Is the NEC 20wmgx2 worse for your eyes because of the screen???


Jan 19, 2005
First off, anyone notice that they arent selling NEC products at CC or Best Buy anymore? both used to sell the 20wmgx2. Anyone know whats going on with that?

anyhow, i was just curious, does the glossy opticlear whatever tech that this NEC monitor cause more eyestrain when used alot, moreso than matte monitors anyway? (i do know that LCD monitors in general are easier on the eyes than a CRT).
I don't think it makes any difference at all in regards to eye strain. Laptops have used glossy coatings for years and I've never heard a complaint about eye strain in regards to the coating.
I think the gloss coating does cause more strain to be honest. My eyes used to hurt looking at the 20wmgx2 even with 30-40brightness and the w2207 seemed to be similar.
My 20WMGX2 caused me an enormous amount of eyestrain, one of the many reasons why I returned it. More so than using a CRT with a low refresh rate, even. I don't have any trouble with matte LCDs, so I've always assumed that it was the glossy coating that was bothering my eyes.
when i first got my computer i had a shitty HP monitor and it sucked ass, my eyes would hurt like hell after sitting infront of it for even a half hour. I then got a wmgx2 and it went away, no matter how long i sit infront of them, my eyes good :). I have my brightness at 12.5 and contrast at 97.0 though so maybe its settings that affect peoples eyes and not the screen itself?
First off, anyone notice that they arent selling NEC products at CC or Best Buy anymore? both used to sell the 20wmgx2. Anyone know whats going on with that?

anyhow, i was just curious, does the glossy opticlear whatever tech that this NEC monitor cause more eyestrain when used alot, moreso than matte monitors anyway? (i do know that LCD monitors in general are easier on the eyes than a CRT).

Best Buy doesnt want to sell / pay for a premium product. They would rather sell 5 displays that are identical by different manufacturers at low prices. You can say good bye to IPS in retail after the 20WMGX2 because of this.
I did see that BB and CC stopped carrying NEC online (most had already dropped it from stores. I had to go an hour over into another state to get mine at a BB last Feb). They told me that they were too expensive to keep in the stores. That sounded odd to me since they have 500 Gateways and Samsungs not to mention 3000 TV''s. I think some panel makers must have these stores locked in to them somehow

My eyes feel better using the NEC. Its crisper than the CRT I had which was very soft with fonts and such. I didn't realise how bad it was until I had to use my CRT again during a move. I find the "glare" issue extraordinarily overcooked since its no more glossy than the jillions of tube TV's and CRT's people used for 50 years. Stay away from bright windows and lamps behind you and you'll be fine - just like a TV. Keep in mind too all those "OMG look at the reflection!" photos of a gloss monitor while its shut off aren't really being even since having the monitor on is much different story. Anti-glare coatings look dirty and grainy and if you can see a gloss and anti-glare side by side with same image you just cant use anti glare if you care about say photography. Its like a choice between a clear or dirty windshield. The minute someone tells me they prefer anti-glare I think they must either work in a big, bright office, outdoors or consider things like "games" a good measure of graphic quality and dont do photograpy. "Oblivion" in 3D may be demanding compared to say WoW but a Canon D30 will find no friend in the $250 TN panels often considered the best for gaming.
abc, while the first couple sentences of that post talked about eyestrain you kind of trailed off into a different subject entirely after that it feels like.

anyway, some are saying it does cause more eyestrain, and some are saying that they had eyestrain until they switched to it, so that's a bit confusing for me indeed.

I mean, i did hear that LCD's in general are easier on the eys than CRT's, but i just wasnt sure if the clear coating is worse for your eyes or not, and judging from the mixed comments i'm still not sure.