Intel in grave danger!

I think AMD is trying to make Wallstreet THINK they still have the momentum behind them of A64/X2.

If AMD did any of those things to cripple Intel motherboard/chipset/graphics, it would just hurt ATI and considering the market share ATI sells with Intel CPU's it would be essentially buying them for a suicide mission. OR buying yourself a Kamakazi. IE: stupid. you lose what you just bought, that was a valuable asset. (plane + pilot) In their case, good revenue from Intel chipsets, etc..

Now, I think it could be a decent idea, b/c eventually the whole CPU, NB, GRAPHICS, SB, large L2 cache, etc should be on a chip down the road. Basically a system on a chip. Just add ram & you've got yourself a computer, small enough to fit ANYWHERE.

Back to the point. I think AMD is trying to do ANYTHING to make itself look good, and more viable.

But I think it will ultimately hurt both companies, and AMD will probably sink ATI to its level of struggling b/c there would be too much to handle and neither company would have enough focus or direction.

And AMD is having enough trouble with capacity for CPU's so I don't think they'll be making AMD GPU's anytime soon. Though maybe they'll say F' the CPU market b/c they'll be able to make more in the GPU market since Core2 is about to make their CPU's worth very little with an impending price war. That Intel will have the performance advantage.

This just makes Intel look even better, that AMD is grabbing at anything to keep from sinking. IMHO. I just hope it doesn't bring ATI down with them b/c the Nvidia/ATI competition is whats been making graphics card developments so great the past few years.
§kynet said:
LMAO! That's pretty damn funny.

And I'm sure Toyota could make an intergalactic space ship if they HAD TO. :p
well if any car manufacturer could, toyota probably would be the one to build an intergalactic space ship if they really had to but more to the point intel has the money, human capitol, and production capacity to take over the graphics market if they felt the need to
dad11345 said:
Any way you look at it the problem with Conroe`s launch is availability of motherboards. Since Nvidia would not license SLI Intel depended on ATI Cross Fire to show what Conroe could do. Now AMD owns ATI. Funny stuff................. :D
yeah im thinkin nvidia may be more willing to license sli now.
Martyr said:
yeah im thinkin nvidia may be more willing to license sli now.


and considering AMD + nforce has been the preferred combination for quite sometime that could be a problem as Nvidia will certainly be more interested in releasing & working on Intel chipsets now. & much less interested in helping its competitor with a good platform.
Serge84 said:

AMD and ATI combine, AMD buys out one of the largest GPU companies in the world. Market shares double when compineing is complete. Matches invidia, matches intel. Outch... AMD got a whole lot bigger, has more fabs, has 7 billion dollors. Has 15,000 ppl now. They pretty much doubled everything in one shot. lol They never lost anything just gained a whole lot of bad assness. Long term effects have AMD at 2 times the money 2 times the market 2 times the yealds. ATi everything, Ati benitits ati secrets. More transisters. Half the GPU line. Half the Chipset line. You do the math... wow good move for AMD. :D

This puts a new meaning into the word screwed. Intel shouldn't have gave Dell to AMD. Intel shouldn't have screwed ATi. No more ATi chipsets for intel now. No SLI support? What is intel doing begging AMD to kill them?

Look at that... How evil they are with their evil thoughts and evil ways with their evil devilish grins thinking of unspeakable things... OMG its all over. XDD :p

Intel aready lost 57% of its market... do you think it will stop now that this has happened? No! Looks like the gient is falling. AMD is a company to take seriously. They are the ones who beat intel for the past 3 years. Doesn't matter how small AMD was. AMD now has better gpu lines and chipset lines and features. Just gotten bigger and has more money. Its going to take more then just performance to beat AMD now with conroe. :( AMD's price cuts really set the bar. No difference now. Whats intel going to do now? :confused: They have no more aces. AMD just got amillion of them. AMD is reborn. ATi, Dell, HP, Sun and so on are all part of AMD as one. Its not just AMD that intel has to worrie about its what they can do with all their companies combine that make them stronger.

