It's raining... It's pouring...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2006
Sep 27, 2004
Well for the 3rd time in the past week I've had to drag down all my in home boxen due to the impending severe weather, lightning and the such. It's getting beyond old here lately, so whilst I'm hunkered down with my laptop in the safety of the bathroom, anyone else been dealing with this crap too?

p[H]ant0m said:
Well for the 3rd time in the past week I've had to drag down all my in home boxen due to the impending severe weather, lightning and the such. It's getting beyond old here lately, so whilst I'm hunkered down with my laptop in the safety of the bathroom, anyone else been dealing with this crap too?

we had more rain in april than the average for april...and that was on the second :rolleyes

p[H]ant0m said:
...anyone else been dealing with this crap too?

some idiot in the DC forum keeps posting, other than that all good here!
Ya It's raining nonstop and the weather man won't shut up. It's so bad that the counties have to sound the tornado sirens because of severe weather.

Well last week, it did a number on the house electrical circuit. Two of the outlets in the basement won't hold a current anymore and they had shorted out because of the bad weather.

I had to pull down the server farm and stop folding to determine the next action or direction to take my folding farm. I am deeply considering a 32u relay rack for the equipment, that would keep some of it off the floor. My mother is paranoid that the basement would flood a few inches and she wants the computer off the floor.
rain? What is that? Never seen that in Arizona. Oh well, back out to the pool and the sun. Later! :D
ICE_9 said:
rain? What is that? Never seen that in Arizona. Oh well, back out to the pool and the sun. Later! :D

Funny, the part of the lawn outside my porch looks like a pool... At least the rain and storms moved out and its folding as normal... now to just get it so it's not 30 overnight. :p
ICE_9 said:
rain? What is that? Never seen that in Arizona. Oh well, back out to the pool and the sun. Later! :D

How many days without rain now in AZ?
brycejones said:
How many days without rain now in AZ?
It ended a few weeks ago. something like 140-150 days. Mostly up north has been getting the snow. I hope they get snowed in. I need my water this summer.
ICE_9 said:
It ended a few weeks ago. something like 140-150 days. Mostly up north has been getting the snow. I hope they get snowed in. I need my water this summer.

My parents live in Denver they were feeling that way about snow in the high country a couple of years ago.

Glad to hear you guys FINALLY got some rain.
amenthes said:
Fifteen feet of snow in seventeen days. Need I say more?

Haven't you guys recieved like 50+ feet so far this year? That is going to make for one hell of a Spring/Summer melt.
Yeah, it's ridiculous how much snow is on the ground right now. Somewhere around 20-25 feet, packed. Total snowfall has probably exceeded 60 feet for the year. The melt is going to be quite interesting for the central valley.

Oh, and it's snowing outside right now. A foot expected tonight. Argh.

I may have to take a roadtrip to Arizona.
ICE_9 said:
It ended a few weeks ago. something like 140-150 days. Mostly up north has been getting the snow. I hope they get snowed in. I need my water this summer.

you should buy water from us, we (vancouver-ites) have massive glaciers... and whistler....
For your enjoyment:

Yeah, it was about 82 here today. Only supposed to be 57 tomorrow. For the most part, I don't shut my systems down. This town hardly ever gets severe weather. You could have the nastiest storm ever known come this way and it would split in half, go around and reform on the other side. I'm not joking.

The worst we had was a couple of weeks ago. Other than seeing some lightning, hearing some thunder and hearing the wind; I didn't know anything was going on until the sirens went off. At that point I turned on the TV to see the radar and went back to gaming. It didn't bother me a bit.

92f here yesterday. We're still under draught conditions and a high fire rating. Oh well. I'll watch it all burn as I sit on my boat on the lake.
Damn. I hardly ever see the white stuff here in southern TX. It's been so long since I've lived up North, those pics are almost unbelivable. It's in the hihg 60s right now, and the low 80s during the day.

We aren't in drought here in H-town though, even though it's been quite a dry winter, it's rained enough we can still have fires. I'm glad I'm here and not in the hill country area that's been so dry....and hot judging by pengiun's report.
Wow, that's alot of snow, I really kinda wish we would have had a fraction of that this year. We had so little winter it wasn't even funny. This was the fun I was putting up with yesterday:

Taken about 15 mins from my house, and there were reports of larger from the same storm.

weve been getting some bad lightning and wind recently in Northern VA, Southern MD, so bad once my neighrbors siding flew off the house and almost hit his mustang.
I don't understand.

