J.J. Abrams Talks Starkiller Base And General Hux In The Force Awakens


Aug 20, 2006
I’m not sure how to feel about there being yet another Death Star thingie. Hopefully there will be more than trench runs involved in its inevitable destruction.

“It is very much — and it’s acknowledged as such in the movie — apparently another Death Star,” Abrams says. “But what it’s capable of, how it works, and what the threat is, is far greater than what the Death Star could have done. Starkiller Base is another step forward, technologically speaking, in terms of power.”
I would mention the Sun Crusher...but since they wiped out the EU, I guess there's no conflict.
Why couldn't they just do the thrawn trilogy. I'm sure it will an ok movie but JJ is going to get more shit for these than he did with Star Trek.
Wait a second, are they just renaming the Sun Crusher? Or are they making an entirely new...death...star...thing....unrelated to the EU
I thought the Sun Crusher was a much smaller, fighter-sized craft, which would rule out "renaming" for something that is on the scale of the Death Star.
Did they name a base after a character, or they just didn't do their homework, and had no idea, that there is a character called Starkiller in the universe already?
Did they name a base after a character, or they just didn't do their homework, and had no idea, that there is a character called Starkiller in the universe already?

Not only that... Starkiller was changed to skywalker in the edit/draft process of the original screenplays.

So it's either a reused nod, or a nod to another nod, which wouldn't really make sense considering starkiller in the video games started the rebellion not the empire.

I am starting to feel the dread I felt leading up to the prequels. But I think that is natural given I am a pretty big fan.

I want to have faith in JJ but another deathstar and I suspect another "family" lineage surprise reveal reaks of fan-fiction or story by executives/marketing. I suppose it could be done right but boy there is a fine line on new-take of old story and just pandering.

If Kylo is Solo's son and kills Han I will literally throw up in my mouth... I suppose that would be better than waiting til end of VIII with a "Han/Luke I am your son!" "noooooooo!"

A planet sized death star is actually a really stupid idea. Unless the New Order is going to be as big or bigger than the Empire Where would they get the labor and resources to make such a thing? Seems to me it would be more practical to have the New Order be more like the rebels were, smaller hidden, could be anywhere everywhere fanatics.

Either way, JJ is pretty good with action movies. I think (hope) at worse it will be a good action flick just like Star Trek was (to me at least).
This is going to be such a cliche disaster like the star trek reboot movies. I expect to be entertained for a few hours but I don't expect it to be memorable.
This is going to be such a cliche disaster like the star trek reboot movies. I expect to be entertained for a few hours but I don't expect it to be memorable.
This 100%

It will be great renewing that childhood memory of a great saga of ships rolling across the screen but after the show is over, I likely wont be adding the next series to my digital collection.
Especially since it will be no big deal on Netflix.
Oh boo fucking hoo, how about we wait until the movie comes out before shitting all over it?

I loved the new Star Trek films and any whiny neckbeard who disagrees can go watch perpetual re-runs of Star Trek V in hell.
Oh boo fucking hoo, how about we wait until the movie comes out before shitting all over it?

I loved the new Star Trek films and any whiny neckbeard who disagrees can go watch perpetual re-runs of Star Trek V in hell.

Yeah really, OB/GYN business must be booming from all the nerds spraining their vaginas over Force Awakens trailers and interviews.

Chill out, it'll be out soon.
Oh boo fucking hoo, how about we wait until the movie comes out before shitting all over it?

I loved the new Star Trek films and any whiny neckbeard who disagrees can go watch perpetual re-runs of Star Trek V in hell.

Curious... do you actually think about what you post? Or are you consciously arrogant (ahem I mean confident) enough to honestly believe that your opinion of movies are universal fact in which all who have a different one are "whiny neckbeards" that should go to "hell" blah blah blah?

I liked JJs Star Trek also, I was entertained. Yet while I don't entirely understand, I still can recognize that it is possible the "reboot" of the universe may not have had the same qualities that drew them to the property to begin with which I would understand why they would not like it as much. I would say the same to them if they complained about pandering to the blah blah blah...

These are movies/art, while yes there is some degree of quantitative quality (acting, writing, directing quality), most is just opinion on preference.
Curious... do you actually think about what you post? Or are you consciously arrogant (ahem I mean confident) enough to honestly believe that your opinion of movies are universal fact in which all who have a different one are "whiny neckbeards" that should go to "hell" blah blah blah?

Mix of confidence and sarcasm. I'm absolutely certain that Star Trek Into Darkness is not the worst of the films. I was honestly really put off by the way certain members of the Trek community reacted to Into Darkness and new Trek fans. I'm perfectly fine with someone not enjoying the film, but don't insult the director and contrive polls where it's somehow the worst film of them all. What's the point? It's Trek, not a presidential election. You'll just drive other talented directors and new fans away.

