Jimi Wallet (Facebook branded)


May 7, 2006
If you have a Facebook account, join the Chase1 group (linked below). The group is steered towards getting everyone on Facebook one of their credit cards. You'll earn Karma points for inviting friends and spending money with your credit card......BUT.... you get 1 Karma point for joining the group.

Lucky for us, the snazzy Facebook-branded Jimi wallet (also linked below) is just 1 Karma point ...ie... FREE!

Join the group:

More about the wallet:
I ordered mine, I hope it arrives, I put a fake number - apparently they telemarket everyweek

You have to press the join button to get your free karma point, rather than clicking just the join group on the right
Can you elaborate please?

When I join the group, I looked at all the FAQs and it says you get +1 for joining the facebook group. I joined the group and my karma points says I have a balance of 0. What am I missing here?
Stuey83 said:
Can you elaborate please?

When I join the group, I looked at all the FAQs and it says you get +1 for joining the facebook group. I joined the group and my karma points says I have a balance of 0. What am I missing here?

I had the same problem, but I waited a couple of minutes and refreshed the page and it was there.
I was too impatient and I guess leaving and then joining again a few times invalidated me. Oh well. I just registered a different email addie with facebook and that went smoothly.
will see if i got it. I am thinking about leaving the group just so I do not need to deal with Chase advertisments on my facebook though.
so i joined teh group, then clicked on the wallet.. everything looked fine.. and then it said i had no points. if i refresh the main page, its says i have a point.. if i click on the catalog, it goes away.
Thanks. I was about to purchase one of these actually. I used for my phone # the AIMVoice number to avoid constant phone calls.

Much appreciated. I saw that some people were having problems, so I was patient and got it to work via the discussion in this thread.
That page is messed up.

This what I had to do to get it to work.

1) Register at Facebook
2) Use link to get the page to join Citi +1 http://rit.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204844222
3) Click on the join link next to the Jimi wallet pic (not on the right)
4) You join and get the point
5) Go to store and add the jimi wallet to cart.
6) Your cart will show that you have th e jimi wallet in it etc.. The checkout button is messed up here. I could not get it to work at all. Probably some built-in deterrent. When you click on it, it will go to the top of the page. I tried it on a Mac & PC (firefox, safari, ie) You have to use this link https://www.chaseplus1store.com/checkout_karmacash.php

It says you have to wait on a confirmation email, but I have yet to get it. Been more than 36 hours.
Oh that is strange

Chase +1 Store
Order Number: xxxx
Date Ordered: Sunday 08 October, 2006

1 x +1/Facebook Jimi™ Wallet () = 1 Karma Points
Total: 1 Karma Points and $ 0.00
Delivery Address

I got my confirmation about about an hour later, as for the facebook adverts, I don't seem to get getting any, are they comments or are they embeded because I have my groups hidden
i got on facebook last night from home.. clicked on the store and it showed my karma point.. so i ordered the wallet and got my confirmation e-mail in a matter of minutes.

so i guess the other comptuer was using the other night was just hatin, or it just took time..
I just recieved mines today (order it a while back)....it's not the best wallet but free is free
FearTheTerp said:
I just recieved mines today (order it a while back)....it's not the best wallet but free is free

How long did it take?
Hate to bump this... but thought I'd at least say a quick thanks... I got mine in the mail today.
i got mine yesterday or maybe even tuesday.. funny thing is my friend got his too.. he ordered his less than 2 weeks ago.. i ordered mine almost a month ago..

oh, and its a piece of crap.. i am going to flip it on ebay or something.. you can't wear it in your back pocket unless you want to crack it.. whoever paid $15 for one is a sucker, plain and simple..

-- scott goes off to design a cheap piece of crap to sell for $15 and then advertise it by giving a bunch away free...
Guys guys guys..
It fits perfectly into your purse, fanny pack or in your bra next to your fake boobs..
If you use any of the above, this wallet is perfect for you.
I travel a lot... and kept a money clip in my front pocket.

personally... I love the thing. getting a friend to sign up to send me another as a replacement. hell, don't like it? send to me. I'll pay postage ;)
three_sixteen said:
Got mine today, I think it's great -- minus the facebook and +1 branding.
ordered mine

think i might try some hardcore scraping work and debrand this thing

is that possible?
i_am_mustang_man said:
ordered mine

think i might try some hardcore scraping work and debrand this thing

is that possible?
i removed the branding easily
soak in alcohol for 20 mins
take out, scratch off the branding with a bounty paper towel
i_am_mustang_man said:
ordered mine

think i might try some hardcore scraping work and debrand this thing

is that possible?

600 grit sandpaper worked fine too
got here, don't mind the branding too much, and putting the instruction on how to open it on the inside was priceless. i could just see somebody having to go online to figure it out lol