I recommend thatyou keep your boxen INSIDE a building, such as your house. That way, if it starts to rain or snow, they will be protected. :D
I'd kill for some rain. We havent had any real amounts of percipitation, here in SE AZ, in 5 months. Dust is everywhere...
Is there any system in place currently for a home for unpowered boxen?

I think it might be a cool idea if we had a list with people with space for boxen, for a situation such as this. Pay for power, we'll house your boxen? Just an idea. The weather is not seeming to ease up down south. I don't know about y'all, but I've got a ton of room in my server room.
amenthes said:
For your enjoyment:[img]
Color Moose jealous! :eek:
mwarps said:
Is there any system in place currently for a home for unpowered boxen?

I think it might be a cool idea if we had a list with people with space for boxen, for a situation such as this. Pay for power, we'll house your boxen? Just an idea. The weather is not seeming to ease up down south. I don't know about y'all, but I've got a ton of room in my server room.
i dont know about that...but as soon as i have some money, im going solar power at my house (or atleast for a farm).....Folding by the power of the sun...i like the sound of that :)

roftranspo said:
i dont know about that...but as soon as i have some money, im going solar power at my house (or atleast for a farm).....Folding by the power of the sun...i like the sound of that :)


That will take some serious cash. I looked into this last year just out of curoisty and the solar is still stupid expensive. A better option if your area is good for it would be a wind turbine the cost per kwh is lower.
brycejones said:
That will take some serious cash. I looked into this last year just out of curoisty and the solar is still stupid expensive. A better option if your area is good for it would be a wind turbine the cost per kwh is lower.
i dont have enough wind here...and also i have a friend whos dad sells it :)

Solar is still wicked expensive. Prohibitively so in a lot of areas. Unless you live somewhere with nonstop sunshine, like AZ, NM or the like, you really shouldn't waste the $$$.
I think Sacramento is pretty far up there on the "nonstop sunshine" list. Assuming that rain ever stops that is :D
amenthes said:
I think Sacramento is pretty far up there on the "nonstop sunshine" list. Assuming that rain ever stops that is :D
yea...we are up there...last week we had partially sunny and rain :) sunglasses and a raincoat should go so well together :confused:

4 Tornados over the weekend....tis spring in as the mobiles become truely mobile.
i just witness the funniest thing.
It has been overcast all day..Then:
steady rain
rain lightens slightly
then [H]ard downpoar
and then BRIGHT sunny with no clouds

this all occured in less then 5 mins :confused:

roftranspo said:
i just witness the funniest thing.
It has been overcast all day..Then:
steady rain
rain lightens slightly
then [H]ard downpoar
and then BRIGHT sunny with no clouds

this all occured in less then 5 mins :confused:


That sounds like Missouri weather to me. It's a pretty normal occurance here. I also like the raining on one side of a two lane road and sunny on the other. Litterally, it was split by the dotted yellow line. The only thing that sucked was that I was driving on the side with the rain.

SmokeRngs said:
That sounds like Missouri weather to me. It's a pretty normal occurance here. I also like the raining on one side of a two lane road and sunny on the other. Litterally, it was split by the dotted yellow line. The only thing that sucked was that I was driving on the side with the rain.

thats funny...but yea...thats normal "Missouri" weather...but i live in California so WTF people

Agromahdi123 said:
weve been getting some bad lightning and wind recently in Northern VA, Southern MD, so bad once my neighrbors siding flew off the house and almost hit his mustang.

tell me about it! it doesnt help that much of southern MD is farmland (south anne arundel, calvert, st. mary's)
SmokeRngs said:
That sounds like Missouri weather to me. It's a pretty normal occurance here. I also like the raining on one side of a two lane road and sunny on the other. Litterally, it was split by the dotted yellow line. The only thing that sucked was that I was driving on the side with the rain.

Don't forget Iowa, we get some crazy weather too. Anyway, I almost live in Misouri, as I'm about an hour from the border :D
