iPhone Buying Interest Continues To Drop

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Oh lack of edit and hitting return.

Summary was supposed to be that android is more attractive than ever, and the 5s was extremely underwhelming. I can see why lots of folks wouldn't answer yes outright. Myself, even with paid apps I can't get on android that I like and use a lot, I'm tempted to slap them on an ipod and move to android if apple doesn't keep up with features such as a reasonable sized screen.
So you have to root your device to break it from carrier/manufacturerer restrictions? Yet the biggest complaint is that you have to jailbreak an idevice?

Double standard?

For the most part, unless your carrier has glued on some extra restrictions, there is almost no reason for the average person to root an android phone. You are still free to install whatever apps you want, from wherever you want, no matter how useless or redundant that app might be.

With an iPhone, you MUST use the official App Store to install new apps. If Apple decides that they no longer like an app, because it "replicates functionality" (competes with Apple), or includes "non-standard button controls" (ie. using vol+ for camera shutter), then that app simply gets taken down, never to be seen again.
Even if the software author wants to keep distributing it, he can't, because Apple intentionally designed it that way (assuming that Apple even bothered to notify him of the take-down, which they usually don't).

If Microsoft suddenly announced that ALL windows software had to be installed from the Microsoft store, people would riot in the streets, but when The Church of Steve Jobs does the EXACT same thing, people start lining up around the block waiving their credit cards in the air

The main reason to jailbreak an iPhone is to enable alternate sources, and free yourself from Apple's walled-garden. Stock (un-rooted) android phones don't have this problem to begin with.
I think people get that, they just misuse it. Just like most people still refer to monitors as 1080p,1200p,11xtyp on these forums. Since when have you seen a 1080i monitor?

Every day. HD Television screens are monitors with a tuner built in. No other difference.
Windows has been open for as long as I can remember. iOS has always been locked down. Creating an os and changing the way it works down the road is not the same thing as creating the os and sticking to your guns.
Too bad all apple has left is iphone and ipads. When jobs died so did apples ability to come out with something new.

What are you talking about... they're coming out with their latest invention... Beats Audio. It's going to revolutionize the audio player experience.
If you like battery life and wants something that just works, you go iPhone.
If you want a bigger screen, performance, from basically a PC on the go you go Android.
If you want to take nice pictures and post them straight to Facebook you go Windows phone.

I just can''t go iPhone. I like my widgits, I like picking my GU, I like drag and drop file transfer, I like being able to download ANY media file format and playing it right there without having to convert it to X format first. Android gives me a bigger screen and lets me do more with my phone. Its basically become my little handheld mobile PC that does about 95% of what I want it to.
I'm an Android person, I can't stand iTunes and its bloated trying to take over everything on my PC, I can't stand a lot of things about Apple, but I'll admit Android wouldn't be what it is today without iOS on an iPhone.
I'm as much an Apple hater as the next guy, but I think this dwindled interest is the calm before the storm that will be iPhone 6. I have several friends who are past their 2-year contract hanging on to their old iPhone 4S phones b/c they're waiting for 6.
What are you talking about... they're coming out with their latest invention... Beats Audio. It's going to revolutionize the audio player experience.

And don't forget about the iWatch. People will be telling time like never before! :eek:
Actually.... Technically that's very incorrect. Its not that simple.

Prove it.

LCD built to size and resolution + inputs + tuners = Television

Television - tuners = LCD Monitor.

Aside from software controls there's virtually no difference in an LCD Television and an LCD Computer Monitor.
Gotta love the fanboys of both sides...love the drama, makes for a good read on my devices from the major ecosystems lol
The best thing about Apple threads on [H] is grabbing a bowl of popcorn and watching the retards argue.
Prove it.

LCD built to size and resolution + inputs + tuners = Television

Television - tuners = LCD Monitor.

Aside from software controls there's virtually no difference in an LCD Television and an LCD Computer Monitor.

And you still missed my point. Bravo.
I'm as much an Apple hater as the next guy, but I think this dwindled interest is the calm before the storm that will be iPhone 6. I have several friends who are past their 2-year contract hanging on to their old iPhone 4S phones b/c they're waiting for 6.

This. You'll see a surge with the 6, since screen size is going to be a driving force this time around.
And you still missed my point. Bravo.

A point based on incorrect information. Which I was trying to correct you on. Own up to your mistake instead of sniveling about it.
The best thing about Apple threads on [H] is grabbing a bowl of popcorn and watching the retards argue.

Haha, tru that.

