iPhone 4S Confirmed


Limp Gawd
Oct 21, 2008
iPhone 4S confirmed:

-Dual Core A5 Processor
-8MP Camera (3264 x 2448)
--->backside illuminated CMOS (better night time photos)
-1080p Video Recording
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Catching up to smartphones from a year ago, but of course its Apple so it must be magical !!
More lies from Apple about the data speeds and voice recognition, which Google has had for years now.
...okay wow I REALLY am sad that an iPhone 5 with a decent sized screen wasn't announced today :( Looks like I'm waiting till the Nexus... :)
I'm looking at the liveblog on Engadget - They can't shut up about Siri and basically voice commanding the smart phone instead of going to Wikipedia saying "Show me the wikipedia of Neil Armstrong".
Where's the iPhone5 that was supposed to look like a mini Galaxy S II ? That's what I would buy. Bit after 15 months all they come out with is a minor updated iPhone4...LOL, bring on the Nexus+Prime.
Apple knows they can release minor updates every other year and still sell millions to clueless fanboys, so why bother doing something innovative.
Really underwhelming so far. Not that I'm surprised, mind you.

Part of me likes the sirus stuff - mostly for the stuff that is completely unserious... like "How many days till Christmas"... sometimes at random I do want to know shit like that. Or if I have any meetings that day being able to ask "Do I have any meetings today?"... However I also hate speaking outloud about my personal business lol.

I don't know - part of me likes that, and part of me doesn't... either way, I know it's not Apple to begin with, it's that App Siri that they bought out I think....

Are you sure this isn't bigger than the normal screen size? I don't know, I've never had an iPhone, but that does look bigger than their normal one's. Comments?
^ I agree, I have atleast 80% of those features on my phone and I don't use them because I rather not stand in public and yell at my phone "WIKIPEDIA HOW LONG IS A WHALE'S PENIS?". I prefer to just swype everything since it takes me literally 2 seconds to hit Wikipedia bookmark and swype in the text that I need. Also being in Miami the noise pollution will destroy this feature.
More lies from Apple about the data speeds and voice recognition, which Google has had for years now.

Yeah, it was convenient that they only compared HSPA+ speeds and left off LTE. 14.4Mbps < 25Mbps. ;) So what do Verizon iPhone 4S users get speed wise? Still only 3G I'm guessing?

I'm looking at the liveblog on Engadget - They can't shut up about Siri and basically voice commanding the smart phone instead of going to Wikipedia saying "Show me the wikipedia of Neil Armstrong".

Basically today iOS got this: Android notifications, Google Latitude, Google Music, Picasa Web, Google Docs, and Google Voice Search.

I will admit it appears Siri is more advanced in some ways then Google Voice Search in it's current incarnation (expect an update soon enough after this). However, with both Siri and GVS I wonder if making them this advanced is a good thing. We have enough dumbasses driving while talking on the phone and texting as it is. Last thing I want is some douchebag rear ending my car with a newborn (wife due in 3 weeks) because they were too busy talking to their damn phone.
http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2011/10/iphone5apple2011liveblogkeynote1571.jpg[/I MG]

Are you sure this isn't bigger than the normal screen size? I don't know, I've never had an iPhone, but that does look bigger than their normal one's. Comments?[/QUOTE]

Doesn't look bigger to me. Still has that huge bezel at the top.

I would have actually considered the iPhone if it had a 4"+ screen like in Zorachus' other thread. But I'm on Verizon too and would prefer my next phone to be 4G.
Hmmm so no iPhone 5 eh? No Apple customer - thanks Apple for making me wait for the Nexus Prime because I will do just that... And I'm serious, if they released a new iPhone 5 with a decent sized screen and beefed up the specs while also releasing iOS 5 I was planning on giving it a legitimate shot... Now for doing one of your pussy half releases you can blow me while I wait a month or so longer for Prime.
I hope Google capitalizes on this oppurtunity - release the Nexus Prime, announce a proper OS upgrade in ICS, market it properly (i.e. expose Apple's lies), and watch as millions switch.
I hope Google capitalizes on this oppurtunity - release the Nexus Prime, announce a proper OS upgrade in ICS, market it properly (i.e. expose Apple's lies), and watch as millions switch.

Indeed. We'll see in a week :).
I hope Google capitalizes on this oppurtunity - release the Nexus Prime, announce a proper OS upgrade in ICS, market it properly (i.e. expose Apple's lies), and watch as a few thousand switch.

Fixed for accuracy.

A few tech-heads will jump ship, but most people buy an iPhone because it's an iPhone, and so long as there isn't something else staggeringly cooler, funkier, or so profoundly superior that it makes an iPhone look like a flint knife, and it'll take more than an OS upgrade and one more new Android phone (regardless of marketing) to start an exodus.

The one piece that Apple still owns is simplicity of interface. A lot of average Joes want things as simple as possible, and that is something iOS executes on much better than Android. For said Joe, it's worth its weight in gold, and more useful than a faster phone or a couple of cool egghead OS features.
I realize this is [H]ardForum, but its disingenuous to only post hardware specs and say Android wins based on that. You can't leave out iOS software improvements, usability, fluidity, Apps market, developer commitment and iPad/iPod compatibility (Apple ecosystem).