LOL, i could completely disassemble your entire post since it is all completely unfactual bull that is the exact opposite from the truth but i don't have the time or desire at the moment. All i've got to say to it though is you need to go look up every single one of your figures again. Some headless AMD users out there are looking at this like it's going to be some great downfall to Intel if it goes through but it's not. They just keep looking for some sign of hope considering Conroe launches this week and AMD has nothing to come close to matching the performance yet. Do you not realize how much this merger is going to cost AMD and how small AMD is compared to Intel in the budget area and how AMD is already going to be losing money with the recent major price drops? AMD had a good run with the A64/FX architecture against Intel and gained a lot of ground but Intel remained the worldwide chip giant regardless and are gearing for the release of a processor that will push them back to the top in every area. AMD is going to try to compete in a price war with 90nm production against Intel who is already on 65nm production and gain ground while they are doing it? I think not. The only thing that really pushed AMD ahead over the last three years was Intel's mistake on the Netburst architecture which in itself was far more innovative then the K8 architecture which was nothing more then a K7 revamp if you look at a comparison between the two. Intel designed the x86 architecture, not AMD. Intel designed MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, not AMD. AMD doesn't have near the R&D budget of Intel and so they can't compete in innovation. All they can do is profit when Intel makes mistakes in judgement like they did with Netburst.
Sharikou said:
No one in the IT industry likes Intel.
This is an interesting statement, considering Intel brought the industry ISA, PCI, AGP, PCIe and USB. ATI and Nvidia has been reliant upon four of these five technologies to communicate with PCs. ATI also relies upon USB for its TV tuner hardware.
SOI has horrible problems with leakage as the process shrinks.

it gets less effective... consumes more power, runs hotter....

thats just something to think about... 65nm just might not get AMD anything at all in terms of power reduction or heat reduction, it might just let them slap more cores onto a proc....

AMD has huge, huge problems, I sincerely hope they do a total revamp of their stuff real soon, or they are dead in the water.
Y2K SE said:
This is an interesting statement, considering Intel brought the industry ISA, PCI, AGP, PCIe and USB. ATI and Nvidia has been reliant upon four of these five technologies to communicate with PCs. ATI also relies upon USB for its TV tuner hardware.

it is also a well known thing that Intel has great corporate customer service. Companies just love doing business with intel, which is one of the reasons so many were reluctant to take up the K8 architecture.
brucedeluxe169 said:
SOI has horrible problems with leakage as the process shrinks.

it gets less effective... consumes more power, runs hotter....

thats just something to think about... 65nm just might not get AMD anything at all in terms of power reduction or heat reduction, it might just let them slap more cores onto a proc....

AMD has huge, huge problems, I sincerely hope they do a total revamp of their stuff real soon, or they are dead in the water.

Exactly. AMD's move to 65nm could turn out to be just like Intel's with Prescott on 90nm, just one big 65nm dual/quad core cooker.
burningrave101 said:
Exactly. AMD's move to 65nm could turn out to be just like Intel's with Prescott on 90nm, just one big 65nm dual/quad core cooker.

I don't know , IMO is more or less IBMs fault.IBM isn't in a hurry to get to 65nm , so they're taking a low pace while AMD is desperate.That's why they are probably going forward on their own , taking a few hits on the way.

At 90nm they synchronized brilliantly and the results are visible.
LstOfTheBrunnenG said:
From the guy who declared Sciencemark the most important benchmark in all computing:

More can be found here.

Oh, he also thinks that AMD's 4x4 will produce the equivalent of a 4.8 GHz Conroe, and that Dell will eventually go 100% AMD.


It's the same AMD-blogger that called Conroe a fraud...
Why don't he just shut up with his FUD...
He is a moron...and a fake...

This thraed should be moved to the AMD forum, since it's quoting a know, reatarded AMD-fanny...

Terra - Theres one guy I won't miss when he dies...
amd needs intel and vise versa, without each other it would be a fucking monopoly. plus if one of the company is killed some other retared company would emerge and try to take the throne. for now it seems the kid (amd) is trying F his other brother's (Intel) girlfriend. i really want to see intel buying Nvidia (which is very unlikly) but that would be sweet.

Have any of you read some of Mr. Sharikou, phD's backlog of blogging? If half of what his commentary and reporting of Intel doom and gloom were seeded in truth, Intel should of been outta business two years ago.

Seriously, it's mind numbingly incredible someone wastes so much time trying to rewrite reality for themselves.

PS: yes I love Italics, they make me look like a jackass.
savantu said:
I don't know , IMO is more or less IBMs fault.IBM isn't in a hurry to get to 65nm , so they're taking a low pace while AMD is desperate.That's why they are probably going forward on their own , taking a few hits on the way.

At 90nm they synchronized brilliantly and the results are visible.

How is it IBM's fault? IBM and AMD have been jointly working on 65nm and 45nm technology since back in January 2003. IBM has been one of the lead developers behind 65nm SOI technology from the start.
ipam45 said:
amd needs intel and vise versa, without each other it would be a fucking monopoly. plus if one of the company is killed some other retared company would emerge and try to take the throne. for now it seems the kid (amd) is trying F his other brother's (Intel) girlfriend. i really want to see intel buying Nvidia (which is very unlikly) but that would be sweet.


