iPhone 3G Line Forming One Week Early in NYC

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
We’ve all heard of devotees lining up a day or two early for a release of their favorite franchise product, be it the PS3, Madden, Star Wars, etc. At Apple’s flagship store in New York, a line has formed for the iPhone 3G, a full week before its release. Crazy.

Right now, about ten people have started a line outside of Apple's flagship store on 5th Avenue in New York. Word is that the family at the head of the queue are attempting to break some kind of record which involves their baby -- which kind of sounds a little intense if you ask us.
No offense--- oh who the hell am I kidding, this goes out to the people in that line:


-- William Shatner, Saturday Night Live, sometime in the later part of the 8th decade of the 20th century

'Nuff typed.
The only "Jobs" that matters to those people is the one running Apple, apparently. :eek:
WOW! What people won't do for attention! They do remember that the original iPhone launch had plenty of inventory the next day, right?

The video is kind of amusing. ...and I quote, "we're here in line on Independence Day to umm...celebrate our indepence from offices....yeah...we can do all of our office work on the iPhone now". ...rrrright buddy, make George Washington proud!

Go ahead ladies, rush over to the Apple store and pick up your winners!*

* - http://www.hardocp.com/news.html?news=MzA5ODAsTWFyY2ggICAgLDIwMDgsaGVudGh1c2lhc3Q=
I'll agree with the rest of you.. they are all losers
cant believe that people can be so stupid, imho its just a marketing gag from apple
3 out of 4 iPhone freaks wear sandals (see pic) so apple should sell $150 "limited edition" white iSandals

iDiots indeed :(
Wow they look exactly like the kind of people I imagined would wait a week for a phone in NYC. They also look like vegetarians who go to cafes where the unemployed gather to eat moss and recite poetry.

And it HAD to be in NYC, didn't it.

/facepalm for embarassment
Looks like a good time to test grenades.

LOL, but seriously what's the point of doing this? It's still the same iPhone that's been out forever, just a little faster. And it's a FREAKIN CELL PHONE. :rolleyes:
Sad. The new iphone isn't that much of a change. 3G! Wow! Don't these people have jobs to get to to pay for their new, more expensive plan? Give me a break.
I just wanted to offer some clarification on the whole 'waiting in line' thing.
Click on the image for the whole picture.
I'm still using my Nokia N-Gage.

It's not that I'm not a cheap bastard, it's just that it does what I need. Handles calls, text messages, plays mp3s and mp3 ringtones, webbrowsing, MSN-ICQ-AIM, and much more. It still works and my xbox-huge hands have a hard time using any regular vertically oriented phone.

This iPhone is the closest I get to a replacement phone.
I was going to make a joke about Apple user's, but that's been covered.

Maybe I'm missing something, but can anybody tell what that phone has that is so compelling that they
would drop everything in their life and queue for a week to BUY (I could understand if it was for free) a phone?

I'm serious, they look like very loyal customers - I'd be happy with even a tenth of that love.
You know the guy eating the apple doesn't have a job, "We are going to claim independence from having to sit in chairs and offices to get our work done...Now since we have the iphone." :) Haha...wheres Darwin when you need him.

Poor kid...
I'm with the other people that think this is some viral marketing ploy. I'd understand if this was the initial release of the iPhone but it's not. It's a cool upgrade but hardly groundshaking like the initial release was. Apple's definitely getting free press from this stunt, regardless of whether it's sanctioned or not.

Of course, the ability of man to make idiotic choices never ceases to amaze me. It's very possible that these people actually took time off work (if applicable) to sit in line for a week just so they can show their friends the new iPhone that doesn't look much different from the old one.
Apple probably payed these people to line up and create media buzz. Why the hell would anyone line up for a freakin Iphone when it's only the 2nd gen...gee I think I'll go line up for an AMD 4700X2 :D
These people would buy Steve Jobs shit in a white iCan. What a bunch of pathetic assholes. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
i bet half of them dont even know that you have to activate it instore and cannot buy it without activating it (nless you pay the additional 400$ unsubsidized
Any more proof needed that Apple's brainwashed sheep are idiots???

SERIOUSLY folks... It's a damned phone.
Maybe it's Improv Everywhere again, but if it is, I'm disappointed there were not more of them.
Oh god. They can either wait a week or just do the same thing as last year; wait an hour after the line goes away, walk into the store and buy one right away. :rolleyes:
It's amazing how much hype some people will try to drum up in order to make something ordinary seem extraordinary.

I don't keep up on things like this but I'm going to bet there are not going to be any shortages in supply for the phones. Normally, only when demand is much higher than supply do you see something like this or when something totally new or revolutionary comes out.

As I said, it's surprising how far some people will go to make something seem better than it really is.