Honestly the fanboyism threads doesn't change even when I try browsing say an apple thread on a droid device or an android thread on an iOS device lol

Free advice that can make this thread even better:
Can someone mention windows?
Possibly link in google search results without reading them first and then making a claim that later completely false since no one read the article or only skimmed.

Please. :)

As long as the device in your pocket, on the table in front of you, on your ear is working for you, who cares about "whose got the longest or greatest or somethingest". This ain't a smartphone comparison lol. Love your device, and let others love their devices as well lol
Someone already has. Your laziness strikes again.

I'm waiting for a linked article from a google search that you didn't read and are going to make a claim that's later refuted by the author of the same article in the last section
For the most part consumers don't really care but Apple is the exception since they waged a war to kill competition and consumer choice by stealing ideas from others like slide-to-unlock from Neonode, patent trolling and litigation abuse. Even though my first and favorite computer was an Apple from the 80's I don't mind if the current day Apple gets its legs chopped off as a lesson. Same applies to any other big bullies like Intel for their dirty games against AMD and hence my reward for buying all AMD this time around plus it's more stable.
A point based on incorrect information. Which I was trying to correct you on. Own up to your mistake instead of sniveling about it.

Well, since what you're discussing has nothing to do with my point, i'd say you're still not getting it. Answer this, why do people here still point out the p? Do you have a screen that is specifically 1080i? Should I feed you too?
Well, since what you're discussing has nothing to do with my point, i'd say you're still not getting it. Answer this, why do people here still point out the p? Do you have a screen that is specifically 1080i? Should I feed you too?

Your assumptions in order to save face are so trite and douchey. Own up to being wrong or kindly shut your sniveling face.
I jumped off the Apple wagon about 6 months ago. I have been using a Android NEXUS 5 since then and couldn't be happier. To be able to modify my own device to my hearts content without the faux Apple walls limiting me at every turn is a breath of fresh air. And my favorite bonus... NO ITUNES!!!! I never have to wrestle with that piece of shit ever again.

With that said, the iPhone 6 will have to be very special for me to even consider putting myself back on iOS.

Ok, genius, what was my point? Why have many here pointed out the same issue over and over? Hint: it has nothing to do with the difference between lcd tv's and computer monitors. You're only focusing on one part of what I said.
Ok, genius, what was my point? Why have many here pointed out the same issue over and over? Hint: it has nothing to do with the difference between lcd tv's and computer monitors. You're only focusing on one part of what I said.

Your point is irrelevant to me when you got your own facts in your statement of your point wrong.

You're an example of your point: people repeating things without knowing what they are actually talking about.

Which is why I was trying to get you to correct your statement in the first place, sweetheart.
Although I personally prefer Android... I agree Android is a cluster Fuck for enterprise deployment.

FWIW, seems like Google is aware and have been taking measures to improve in this area. Example they just bought DIVIDE, a company that makes enterprise BYOD software for Android and iOS.

BankWest Chooses Divide For Secure, Easy BYOD Success
Your point is irrelevant to me when you got your own facts in your statement of your point wrong.

You're an example of your point: people repeating things without knowing what they are actually talking about.

Which is why I was trying to get you to correct your statement in the first place, sweetheart.

Do you still not have any idea that the point YOU were trying to make has nothing to do with what I was trying to make, and only focuses on the part where I was mocking a previous conversation with others on here? Dude, you really do just avoid the issue altogether when you don't understand something, don't you?

Anyway, good luck with that. Back on topic, I hate ios on my 1200p lcd screen.
You would have still had a shred of credibility in your remarks if you didn't slur it by saying "crashy Malwaredroid".

Disable loading apps from other sources and you won't have issues with Malware. Google scans all apps at runtime and install.

Then again, you'd know this had you actually been an active user of Android.


iOS apps crash more often than Android.




Critterism itself is a problem. It was causing the iOS app crashing itself.

I have encounter and seen numerous of crashes caused by the Critterism, and not to mention it malfunction your UIWebView at one point. Until I drop Critterism from the project and wrote our own. The Android got more crashes than iOS.

it's a terrible analytic in general.

Also, the crashes are mostly due to developer error, not platform specific. Unless its a very well known bug.
Do you still not have any idea that the point YOU were trying to make has nothing to do with what I was trying to make, and only focuses on the part where I was mocking a previous conversation with others on here? Dude, you really do just avoid the issue altogether when you don't understand something, don't you?

Anyway, good luck with that. Back on topic, I hate ios on my 1200p lcd screen.

Don't worry, techrat just wants you to say Android is amazing, he or she is right, and iOS is crap, and you should stop being "isheep". If it means a lot to you to be ok, if not move on.