Never happen LOL! nVidia's owner is to phuggin' greedy. I'm sure AMD wanted to merge with nVidia first.

No, AMD hasn't been in any kind of a lead other than Performance Crown for the last 3 years. That means almost nothing to most folks. Even then that wasn't CLEAR until X2 launched last year. The 2005 profits speak for themselves. AMD broke even while Intel broke records. This year is only half over BTW, not a total loss as some say:)
Coming at the time it is it will have some affect on Intel but not any where near grave. It sure does push them to license Nvidia SLI though.
burningrave101 said:
How is it IBM's fault? IBM and AMD have been jointly working on 65nm and 45nm technology since back in January 2003. IBM has been one of the lead developers behind 65nm SOI technology from the start.

Got links? No, please don't link me to;) SOI is purely IBM's technology and they hold the damned patents for it. IBM also holds the patent for Strain Silicon that Intel made a big deal out of. AMD also sucked up IBM first real use of CU. AMD and INTEL PAYS for tech from IBM, they ain't did squat process wise.

IBM's strained silicon


IBM Copper

AMD trying to brag on any of the IBM tech is BS! The PAID IBM to fix 90nm LOL! That was right after their saying it was on time.

The AMD engineer boasted that AMD's design team was the best in the world, and that IBM's process teamwas the world's best , so Hammer would benefit from the best of both worlds. He claimed that the world of gaming and computer graphics would be utterly transformed by 64-bit computing, both in appearance and in functionality.

During an extended talk, AMD unveiled a "halt disconnect clock ramping" feature, which allowed Athlon 64 and Opteron CPUs to turn off the system bus and ramp down clockspeed when not in use. AMD spent much of the day deriding Hyper-Threading technology, which it claimed "didn't work." According to the company, the Athlon XP beat the P4 in 19 out of 21 benchmarks with HT disabled, and beat Intel's best in 20 out of 21 tests with Hyper-Threading enabled. AMD's Athlon 64 guy even claimed that the Athlon XP "kicks the P4's ass" in the overwhelming majority of bencmarks. AMD concluded by arguing that Hyper-Threading was a stupid idea since the overwhelming majority of apps aren't multi-threaded.

Since another person here said AMD never said such a thing. Yes, they, just like Intel, is just as FOS:)
No one in the IT industry likes Intel.

I disagree ALOT. I work in an IT dept. and all we use is intel. Most IT deparetment are based around crunching numbers or holding data. There is no gaming involved, so why would we need an AMD.

Intel excel when it comes to being on days upon days at a time.
Lol, I come to the Intel forum today and find these topics:

"Intel in grave danger!"


"What now Intel"

"Conroe availabillity??"

So I'm thinking Intel has just done a huge paper launch of Conroe and it's been delayed for weeks or months just like R520. :p

It turns out those four topics have nothing to do with each other lol.
intel is at 65nm full production and has plans to move on, even past EUV photolithography..

AMD has what? not even any 65nm chips to test the waters yet? uhohhh...
swanysto said:
I disagree ALOT. I work in an IT dept. and all we use is intel. Most IT deparetment are based around crunching numbers or holding data. There is no gaming involved, so why would we need an AMD.

Intel excel when it comes to being on days upon days at a time.
You shouldn't be in IT then. Days upon days at a time? Wow, Intel can do that? AMAZING!
§kynet said:
You shouldn't be in IT then.

It's awesome how you manage to pull that straight out of your butt without any type of experience! Teach me how to pretend I know everything, too!

In all seriousness though, none of this bickering really matters.. In the end, Intel came out with a better chip this round, and we'll see what AMD pulls out to counter it. I think we all look forward to improvements spurred by competition.
That guy is such a moron. You want AMD and Intel to compete, not for one company to "kill" the other. If AMD "kills" Intel (rofl, that sounds funny), then AMD will become the next Intel. :rolleyes:
§kynet said:
You shouldn't be in IT then

I think he was stating that the majority of actual IT staffs use Intel, and if you say this is false, then you obviously do not work in large IT infrastructures.
But when someone makes statements like this:
There is no gaming involved, so why would we need an AMD.
Well, I could write a book on what is wrong with that one.

and this...
Intel excel when it comes to being on days upon days at a time.
I really don't know what that is supposed to mean. Does it mean Intel can run "for days" and AMD can't? No decent IT person would make moronic statements like that, but hey whatever...
§kynet said:
I really don't know what that is supposed to mean. Does it mean Intel can run "for days" and AMD can't? No decent IT person would make moronic statements like that, but hey whatever...

