Jet Intake Mod


Apr 12, 2007
This is my first mod Its been done for a while but I just found this forum so I figured I might as well post it. also when I did this mod I had no $ so i had to work with things I had around the house.


Front of my case and the backing of an old laptop screen.


All I had to cut this with as a hacksaw, tin snips, and a wood file. And let me tell you that plastic is tough.


Just checking to make sure the 2 blacks matched.


This was a Ziplock container, it is going to be our Ziplock intake cowling.


Painted it silver and attached it with hot glue.


This was the only 120mm fan I had so I added half a ping pong ball for looks


God bless erector set. without it mounting my fan would have become much more difficult


This is what I had at the end of the day. I think it looks fairly decent. Took around 3 hours most of it spent trying to figure out how to cut the plastic and mount the fan.


I eventually got a few bucks together and bought the fan I originally wanted for the mod. Aerocool Xtreme Turbine 16 blade 89 CFM fan.


The fan looks great turned on, and if you let it run at 100% it even sounds like a jet. Only problem I have is the lights reflecting off the blades form a blue swastika.
Looks tight....the whole half a ping pong ball made me lol :D
Like the ziploc cowling idea, quick and easy.

I went a harder route, using some black ABS sewer pipe, positioned over the case fan location and epoxied in a rough cutout in the bezel. I then applied bondo around the joint ground the protruding tube to match teh slight curve of the bezel, then also took a router with a radius bit to the opening to give it a curved edge.


And I used a prop spinner for RC aircraft on my fan hub. Pointy is better.

Even sicker then the last...good stuff the rounded edges look real smooth. Flows nicly into the cace
Awesome mod, that fan is sick looking and I love how smooth the whole thing is. the color is also great, like a deep blue sky.

Great work.