Internet Explorer 9 Beta Released Today

I think the IE team has changed because IE9 is so much better than anything before...

But I'm too attached to Google to use IE9... just waiting for Chrome to get GPU acceleration.

Other annoying thing with GPU acceleration is that FRAPS overlays IE9 and FF4 now. He needs to add an option to disable FRAPS for non-fullscreen apps.

I can see that they copied a lot of stuff from Chrome and Firefox, which I think helps to make it good. I don't like the reduced tab space though, haven't tried opening 20 tabs to see how it handles organizing and tab scrolling.
just installed IE9 beta on my home computer. My SharePoint (2007) site works perfectly, and holy crap, it's FAST!

Upload, Multiple Uploads, Datasheet View, Explorer View, Excel Service, Silverlight Chart webparts.. everything works! Can't wait til this come out of beta so I cab deploy this in my company. Everyone's going to love faster SharePoint access.
Update to the 64 bit flash situation.

It is a beta of version 10.2 and is available in both 32 and 64 bit versions. I have tested them both on IE9 and found 1 issue right away. Using the Comedy Central player, specifically for The Daily Show the video will freeze if you open the connection info window. Other than that the show played just fine. The one video I tried on youtube seemed fine.
i like it, only complain is the favorites bar location. otherwise, I like its minimimalistic look. kudos MS
I started checking this out now... I can see text seems to be slighly blurry with GPU Acceleration on in IE9 as everyone claims.

What I also find weird when viewing hardocp on both chrome and IE9 full screen on both my monitors. The Page on IE9 looks to be slighly slimmer and the font does also look abit smaller. It might just be my eyes too...

Uploaded with
Breaking news! Adobe has released 64bit flash! :eek:

It includes support for 64bit IE, and I can confirm it also works with 64bit Firefox. Here's the download link:

Love how impending doom can light fires under companies arses. They had all these years, now suddenly they are in catch up mode. I hate flash.

Anyway, I'm liking this. The only thing I really had to do was enable the status bar as I didn't like the popping of the addresses when you move over links.

I also love the "this webpage wants to run the following add-on" thing at the bottom. Usually flash plugin :rolleyes: as I only allow it on certain sites. I always hated how you are clicking on a link and the page moved. Fuck!

Gotta get used to my favorites being on the wrong side and having to search like the noobs used to, from the address bar.

Adjustable address bar, good, dragging tabs from and to other explorer windows and having them meld, good. Pinning to task bar, ok, but not for me.

I gott play more and check out the download manager. Wonder if the two file limit has gone? :) Just tried it, yep, but I don't like it being incorporated at the bottom of the screen, I have to move the mouse further, and I have to do an extra click to get save as option.

Download manager definitly needs refining.
It wont install on my windows vista laptop it just sits at downloading updates and hangs up.
Well guys I said earlier that the blurry text was probably related to ClearType but apparently that's definitely not the case. It's some type of bug. I think IE7 or the very first IE8 betas had a similar problem.

But other than that, this first beta is pretty stable. Much more than IE8 betas 1 and 2 lol.
You folks do realize that not only does Windows itself have a ClearType on/off switch, but IE does as well, right? You can have ClearType disabled in Windows itself and IE will still use it inside the rendered frame of the browser unless it's disabled inside the options of IE too.

You all knew this, right? :D

Ah crap! Just realised there is no email button unless you enable the fugly command bar. :(

Ok, what we need, favorite star moved to the left and an email launcher in its place.
Just tried it.

Still doesn't support the <video> tag (crap!)

HTML still isn't as smooth as flash. But atleast they got the CPU usage down significantly.

I'm gonna try some more of my sites and see if the compatibility problems with IE have been resolved (Some of the functions run fine on every other browser except IE).
Just tried it.

Still doesn't support the <video> tag (crap!)

Wrong. The <video> tag has been supported since the later pre-beta preview versions. Here's the beta playing HTML5 video:


It's flaky, and if you poke it wrong while playing it has a tendency to lock up, but it DOES work.
This is what's inside the test html

<video id='p_video_1' poster='videos/backstreet_boys_-_as_long_as_you_love_me.jpg' controls >
<source src='videos/backstreet_boys_-_as_long_as_you_love_me.mp4'>
<source src='videos/backstreet_boys_-_as_long_as_you_love_me.ogv'>

It works in Firefox, Chrome, Safari and iPod. IE is just blank. How do you write it in a way that IE will recognize it?

