iTunes inconsistancy

a ronin

Jan 29, 2003

I've been wracking my brains over why iTunes sometimes (not always) will not import album art to my iPod. In iTunes it has the artwork but when I try to view it on the iPod, it's blank.

I haven't done any comprehensive analysis yet, but I think it's happening on both my Nano and Video iPods.

Some insights would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried in iTunes, when your iPod comes up, to deselect "Show Artwork", then re-sync your iPod, then re-select "Show Artwork", re-sync again, let it go through the "optimizing artwork for iPod" phase (which takes like 5-10 minutes or so)?
Same thing happens to me... My songs in iTunes all have artwork, but only 30-40% get shown in the iPod.

I've even factory restored my iPod and replaced all the songs. Still a no-go.
Sorry Shnike. I haven't had time to follow up using your suggested remedy. It's a relief (kind of) to see it's not an isolated problem. Finicky software is to blame, perhaps?

At first I thought the problem was because my iPod was formatted from Windows and now I was using a Mac which caused some internal rift between the two. Like OS X trying to expunge the Windows demon from the iPod.