It always seems the Android fanboi's post hardware specs of their favorite new phone and declare a winner based on that. The only beef anyone should really have against the iPhone 4S is the small screen and lack of 4G. And in that respect, yes, I think it will hurt Apple. Maybe not with new customers, but their installed base looking for something much better and not getting it.
I realize this is [H]ardForum, but its disingenuous to only post hardware specs and say Android wins based on that. You can't leave out iOS software improvements, usability, fluidity, Apps market, developer commitment and iPad/iPod compatibility (Apple ecosystem).

It always seems the Android fanboi's post hardware specs of their favorite new phone and declare a winner based on that. The only beef anyone should really have against the iPhone 4S is the small screen and lack of 4G. And in that respect, yes, I think it will hurt Apple. Maybe not with new customers, but their installed base looking for something much better and not getting it.

The internal hardware and os updates are great. If they had just put this in a phone with a bigger screen, it'd be an amazingly huge hit with many tech geeks. I myself want a bigger screen, so I will be waiting for the nexus prime to upgrade from the iphone 4.
The thing is they don't care about tech geeks. It's a small market that they have no reason to go after.
I realize this is [H]ardForum, but its disingenuous to only post hardware specs and say Android wins based on that. You can't leave out iOS software improvements, usability, fluidity, Apps market, developer commitment and iPad/iPod compatibility (Apple ecosystem).

It always seems the Android fanboi's post hardware specs of their favorite new phone and declare a winner based on that. The only beef anyone should really have against the iPhone 4S is the small screen and lack of 4G. And in that respect, yes, I think it will hurt Apple. Maybe not with new customers, but their installed base looking for something much better and not getting it.

You can keep your iOS and i'll put whatever the fuck I want on my phone. I like being able to do that ;)
The thing is they don't care about tech geeks. It's a small market that they have no reason to go after.

lol, true that :p

Though it won't stop me from hoping :p

I know the 3.5" display on the old iPhone was massive for it's time, but we are now pushing 4-4.3" as mainstream, lol :eek:
Fixed for accuracy.

A few tech-heads will jump ship, but most people buy an iPhone because it's an iPhone, and so long as there isn't something else staggeringly cooler, funkier, or so profoundly superior that it makes an iPhone look like a flint knife, and it'll take more than an OS upgrade and one more new Android phone (regardless of marketing) to start an exodus.

The one piece that Apple still owns is simplicity of interface. A lot of average Joes want things as simple as possible, and that is something iOS executes on much better than Android. For said Joe, it's worth its weight in gold, and more useful than a faster phone or a couple of cool egghead OS features.

I agree, the 'millions' was more of a hope. Many people do buy the iPhone because of the name, and that will take a lot to change. I don't think Android is that different from iOS in simplicity, and its far more functional. What exactly does iOS execute on better? The issues with Android most people talk about start when you put on a custom rom, none of which are finished, and start tweaking the hell out of it.

Out of the box, any decent Android phone released in the last year is arguably better than the iPhone 4 on specs, performance (except battery life), screen size, cost to run (plan and apps), and functionality. You simply get a lot more for your money with Android. But yes, it will never be as cool or funky, which is what most people care about.

e.g. the new Cards service is genius marketing. Take something that other apps like Postagram do, charge 3x, make it seem cool, and mint money. Or the Siri tech - there's no reason at all it can't run on existing devices, but you have buy the 4S for it.
Wow - the iPhone 4S is breathtaking!
Once again the competition is scrambling to figure out how to top it!
I look forward to getting to know Siri and really bonding with her!

Gimme, gimme, gimme!
The internal hardware and os updates are great. If they had just put this in a phone with a bigger screen, it'd be an amazingly huge hit with many tech geeks. I myself want a bigger screen, so I will be waiting for the nexus prime to upgrade from the iphone 4.

I don't think Apple can just do that. Switch screen sizes/resolution.

I remember when the iPhone 4 first came out they had a bunch of issues of apps not being designed for the Retina screen and everything looked crappy. And then when the iPad came out there were a bunch of issues of apps running at iphone resolutions.

I think iOS applications aren't made to scale resolutions. They have to be designed with an intended resolution. Hence separate iPad and iPhone app stores.

If they released a 4.3" screen with the same resolution as the iPhone4, then that would be cool. But they'd lose that whole Retina thing they have going for them. And Retina is awesome. Though I think 160ppi is just fine even for something I hold 9" away from my face.

Personally I'm hoping the Galaxy Note gets released on Sprint. I have an iPhone 4 on AT&T. I've had an iPhone since the first month they were released. It's a great system. And the apps available make it infinitely useful. But after using my girlfriends Galaxy S, and buying an ASUS Eee Pad, I've come to appreciate how much more capable Android is. I can move files on and off my device at whim. Mostly music and photos. And I really like being able to do that and not have to rely on iTunes.

If it wasn't for the galaxy note I'd stay with the iPhone. But I'm a journalist and being able to jot down notes on my phone is a huge plus. It means I don't have to carry around a phone and notepad. Only 1 device. And I use my phone for alot of web browsing. The large screen pretty much makes it a versatile almost tablet as well.
I am soooo glad I went with the Samsung Galaxy S2. So basically all they did is add a dual core. wow. But its apple so I'm sure they will sell millions of them...
You can keep your iOS and i'll put whatever the fuck I want on my phone. I like being able to do that ;)

Like what? DOS? :confused:

Unless you know how to code a new OS, I don't think so. I can jailbreak and you can Root. Big whoops.
Like what? DOS? :confused:

Unless you know how to code a new OS, I don't think so. I can jailbreak and you can Root. Big whoops.
But I can do most of what you do without needing to root. That's the big difference.