Intel CEO: U.S. Faces Looming Tech Decline

Obs, don't bother. People either don't care or don't get it.

Increasing tax policies (especially cap gains) are going to have a significant effect on how the next three months unfold for me.

As the owner of a new startup, I HAVE TO outsource everything to China. I simply wouldn't be able to survive otherwise.
And for all intents and purposes, those constructed systems are entirely useless.

This is a pretty laughable, and indicative of your lack of knowledge. These bizarre and abstract systems are often the mathematical foundations of things like information theory, which in itself is the foundation of things like "the internet". I could go on about the applications of what you might consider counter-intuitive systems, but you would need to take a math course first.

My point was not to disagree or agree with what the Bacon said, but to point out that playing the "you need more education" angle, is an outrageously vapid form of argument. It's especially humorous when the accusers own education amounts to maybe a handful of courses they've taken.
just as planned for coming us invasion
desis can go the fuck home