Independent networks connected through modem


Fisting is Too Mainstream for Me
Oct 18, 2004
I have two small workgroups in Windows7 , below the diagram:


I want them to be independent, meaning I don't want one network to be able to see the other network for security reasons.
Both connect to the same internet modem (default gateway), the subnet number in NET 1 is different from the one in NET 2

How to accomplish this?
In your diagram replace the modem with a router and connect the modem to the router one level up. Something like this:

... |
| ........|​

... net1 ....... net2

You can use ACLs on the router to limit traffic between net1 and net2 or block it completely. Please note by router I do not mean some consumer craptastic router you bought from Bestbuy. A real, multi-interface, user addressable, user configurable, router.
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In your diagram replace the modem with a router and connect the modem to the router one level up. Something like this:

... |
| ........|​

... net1 ....... net2

You can use ACLs on the router to limit traffic between net1 and net2 or block it completely.


If you don't have a router handy, you can use about any old pc with 3 NICs in it and run pfsense. And when I say old, I've easilly run it on a P4 w/ 512MB of ram and a 8GB USB drive.