther are so many factors that come into play that there is NO WAY that they can account for them all.........

How could a kid using " 'puter " and " ur " be in any business for a long time?
Not really. Even southerner's can say and spell TRYING, not TRING. Now minnows versus meaners, thats a rough one.;)

See this how you know the this particular thread has a whole bunch of mentally challenged posters in it.. they cannot refute the point that ATi and Nvidia have to write drivers that work on a multitude of hardware so they nitpick one's spelling.....

Never seen such a bunch like this who claim to be [H]ard core computer users who are in reality a bunch of whining weenies. Go buy a Mac.......oh wait that's most likely too complicated for you......

There is a difference between incompetence (ie Nvidia releasing drivers that toast your card by turning off the fan) and a driver bug that causes your system to glitch due to some unforseen interaction between the driver and some hardware......I am pretty sure that NONE of you whiners can actually write a video card driver with basic functions let alone the complex ones that get released on a regular basis.........
This thread ...delivers. On a more serious note, if you pay the premium price these companies ask, you should expect everything to work out. Same applies to everything else ('puters or otherwise) , cars, services, etc.
Right right smart puter guy. I'm a Microsoft MCITP Enterprise Administrator who has been working in the server field for 13 years now and building computers for almost 20 so I know a little something about them as well. When I drop $2k on 3 monitors and two 480's then I expect them to work and don't want to hear lip service about how hard it is to write drivers. Boo Hoo, don't like your job writing code? Then quit and open a position for someone else who is competent. The problems I am having are driver specific problems that I FIGURED OUT on nvidia's forums for THEM. I documented the problem, the workaround and notified THEM that there were serious problems with their drivers and let everyone else on the forums know how to work around the issue - until nvidia in their wisdom closed the workaround down and then there was no way to get 3DVS at acceptable frame rates in their drivers for months until 270.51 beta was released. There are still games that don't run well that they haven't fixed - A YEAR F'NG later. I can understand waiting a few months when you are on the bleeding edge with hardware but 13 months after FERMI came out? Really? You and your excuses for them don't hold an ounce of water. Their drivers have gotten better but they still have a LONG way to go.
wow was that you trying to be funny? I have been at the 'puter building business a very long time and for some forum cry baby to come in and whine about how his $2K rig don't work = ur doing it wrong....... and quite frankly no one gives a crap that you have problems maybe you should spend some time researching on how to fix your problems instead of whining about them? Ther are so many factors that come into play that there is NO WAY that they can account for them all.........

Don't go in that direction. I once tried. HardOCP is a ''special'' place on the internet, where the same 6-7 individuals are ''ruling'' the place and gang-banging anyone trying to think/talk differently then they do.

Believe me. Forget it. Nitpicking spelling, perosnnal attacks, etc. They use all the usual internet tactics to make you look like ''the bad guy'', and make you stop posting. That's the ultimate goal for them.

Been there, done that. :rolleyes:

Back to the OP. For once, I agree with the ''Quad-SLI full of silicon'' guy. I think the more you spend, and the more complicated your system gets, the more potential problems you will get into. Nvidia/AMD bread and butter is the 1 card low/mid-range owners. Not the Quad-SLI/Quad-Fire guys. They don't care at all about us, since we are representing like 0.05% of their business...

They are really happy that we help them sell more cards because everyone is ''wowing'' our set-ups, ''I LOVE YOU'', ''Do you want to adopt me?'', etc (just go read the Quad-SLI build thread for proof), but when it's time to deliver drivers for us... they don't care. Sad but true.

They are happy that we make them sell more cards by building ultimate set-ups, but they simply don't care about us. :(