I think the OP was actually trying to state that Intel excels on being on time, which I could say either way. Because neither Intel or AMD have an excellent track record for that
§kynet said:
I really don't know what that is supposed to mean. Does it mean Intel can run "for days" and AMD can't? No decent IT person would make moronic statements like that, but hey whatever...

It's called uptime and when you look at the RAS features incorporated in Xeon servers and compare it with Opteron you'd realize how "moronic" your statement is.. ;)
Dell won't go 100% AMD.
now they are in a position to play both companies off each other so Dell will win whichever crowd gives em the best price.

Intel aren't going anywhere
But neither are AMD
-l-Z3K3-l- said:
Intel aren't going anywhere
But neither are AMD

Because if either one were gone, we as consumers would be screwed. Note: Microsoft
-l-Z3K3-l- said:
Dell won't go 100% AMD.
now they are in a position to play both companies off each other so Dell will win whichever crowd gives em the best price.

Dell CAN'T go AMD even if they wanted to which they don't. AMD doesn't have production capability to even come close in their wildest dreams of supplying the demand Dell requires on a quarterly basis.
burningrave101 said:
Dell CAN'T go AMD even if they wanted to which they don't. AMD doesn't have production capability to even come close in their wildest dreams of supplying the demand Dell requires on a quarterly basis.

Agreed. Besides why not play both sides against the other.
§kynet said:
You shouldn't be in IT then.

In many (not all obviously, but MANY if not most) a corporate environment, if an IT tech mentions switching the servers/machines/whatever etc to AMD, he will be laughed at, then laughed at some more, then ignored for a-while. And I have seen this (in a sense) first hand.

Intel has always been known for its stability in the corporate environment, and to these companies stability is the most important thing, bar none.
Drexion said:

In many (not all obviously, but MANY if not most) a corporate environment, if an IT tech mentions switching the servers/machines/whatever etc to AMD, he will be laughed at, then laughed at some more, then ignored for a-while. And I have seen this (in a sense) first hand.

Intel has always been known for its stability in the corporate environment, and to these companies stability is the most important thing, bar none.

I guess it is because AMD Opterons are crap that Sun is pushing them pretty hard.

Some major dating sites, one of which I work for, use tons of Opterons, as do Microsoft and others. Yes... indeed Opterons and AMD are unreliable. :rolleyes:

I have encountered what you're saying, too - from a bunch of guys who couldn't even come up with the words for the acronym 'AMD'. I don't put a lot of faith in those types of people, and as it turns out, neither did the management for the company where it happened. Those people were mostly 'let go' after awhile.
I think the only people this really hurts is Nvidia since they are the ones that have had the most success making AMD chipsets. Intel won't care one way or the other, but Nvidia will because their biggest client so to speak is buying their biggest competitor.
kirbyrj said:
I think the only people this really hurts is Nvidia since they are the ones that have had the most success making AMD chipsets. Intel won't care one way or the other, but Nvidia will because their biggest client so to speak is buying their biggest competitor.

Yep. B/c with the way DX10 is heading... it looks like GPU's are going to be more & more like CPU's which means Intel's chipset business may eventually turn in to an extra CPU (GPU) on the northbridge and at some point there will be systems on a single chip. IE: everything but storage on a single chip. (CPU, GPU, NB, SB, etc) Just attach a harddrive/optical or large flash drive & you have a complete system. Which would eliminate the need for Nvidia or ATI. Intel is already the largest supplier of "graphics chips" (NB's)
chrisf6969 said:
Yep. B/c with the way DX10 is heading... it looks like GPU's are going to be more & more like CPU's which means Intel's chipset business may eventually turn in to an extra CPU (GPU) on the northbridge and at some point there will be systems on a single chip. IE: everything but storage on a single chip. (CPU, GPU, NB, SB, etc) Just attach a harddrive/optical or large flash drive & you have a complete system. Which would eliminate the need for Nvidia or ATI. Intel is already the largest supplier of "graphics chips" (NB's)

AND... from what I've heard, the i965G's onboard graphics is supposed to be DX10, SM3, etc... and have a speed of a vanilla 6800. W00T. haha.
FlyinBrian said:
Its unlikely Dell would stop selling intel cpus. With Core Duo and Conroe(core 2) which are cheaper to make would mean dell could buy them cheaper. That is a big buisness oppurtunity. Also, with the performance of Conroe Its unlikely that Dell wouldnt want to have access to the best.

Not to mention dell doesnt want to lose ALL of it's current user base and people who only know Intel and only buy Intel.
StealthyFish said:
AND... from what I've heard, the i965G's onboard graphics is supposed to be DX10, SM3, etc... and have a speed of a vanilla 6800. W00T. haha.

I'll believe that when I see it :).