Jumping to Verizon, quick question...


Jul 2, 2005
Im on Sprint now, and want to jump to Verizon. I have a Samsung Moment. No LTE here for awhile so im thinking go with the Fascinate. First question is, is there a difference in plan if I buy from Verizons website compared to say Walmart(Verizon shows Fascinate at $199-Walmart $39.99 until 2/3).

Second, can you downgrade your plan in under the 2 yr contract? I have 450 min on Sprint, but since Verizon has 9pm nights, and no anymobile, I think im going to have to go unlimited everything for right now. Check my phone usage in 2 months and maybe downgrade to 900 w/friends and family?

Id like to save as much as I can on the intial purchase of the Fascinate because im going to have to pay an ETF to Sprint. Thanks for any help.
You are not bound to a specific calling plan within your contract term with VZW. You can change as you please, however, when doing changes with a CSR on the phone, they may want to reset your contract with the change. It doesn't have that nuissance when you make changes from your My Verizon page.

Keep in mind that LTE versions are coming out shortly. Offerings by Motorola, HTC are just around the corner.

Also, if you have heard of VZW's "New Every Two" credit program, it's gone. They did away with the upgrade credit last month, so now all you are left with is just their subsidized pricing.
Usually they just pro rate the plan change charges. Unless you go through some type of corporate account I usually just see the prices all the same.
I heard some new phones were coming out. But since itll be awhile before I get LTE here(southern PA) I figured just go with the Fascinate. I didnt know about Verizon doing away with new every 2. Kind of sucks doesnt it? But...I need to get off Sprint. The reception at work sucks. Everywhere else is great, but I cant find this phone usable any longer at work, even with Roam Control.
My one rule of thumb is there is ALWAYS something new around the corner. Then you just have to decide is it worth the wait for that little bit more.

I feel your Sprint pain.
I see Amazon has the Fascinate for $39.99 with a new 2 yr contract...is there a way to port your number when you buy from these websites? Or can you only get a new number?
I see there is a number you can call for questions and support.


Although I hate calling those numbers I am sure they should be able to answer that question.
Just ordered the Fascinate off Amazon for $39.99 Found the section on porting your number. Seems easy enough. Thanks all!
Yeah, you can blame the pending iPhone release for the ending of the NE2 plan. Vzw didn't want to take the hit, anticipating a flood of upgrades from current customers to the iPhone when it came out. At $100 credit per upgrade, they erred on the side of greed as opposed to maintaining the consumer focused perk. Bah!

The Galaxy S phone you are looking at is solid, but don't expect any smiles when it comes to battery life. That is said with all full size Android phones now. My friend has a Fascinate and his battery is shot after 5 hours. Damn pretty AMOLED screen though.

Also...when the LTE phones are released, VZW charges you a separate LTE access charge on top of your plan rate. Great network, but nickel and dime tactics are rampant with Big Red. FWIW, I'm a VZW customer. 18 years now. Can't leave the rock solid network, despite the non-competitive pricing plans.

I heard some new phones were coming out. But since itll be awhile before I get LTE here(southern PA) I figured just go with the Fascinate. I didnt know about Verizon doing away with new every 2. Kind of sucks doesnt it? But...I need to get off Sprint. The reception at work sucks. Everywhere else is great, but I cant find this phone usable any longer at work, even with Roam Control.
Even though you already purchased it on Amazon, just for future reference or anyone else reading; Verizon price-matched my wifes Droid last spring with Best Buys, so if you see a better deal somewhere else, (depending on store managers in your area) they might do the same for you.

Also, I have a friend that switched from Sprint to Verizon and since he switched, Verizon gave him a $100 credit on his account to help out with his ETF from Sprint. But since you've already bought your phone and created your account, I doubt they'll do that now. But it might not hurt to ask if you want to drop by a nearby store in your area.

Edit: Also, I'm in full agreement with Mthr1 above. I've been with them for 6 years now and am extremely satisfied with their network and CS, but their pricing not so much. I believe you get what you pay for though.. there's a reason Sprint and Tmobile are much more affordable.
Speaking of ETF, VZW charges $350 (comparable to AT&T) for their smartphones.
Good to know for future buys that they will port a number.

On terms of price match I tried it with AT&T one time and was simply told no
To the OP: you can change your plan at any time w/o a contract extension and w/o a fee.

Yeah, you can blame the pending iPhone release for the ending of the NE2 plan. Vzw didn't want to take the hit, anticipating a flood of upgrades from current customers to the iPhone when it came out. At $100 credit per upgrade, they erred on the side of greed as opposed to maintaining the consumer focused perk. Bah!

Also...when the LTE phones are released, VZW charges you a separate LTE access charge on top of your plan rate. Great network, but nickel and dime tactics are rampant with Big Red. FWIW, I'm a VZW customer. 18 years now. Can't leave the rock solid network, despite the non-competitive pricing plans.

Considering any existing NE2 credits will be honored, and you'll still have people with NE2 credits as far off as March 15th, 2013 this doesn't make much sense. Even without the Ne2, your still getting the phone for $150-450 off the full retail pricing.

They're going to have more customized campaigns rather than, EVERYBODY gets a blanket $30 off. So if you've had alot of smartphones they'll give you incentives to upgrade to a new smartphone for $50 less than most people. Or 'if you have a BB and you want the new BB knock $50 off it.' Something along those lines.

I haven't heard of any 'extra fee' for LTE yet. The USB cards are actually less expensive than their previous generation 3g cards per month. And the overages are significantly less as well. From what i read they may do away with unlimited data plans tho.

You can change as you please, however, when doing changes with a CSR on the phone, they may want to reset your contract with the change. It doesn't have that nuissance when you make changes from your My Verizon page.

This is just 100% false. However, I'd still say just do it online cause it's super easy.

Speaking of ETF, VZW charges $350 (comparable to AT&T) for their smartphones.

It starts at $350 for smartphones and decreases $10 per month.
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Thanks guys. Just got my Fascinate this evening from UPS. Absolutely LOVE it! Alot faster than my Moment, and I cant believe how much faster Verizons network feels than Sprints.

Still using my Moment for now, Sprint hasnt ported my number over yet. I do anything outgoing on the Fascinate, but I get nothing coming in....so I just gotta wait on Sprint :( Kinda weird how I can make calls on both phones, just cant receive on the Fascinate yet. Thru on Clockr, Jorte, And Fancy Widget for now. Think ill hold off on rooting for a week or two to see if the update to 2.2 comes......either way, extremely happy. Thanks alot!
Thanks guys. Just got my Fascinate this evening from UPS. Absolutely LOVE it! Alot faster than my Moment, and I cant believe how much faster Verizons network feels than Sprints.

Still using my Moment for now, Sprint hasnt ported my number over yet. I do anything outgoing on the Fascinate, but I get nothing coming in....so I just gotta wait on Sprint :( Kinda weird how I can make calls on both phones, just cant receive on the Fascinate yet. Thru on Clockr, Jorte, And Fancy Widget for now. Think ill hold off on rooting for a week or two to see if the update to 2.2 comes......either way, extremely happy. Thanks alot!

If you root you can get 2.2 now :)