Ipod Nano VBR MP3 problems


Nov 3, 2002
Seems like Ipod Nano dosn't like some VBR MP3's. I got a few songs that will play 90% of the way and then just skip to the next song. I watched the mp3 player while it was doing this and noticed the song timer skipped very eraticly and hardly kept on time with the song. It seems like it has an old school mp3 problem of not handling vbr mp3's that well. It has only happened to a few mp3's so far but it is freaking annoying. Does anyone know if this can be fixed? I have Version 1.0 of the nano is there an update already? I checked there site and it dosn't seem so. I am not going to reconvert my mp3's the cbr so hopefully they will figure out some fix for it.
I've seent he same problem with my 3G ipod. It was only on one sone, so I just converted it to AAC. All of my other 5,000 VBR files play fine though.

I'm not expecting apple to fix this any thime soon. iirc VBR mp3 doesn't really have a defined standard, so I guess that your files are too much for the ipod's decoder chip to handle.

are you using auto update or manual update songs on your ipod? (under ipod options)

if you do it manually..then delete the bad song off the ipod, then readd it to the ipod....this will (hopefully) fix it.

its just a little bug in the transfer of the file (dunno what causes it), but it is easily fixed.

if you are updatting automagically then you need to switch to manual update, then do the above, then switch back to auto update and continue on your merry way.

this has happened a few times to me :p and it is very annoying when its your favorite song and you arent going to be home for a couple hours :p :(
Thanks. I just drag and drop the mp3's over in Itunes so I am guessing this is what you mean by manually. I will have to find the songs and retry them when I get home. Although I actually have near a whole album that does this unless I click the middle button during play and then it will fix itself (it will actually repeat a second of audio to adjust itself). I hope uploading works.
The problem actually seems to be the codec I was using. Lame 3.9.3 just dosn't like the ipod I guess. I am using lame 3.97 now and audio is playing back perfectly. Still wish they could fix the problem since I don't have all the cd's I want in order to reencode them Apple really seemed like a great mp3 player until now.