iRacing? How many of you have tried it? Anyone just starting? Or want to start?


Feb 14, 2005
Hey guys,

Im curious. I just signed up for a year of iRacing but am looking to get some feedback. Anyone want to join it and race? or participate in races together? friendly competition?

also, are there any additional graphics mods for iRacing out there?

overall what has been your experience with iRacing?
I haven't tried it yet, but [H] has a team that races with it, and I have watched some of the streams. It looks really good.
I jumped on a year when it was 50 bucks for returning subs. I don't play it regularly, but basically just got it because it supports the Oculus DK2 so well and its a blast to play with that and my G27. I would be up for some friendly racing, but I'm mainly an ovals guy. If that's not your thing I will do road courses but don't have nearly the skill to "compete" on them.
Hit up the Hardforum user "OEM".
He regularly plays. Contact him about the Hard team.