iPod touch video playback problems?

May 7, 2006
Hi, I just got an iPod touch and really like it, but I noticed that on quite a few videos, there are multiple points which cause the video player to crash. At this point if I try to restart the video, it starts from the beginning rather than the crash point. Has anyone else had this problem and if so does anyone know of a fix? Thanks!
What do you use to encode your videos? I noticed that when I switched converters, the crash point changed, so I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with that.
hmm, that's the one I used initially that gave me more problems. I would think it's something with the files since the lockups happen at the same time, but they play back perfectly on my computer.
I have the same problem. Make sure the ipod touch video is being encoded at native res, I think the problem might be related to CPU usage for downsizing.
I have heard that this is a USB driver problem and a lot of ppl fixed it by using an external PCI USB Card.

There are some reports that its Vista causing this and using XP for Itunes solves the problem. Which OS are you using, to those experiencing the problem?
Now the video just crashes and goes back to springboard? Also, is this video playing through the itunes application on your itouch?
using a PCI usb card seems to have helped, but just the other day I had a song do a similar thing
One or two other notes:-

1. link to the Apple forum which discusses the original problem.

2. Someone mentioned that turning off Avast seemed to help, but another user reported that it did not work for him. I am going to attempt this method next.
I decided not to try the USB approach because I really don't see the point in modifying core driver settings to get a plug and play device to behave like it was designed to.

So I synced from my wife's laptop - OS is Win XP - and all videos play back perfectly. I hope this issue with Vista is resolved very quickly. Its quite annoying.