Is it possible to use 8-10 monitors at once?

The Equalizer

Limp Gawd
Jul 26, 2005
I am thinking about buying between 8-10 17 or 19 inch monitors and using them together. Is this possible? If it is, first what is needed in terms of a pc setup and software, and third what would be the best hardware i.e the actually monitors and brackets etc. Any help is much appreciated.
Not sure on what you want to use for monitors and brackets, thats up to you. You can do that...though it may prove challenging. You will need to have multiple video cards, if you can find a quad pcie board you could throw in a bunch of dual link dvi cards and hook up 8 that way. Maybe if you have an older board you can try filling up your old pci ports with junker cards or if it has an agp maybe you can use that too.

You will want to use ultramon as it is probably one of the nicest multiple screen handlers I've seen. I only have 2 monitors but I love that program, with 8 I would think it could be very beneficial.