On the actual nerd side of things, I don't see why so many people want to compare it to Wrath of Khan. It was clearly more a retelling of the TOS episode Space Seed, except in the reboot universe Dick Cheny finds Khan instead of Kirk.
The problem with the Star Trek reboots, that while moderately entertaining itself (well the first one at least...), was that they were not Star Trek films. They were simplified space fantasy action for dumb masses.
My biggest pet peeve with JJ is is lack of respect for source material and and horrendous production values. Just look at the Star Trek Reboots as evidence. The engineering sections were shot in beer breweries with little to no effort to build believable sets. The guy simply is so overrated and I don't have high hopes for Star Wars under his direction.
My biggest pet peeve with JJ is is lack of respect for source material and and horrendous production values. Just look at the Star Trek Reboots as evidence. The engineering sections were shot in beer breweries with little to no effort to build believable sets. The guy simply is so overrated and I don't have high hopes for Star Wars under his direction.

My feelings exactly,Abrams is so arrogant he thinks the original material should be completely rewritten to fit his ideas. I'm surprised he didn't introduce a time travel element to the movie so he could completely change the whole saga. The man doesn't have a shred of inventiveness or originality in him.
My feelings exactly,Abrams is so arrogant he thinks the original material should be completely rewritten to fit his ideas. I'm surprised he didn't introduce a time travel element to the movie so he could completely change the whole saga. The man doesn't have a shred of inventiveness or originality in him.

In the end the man is a hack. I have more hope for the other SW movies as they will have different directors.
While I am not a huge fan of his works, and I agree with you on some level, you are probably overestimating his overall impact on production. Studio pressure, producer demands, screenwriting, budget and all that crap comes into it too.

Anyway going back to Trek, I have to say that franchise never really sold me on the movie front really. TV was always it's heart. Not even my favorite film out of them (Voyage Home) comes anywhere near the quality they had on the stronger seasons of TNG and DS9

The new ST series on CBS AA from 2017, million times more promising than another JJ reboot film
Another death star? how original
The first time, only a force guided missile could fit into the exhaust port.

Recognizing that problem, they made it bigger so a god damn millennium falcon could fit (imperial logic).

This time it will probably be big enough that Home One will be able to squeeze right on through, dodging Star Destroyers that are on its tail.

I think George Bush said it best, "Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again!"
I think the weapon is like some giant force amplification jobby and channels dark force power to destroy stuff. I think also that it needs some conduit and Luke got caught (somehow) and they are using him as the conduit.

Anyway, I'll findout what the real deal is on 18th December like everybody else I suppose.
I'm looking forward to the new Star Wars. Given how Lucas IMO effed up the prequels, I'm glad he finally handed off to another team of creators. Also, given JJ Abrams previous work on other franchises - M.I. and Trek - I can't say that I was disappointed in either of those.

I hate when reboots always do a "retelling of the origin story" and JJ hasn't fallen into that trap, so here's hoping he keeps up with that.
If Kylo is Solo's son and kills Han I will literally throw up in my mouth... I suppose that would be better than waiting til end of VIII with a "Han/Luke I am your son!" "noooooooo!"

The theory I read is that the girl is Luke's Daughter and Kylo is Leia/Han's son. Kylo is going to do a reverse of the classic line and say "You are NOT my father" as he strikes down Han.
My biggest pet peeve with JJ is is lack of respect for source material and and horrendous production values. Just look at the Star Trek Reboots as evidence. The engineering sections were shot in beer breweries with little to no effort to build believable sets. The guy simply is so overrated and I don't have high hopes for Star Wars under his direction.

In Into Darkness the Engineer sections (in particular where they are looking at the "torpedoes") were shot at the National Ignition Facility at LLNL, not a brewery. Not sure where you came up with that nonsense.

In Into Darkness the Engineer sections (in particular where they are looking at the "torpedoes") were shot at the National Ignition Facility at LLNL, not a brewery. Not sure where you came up with that nonsense.



"For scenes in the engine room of the Enterprise, Abrams wanted a gigantic, open space that looked entirely different from the smaller soundstage sets that had traditionally been used in "Star Trek." So the crew traveled just north of Los Angeles to the Anheuser-Busch brewery in Van Nuys, California, where they produce Budweiser and other labels of beer. The plant has a total floor area of 1.7 million square feet, bigger than any soundstage in the world."

Total nonsense, right?

The warp core was NIF. Engineering room itself was the brewery, and they shot there for both films.
I'm looking forward to the new Star Wars. Given how Lucas IMO effed up the prequels, I'm glad he finally handed off to another team of creators. Also, given JJ Abrams previous work on other franchises - M.I. and Trek - I can't say that I was disappointed in either of those.

I hate when reboots always do a "retelling of the origin story" and JJ hasn't fallen into that trap, so here's hoping he keeps up with that.

What??!! You don't consider introducing a ridiculous time travel plot to alter the events of the entire series (and completely butchering it in the process) "retelling the origin story"?
The first time, only a force guided missile could fit into the exhaust port.

Recognizing that problem, they made it bigger so a god damn millennium falcon could fit (imperial logic).

This time it will probably be big enough that Home One will be able to squeeze right on through, dodging Star Destroyers that are on its tail.

I think George Bush said it best, "Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again!"