I should be expecting a Merriam Webster dictionary definition anytime now,
I already got the link ;)
Ha, no skin off my back. I can't help it the guy wanted to argue a point nobody was trying to make.

I can add this, up until the latest update on my S4, the phone was very crash prone and generally unstable. WiFi issues aplenty, random restarts, lots of lag, etc... If it wasn't for the kit kat update I would probably have a Nexus phone by now.
I know you asked a sarcastic rhetor. question Steve in the topic, but I'd like to provide an answer.


In the article, the author and his stat source mention:
"Polling 1,016 consumers in the US last week about their intended smartphone purchases over the next three months, Munster's team found that 34 percent expect to buy an iPhone. That number is down from 39 percent in February, 44 percent last December, and 50 percent just after the launch of the iPhone 5S last September.

The dip in percentage is par for the course this time of year, however. Interest in buying the current model iPhone typically wanes as buzz about an upcoming new generation pops up. This time around, iPhone buyers are likely holding off purchases in anticipation of a larger-screened model."

Which means that this is a statistical trend due commonly seen when a product is in its midway plus point.

Nothing that screams declining numbers, and something that possibly can be supported in other devices that are in the same point in their model cycle. The article headline is an example a great hook, for readership.
Ha, no skin off my back. I can't help it the guy wanted to argue a point nobody was trying to make.

I can add this, up until the latest update on my S4, the phone was very crash prone and generally unstable. WiFi issues aplenty, random restarts, lots of lag, etc... If it wasn't for the kit kat update I would probably have a Nexus phone by now.

Which is more of Samsung and AT&T's problem than Google's, before anyone wants to go calling others names because something wasn't spelled out for them.
Which is more of Samsung and AT&T's problem than Google's, before anyone wants to go calling others names because something wasn't spelled out for them.

This purely something I have heard from colleagues who work at the major carriers, have said that Apple from the get go have a stronghold on how devices are tested prior to deployment and after launch even minute details that would otherwise be unnecessary for function. However for Samsung, and other makers, the device would see tons of pre launch work, but post launch it was relative freer (not a word but ehh)then apple so as long as the device had no necessary problems the makers wouldnt bother them with much.
Good lord, it's just a phone.

This discussion is getting to a scary level of anger/hatred. I honestly never expected a thread about phones to get this heated, kinda makes you wonder.
This discussion is getting to a scary level of anger/hatred. I honestly never expected a thread about phones to get this heated, kinda makes you wonder.

We are in hardware forums..

Just like nVidia vs ATi / Intel vs AMD.....etc

It just now turn into Android vs iOS ......

Name calling and trashing all over the places and talk like they are getting paid to type those.

Gotta love the fanboyism....
QUOTE=techrat;1040843957]Your assumptions in order to save face are so trite and douchey. Own up to being wrong or kindly shut your sniveling face.[/QUOTE]

I jumped off the Apple wagon about 6 months ago. I have been using a Android NEXUS 5 since then and couldn't be happier. To be able to modify my own device to my hearts content without the faux Apple walls limiting me at every turn is a breath of fresh air. And my favorite bonus... NO ITUNES!!!! I never have to wrestle with that piece of shit ever again.

With that said, the iPhone 6 will have to be very special for me to even consider putting myself back on iOS.

OOPS quoted one too far. Sucks when I'm browsing different forums and the quote is sometimes at the top of a post and sometimes at the bottom.

Not surprising, iPhones are inferior hardware these days compared to Android options, and the market is also somewhat saturated since many are happy to use an iPhone 4 or 5 and don't need a 5S.
This is the type of comment that Android users like to throw without thinking about the overall picture.

Apple is ONE company, that has a release cycle of 2 phones per year. Model X and model XS.

Android phone companies release phones day and night to see what shit sticks to the wall. Android market is saturated, the end. The fact that you point out that 4 and 5 users are happy is because Apple puts out solid software for all those platforms and actually supports their products. Galaxy 2 and Galaxy 3 users would switch within seconds if given the chance. Notice how I dont mention Galaxy 4 because its too new to mention and 5 is simply a waterproof rehash. Double standard much? Yes sir, which sums up the Android community as a whole.
Also, majority of Android users dont use their phones to their full potential, so the whole "specs" comment is out of the window.

Majority of you keyboard warriors want to talk about specs, specs this, specs that. Specs dont mean shit in reality when the software still runs like shit and the overall experience is trash. 90% of Android phones DO NOT receive any sort of updates after the next model comes out, so you are stuck with bugs and glitches.

After having almost every known Android phone up until Galaxy 3 and the Nexus 4, I dont regret one bit going to Apple and using their device from that point on.
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