PS: Pardon the choice of video, needed a test file and 'b'ackstreet was at the top of the list.
Whoops wrong one, this is the one that's actually in the html
<video id='p_video_1' poster='videos/backstreet_boys_-_as_long_as_you_love_me.jpg' controls >
<source src='videos/backstreet_boys_-_as_long_as_you_love_me.mp4' type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'>
<source src='videos/backstreet_boys_-_as_long_as_you_love_me.ogv' type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'>
Wont activity at the "Downloading required updates..." bit, laptop with vista/32 here...anyone know how to get around this?
It just took forever for me. Suddenly I got an update that said Windows Update needs to restart. Upon restart, voila IE9. Running W7U 64 btw.
I still have blurry text even though the option is not checked.

You folks do realize that not only does Windows itself have a ClearType on/off switch, but IE does as well, right? You can have ClearType disabled in Windows itself and IE will still use it inside the rendered frame of the browser unless it's disabled inside the options of IE too.

You all knew this, right? :D

I still have blurry text even though the option is not checked.

D2D renders differently than GDI, which is what you are seeing. Updating your video card drivers may help, along with your directx runtime. It dosn't really bother me anymore, but then again I've been running it in Firefox builds for almost four months already.

No movement on the service pack error btw. But at least 7 other people are reporting the same problem.

Haven't tried this on 9, but it works fine on 6, 7 and 8. I have this installed on everyone's computer at work. Makes for good SharePoint partnership.

I like Chrome's executing of spell check much better. It should be an integrated part of the browser. I do however really like IE9 so far.
This is the best beta browser I've ever used, Opera, FF, Chrome all counted. It's worked so well that I installed it on six of my Windows 7 systems. The only thing that bugs me is that Microsoft needs to think about touch devices and this release has added ZERO touch enhancements over IE 8. It's still in beta but I seriously can't believe that Microsoft hasn't bothered to add anything for the hottest form factor going, especially since they actually did add stuff to IE 8 specifically geared for touch.
24 hours later, and Things have been pretty stable. No unusual behaviors. I have installed it on my Desktop PC at home and everything seems to work normally.

On an amusing note, I have keep in touch with a company I occasionally contract for through Lotus Notes Web Mail. On my laptop, It never really worked quite right. On PC's with IE6 or IE8 I have used to log in, It's been hit or miss as well. Under IE9, It's working perfectly, and much quicker than any of the of the others on any PC I have tried so far.

I have found a minor bug here and there, but nothing bad. It's pretty stable for a beta version.
This is the best beta browser I've ever used, Opera, FF, Chrome all counted. It's worked so well that I installed it on six of my Windows 7 systems. The only thing that bugs me is that Microsoft needs to think about touch devices and this release has added ZERO touch enhancements over IE 8. It's still in beta but I seriously can't believe that Microsoft hasn't bothered to add anything for the hottest form factor going, especially since they actually did add stuff to IE 8 specifically geared for touch.

I hope...that it becomes skinnable. I mean I like how when you add a new icon to the taskbar that the forward/backwards buttons change colors to match, but i'd like a little customisation. Which is something that chrome and even some of the bottom feeder browsers (firefox) do. The new simple GUI would work great with that kind of option, as theres not so much to do. Though, there has never been a skinnable IE GUI as far as I know...and searching the files system there isn't anything that immediately gives an indication that it's skinnable. But this is only a beta, and so there is a chance to get your voice heard before the application goes final (possibly).
There is a simple button layout at the top...but some of the buttons are pretty tiny...If they just added an icon size option it would help. I want skins now too...the big blue buttons don't fit in with my Green and Purple color scheme, and that icon is pretty garishly blue...
I installed IE9 on my PC today and I am running Win 7 x64. Anyone else having problems with desktop gadgets not working right? Specifically I can't get the CPU Meter gadget to work, it's blank now and I can't get it to work. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it and no go. Also when I click on the "Show Desktop" button that's on the lower right of the taskbar in Win7 it won't show any gadgets on the's will just show all of my desktop icons. I may be wrong but I swear in the past that it used to always show the gadgets as well as all of my icons.
It does change the Explorer I think. Some things were slightly funky until I restarted later, then they fixed themselves.
I've run into a few bugs and crashes. Most notably when I have a lot of tabs running and I switch to another tab only to find it blank or partly blank.

Also. The video acceleration might not be such a hot idea after all especially for ati cards. I've gotten the video tags to work but some of them are pixelated. Hope it gets fixed, but it's an ati driver specific problem so I'm not sure how this'll get resolved.
Installed it at work. Does NOT work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, had to uninstall immediately because of that.
I installed IE9 on my PC today and I am running Win 7 x64. Anyone else having problems with desktop gadgets not working right? Specifically I can't get the CPU Meter gadget to work, it's blank now and I can't get it to work. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it and no go. Also when I click on the "Show Desktop" button that's on the lower right of the taskbar in Win7 it won't show any gadgets on the's will just show all of my desktop icons. I may be wrong but I swear in the past that it used to always show the gadgets as well as all of my icons.

Yes, same experience here. I just switched to the default CPU meter.