No, the Second Death Star had functional weapons but it's structure was incomplete. Because it was incomplete Rebel fighters and the Falcon were able to fly into the open structure.
Functional weapons as in lasers for some reason set to lowest efficiency level , capable of only blowing up one rebel vessel at the time...
In Into Darkness the Engineer sections (in particular where they are looking at the "torpedoes") were shot at the National Ignition Facility at LLNL, not a brewery. Not sure where you came up with that nonsense.


Next time do your research before calling other people's opinion "nonsense". Even sadder is that I knew immediately it was a beer brewery even before looking it up after watching the movie. That is the definition of cheap garbage production values.

"For scenes in the engine room of the Enterprise, Abrams wanted a gigantic, open space that looked entirely different from the smaller soundstage sets that had traditionally been used in "Star Trek." So the crew traveled just north of Los Angeles to the Anheuser-Busch brewery in Van Nuys, California, where they produce Budweiser and other labels of beer. The plant has a total floor area of 1.7 million square feet, bigger than any soundstage in the world."

Total nonsense, right?

The warp core was NIF. Engineering room itself was the brewery, and they shot there for both films.

Thank you.
I don't mind much of his usual antics other than the stupid shaky cam. I swear if he ruins Star Wars, like he did Star Trek with shaky cam I will be pissed.
Why couldn't they just do the thrawn trilogy. I'm sure it will an ok movie but JJ is going to get more shit for these than he did with Star Trek.

yes plz.

lifelong zahn fan after growing up reading those.
Oh boo fucking hoo, how about we wait until the movie comes out before shitting all over it?

I loved the new Star Trek films and any whiny neckbeard who disagrees can go watch perpetual re-runs of Star Trek V in hell.
If you take a franchise's name and exploit it purely as a marketing boost to an otherwise cliche story, is pretty weak.

But you're right to a degree, bad film making has nothing to do with respecting cannon. ST2 basically lifts the ending of the original ST2 just flipping the characters of Spock and Kirk. Then to ensure Kirk doesn't die and justify a foot chase finale, he injects a plot device out of thin air 'healing blood'. Countless ways that cliche is just so fucking wrong and weak.
The theory I read is that the girl is Luke's Daughter and Kylo is Leia/Han's son. Kylo is going to do a reverse of the classic line and say "You are NOT my father" as he strikes down Han.

That'll make it a little ridiculous when they kiss. But, that wouldn't be a first. Skywalkers like to keep in the family. Am I right, Luke and Leia?
I LOVE the Star Trek reboots. The 1st one I thought was so spot on with the way that Spock, McCoy and Kirk were played was uncanny. Their mannerisms were spot on. I also loved the rebooted story. Making Vulcans rare was great idea I thought.

The 2nd was not as good as the 1st, but had some nice moments, and a couple ruined, but I loved it none the less.

JJ has not made a bad movie to my recollection. They have been all entertaining to say the least. THAT is what I want in my movies. Especially Star Wars.

Speaking of which, what exactly are people expecting him to do with the franchise to ruin it? There was no canon past the movies. He can go anywhere Disney says he can go and THAT becomes canon. On top of that, the original actors are in there, there must be some continuum along the original movies. Enough at least to keep it believable IMO.

Got my tickets for the 1st night baby! Lux level and all!
If you take a franchise's name and exploit it purely as a marketing boost to an otherwise cliche story, is pretty weak.

But you're right to a degree, bad film making has nothing to do with respecting cannon. ST2 basically lifts the ending of the original ST2 just flipping the characters of Spock and Kirk. Then to ensure Kirk doesn't die and justify a foot chase finale, he injects a plot device out of thin air 'healing blood'. Countless ways that cliche is just so fucking wrong and weak.

Weak, yet still miles better than the last 4+ movies before the reboot and far more watchable than the shit voyager and enterprise were.
Weak, yet still miles better than the last 4+ movies before the reboot and far more watchable than the shit voyager and enterprise were.

Except Voyager is great more exploring like in the original good characters and a strong sense of what Roddenberry tried to do make future worth time traveling too.

The first two seasons of Enterprise were good too though they did rehash a lot of stuff but from an earlier perspective. Season 3 had some good episodes but they dragged out the Xendi thing way to long should have been a three or four part story. The fourth season they started to get back to having shorter story arcs and looked liked they might get things back on track but it was too late. Far from "shit" though maybe I'd have the same opinion of things you like.

On topic:
As far as Star Wars goes, I really only ever watch episode IV both original theatrical and the newer edit (both have their points). I'd love to see something new and exiting and as fun as the original but without rehashing it's plot, I have a feeling this new one isn't going to be that, but I have hope it will. I'm not as invested in the cannon of Star Wars as I am to Star Trek so I'll give Abrams the benefit of the doubt, for now.

I'm just not sure any new movies in Star Wars can ever come near the original, maybe time would be better spent on creating some new universe for a new series, or how about a movie based on "The Skylark of Space" by E.E. Doc Smith? Something quite different than the Star Wars or Star Trek universes (with some technology updates of course).