It's time for a new powersupply.. Question is, which one?


King of Charts
Feb 21, 2006
First thing's first: This isn't for my rig. It's a basic build for a friend.


Athlon64 3200+
ASRock 939dual-sataII
2x512 cheapo ram
Geforce 6600 vanilla
Single hard drive
Single optical drive
Antec P180 (he really wants one.)

I have a small budget, and this is most likely gonna have to be purchased Locally. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada which means I'm pretty much limited to NCIX.

Please suggest a good supply. Budget is about $50, and this system will not be overclocked too hard.

Note: Long cables = :), Antec P180

Thanks for your suggestions.
In the US the XCilo 450W or XCilo GoodPower 500W &
some of the 400W to 500W Enhance models would be my recommendation.

What are your best CA options?

Good Luck,
Dave ;)
There's an FSP AX 400 or 450, not too much else selection. Pretty much this is it. Seems like the best deals are the FSP's. I'd go with some other stuff, but it's either too much for the build, or just plain not available.

The board is only 20 pin, but any upgrades in the future need a 24 pin. A Pci-E connector would be nice, but not absolutely needed seeing how the 6600 doesn't need one.
I'm very happy with my FSP AX450, it's been running my Gaming rig (see sig) for about 6 months problems whatsoever. IMO, best bang for the $$$ at it's price point.