Intel Atom as Server


Apr 25, 2008
Well its pretty late and I was thinking what to do for my server so it hit me, Intel Atom!, So i checked the prices and there damn cheap ($66). So I made a parts list.
Intel Atom 1.6GHz M-ITX
Crucial Rendition 1X1GB
Syba 4 Port Sata PCI Card
4x WD5000AAKS
Corsair 450VX
I will try to use my old case but i will probably get a new m-itx case and i will use a WD 80GB ide drive for the os. It will run Ubuntu Server 8.04 with Apache, PHP, Samba and the drives in linux software raid 5 (mdadm). What would the power usage be about with 5 hard drives? Also could you recommend a small m-itx case that holds 4 or 5 3.5 inch drives and no 5.25 that is cheap.

EDIT: Is the Corsiar 450VX overkill for such a small system?
I have been looking for a case that will fit the drives and none do, so i was thinking ditch the syba card and 500gb hdds for a 1TB hdd and also sell my current 500gb. And use my old WD 80Gb ide drive for OS. That would be 2 hard drives in the system, so now a case will be easier to find and i could always add another 1TB hdd later if i needed too and put it in the 5.25 inch bay.

EDIT: Though through better, 1TB Seagate .11 for Storage, WD 80GB Ide for OS Drive, Xp Pro for OS , WAMP for Web Server. I just need to find a cheap itx case that will fit 1 or 2 hdds if it only fits one then the storage drive will go in the 5.25 inch bay in an adapter.
I found a case its a Apex MI-100. It will work if i put the 1TB hdd in the 5.25 inch bay. But im not sure if the PSU is good enough quality and if the case is strong enough.
is that the one with Hyper-Threading? the HT model is the only one i'd consider for a desktop build. it's literally like 1.6x faster in threaded apps and should be a much better multi-tasker. depending on the load the server will see the HT model should show significant advantages.

yes its late and im too lazy to google the Atom model you linked to see if it has HT or not =/
Kinda overlooked the fact that you can get by with 2 drives now. I can't really comment on the quality, but the price is hard to beat.
is that the one with Hyper-Threading? the HT model is the only one i'd consider for a desktop build. it's literally like 1.6x faster in threaded apps and should be a much better multi-tasker. depending on the load the server will see the HT model should show significant advantages.

yes its late and im too lazy to google the Atom model you linked to see if it has HT or not =/

Its a Atom 230, I dont know if it is HT or not either.

EDIT: Ok, I googled Intel Atom HT and only the Atom Z530 and Z510 is HT. But the load shouldnt be to bad, all it will be doing is torrenting, serving my website with php and apache and serving me my smb share.
Kinda overlooked the fact that you can get by with 2 drives now. I can't really comment on the quality, but the price is hard to beat.

Yup, only 2 drives now. And yes the price is hard to beat for a itx case, I was looking at other better itx cases and they were like $80 (Apex MD100).
Processor will be plenty. I used the older 1.33ghz Celeron version of that board as my carputer and it worked just fine.
Processor will be plenty. I used the older 1.33ghz Celeron version of that board as my carputer and it worked just fine.

K thats good, I was about to upgrade or ditch the whole project and use my old server with a 1TB hdd.
I added up the prices and without the 1TB hdd its $130.03 without taxes, and with the drive its $340. But im gonna sell my 1 month old WD5000AAKS for $70ish, so for a 1TB mini server it will only cost me $270.

EDIT: I have done more thinking (my head hurts now) and XP will be way to slow so it will run Ubuntu Server 8.04.