just back from E3. PS3 pwns all consoles!


Aug 11, 2004
I had the first consoles up to a sega but nothing since. I'll bash the lamecube with its baby games and yawn when I see halo and whatever's offered on the ps2 and xbox, but these new consoles are starting to intrigue a guy who's an outspoken computer advocate
  • xbox360 is the glorified computer many have now. nothing new for graphics and graphics technology. <yawn> just the same ol same ol. I give it a thumbs down but it will suit many needing hardware most of us have been using for quite awhile
  • nintendo revolution. don't look up revolution in the dictionary cause this thing ain't it. and mostly a regurjitation of all their baby games? thumbs down
  • PS3. WOAH WOAH and more :eek: . finally something that's pioneering graphics and games. if you haven't seen the what this baby is pumping out, do so NOW! HUGE thumbs up. this will truly be "must have hardware"
anyone else go to E3. whatcha think?? giddE up!
I can't say what I think. You believe all those videos were in game footage and representative of what will actually appear on the consoles??
Yeah those are some great pre-rendered video's that the non-existant PS3 hardware is pumping out!!! And who exactly has been using triple core CPU's with R500's?
Something tells me this guy bought into the hype that Sony went into the future to bring their technology to our time. How can Microsoft compete with time machines?
diehard said:
Yeah those are some great pre-rendered video's that the non-existant PS3 hardware is pumping out!!! And who exactly has been using triple core CPU's with R500's?


Sorry, but at least Microsoft had actual games running on G5s (The actual development kit will provide far more power). I don't get my hopes up based on tech demos, and that is all Sony showed.
the@ntipop said:
Something tells me this guy bought into the hype that Sony went into the future to bring their technology to our time. How can Microsoft compete with time machines?

Kudos to Sony for attracting all the retards :D Now there will be less idiots on XBL :) Everything seems to work out in the end
Wait, wait: So all the stuff that Sony showed off was all pre-rendered (which is 95% true) but what about all the X360 stuff?

Last time I checked 95% of that was pre-rendered to.
Another NOOB falls under Sony's spell. Lets tout a console and specs when nobody has actually seen our grill-like console or our super special hardware (which doesn't seem too much better than what xbox SAYS its gonna have). God stop these threads! (I'm beggin ya!)
Didn't go, but I am excited to see some non-pre-rendered games on the PS3, no doubt they will look good.
I'm just as excited, if not more excited, to see what Nintendo has up their sleeves though. Sony impressed me with PS1 and PS2, but I still have a Gamecube cause it's got the games I like on it. Played RE4 lately? Oh man! Just got to Saddler's right hand man in the Sewer, after a tough battle with two of those blind guys with knives for fingers. 4 grenades and 4 indendiary granades, and several shots with a .45 magnum wouldn't finish the job! Had to bust out the trusty little half-upgraded 9mm Blacktail. I hear blowing the liquid nitrogen is the way to beat Saddler's right hand man, will give it a shot.
G'ßöö said:
[*]xbox360 is the glorified computer many have now. nothing new for graphics and graphics technology. <yawn> just the same ol same ol. I give it a thumbs down but it will suit many needing hardware most of us have been using for quite awhile

[*]nintendo revolution. don't look up revolution in the dictionary cause this thing ain't it. and mostly a regurjitation of all their baby games? thumbs down

a. You have three processors and a video card that isn't out yet? Damn, why do you have such shitty specs in your sig then?
b. Hmm, as far as I can see, Nintendo hasn't even shown the Revolution yet...let alone any of the games. So you can give it a thumbs down without knowing anything about it...yeah, real objective.

You even manage to troll in your sig. That's impressive.
*sigh* more "nintendo is only for kids" and "sony has the best looking games" *cough* prerendered. You don't seem very objective if you can talk shit about any of these systems, most of which have shown nothing (Microsoft has shown the most 'real' representation, and even those aren't final, and some were pre rendered as well!). I'm glad Sony has you as a fan boy.

Please read the rant in the "nintendo to pull out something big" thread about how the 2 teenagers, I mean videogame companies, are acting right now. Both of them releasing how much better they are than eachother on their respective websites? That's just sad.

Edit: About RE4, I think it is the only M-rated game I've ever played that was actually GOOD, and not some glorified killing/tit/cuss-fest. Even my gf liked it.
pre-rendered or not, the PS3 still has a bigger selling point that Nintendo's "Revolution"... Revolution... hah!
I'm sick of people bashing the Gamecube because all of its games are so-called "baby" games. This is total crap and just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you should dismiss it as immature and for kids.
Silmatharien said:
I'm sick of people bashing the Gamecube because all of its games are so-called "baby" games. This is total crap and just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you should dismiss it as immature and for kids.

I'm gonna have to side with him that most of gabecube's games are geared for little kids. Obviously there are exceptions, but most of their games kiddie games.
G'ßöö said:
I had the first consoles up to a sega but nothing since. I'll bash the lamecube with its baby games and yawn when I see halo and whatever's offered on the ps2 and xbox, but these new consoles are starting to intrigue a guy who's an outspoken computer advocate
  • xbox360 is the glorified computer many have now. nothing new for graphics and graphics technology. <yawn> just the same ol same ol. I give it a thumbs down but it will suit many needing hardware most of us have been using for quite awhile
  • nintendo revolution. don't look up revolution in the dictionary cause this thing ain't it. and mostly a regurjitation of all their baby games? thumbs down
  • PS3. WOAH WOAH and more :eek: . finally something that's pioneering graphics and games. if you haven't seen the what this baby is pumping out, do so NOW! HUGE thumbs up. this will truly be "must have hardware"
anyone else go to E3. whatcha think?? giddE up!

err, the X360s graphics chip is the most revolutionary, since its a completely new deisgn and such.
versello said:
pre-rendered or not, the PS3 still has a bigger selling point that Nintendo's "Revolution"... Revolution... hah!

"Bigger selling point"? What the fuck does that mean? Please explain your indubitably well-qualified position.
Sorry, PC's pwns all consoles!

The only reason I went to E3 was to get a chance to play BF2
amazed at how some of you guys are bashing the topic maker. im pretty sure some of the sony stuff WAS in realtime or atleast videos of the engine at work. some of you act like EVERYTHING was cg or somthing.

fight night?
the getaway?
killing day?
btw watch http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/748/748475/vids_1.html jack trentton says killzone is real.

not to mention the tech demonstrations like Final fantasy, gas station, tub/duck + the eyetoy stuff, and alfred molina were very impressive. if anything, he had a reason to be hyped up unlike the other conferences.

nintendo didnt really tell us or show us much beside showing off nintendogs :/
microsoft did more talking about, displaying every living being on the planet on your tv while trying to sell game content than showing games.

like i said, he probally has a reason to be hyped more over one company than the other because they probaly showed more impressive content. even if some of the stuff shown at the ps3 conference was rendered it was most likely artists interpretations of what we will see next year based off the hardware.

hell, if you want to talk about hype, what was up with microsoft's mtv display and their paid audience throwing up "X's"?


finalgt said:
"Bigger selling point"? What the fuck does that mean? Please explain your indubitably well-qualified position.
i think he means sony and microsoft are aimed at a wider audience unlike nintendo. even if nintendo has a lot of grown up up fans/customers, they are still seen by everybody and their grandma as a company displayed to kids.
Bad_Boy said:
amazed at how some of you guys are bashing the topic maker. im pretty sure some of the sony stuff WAS in realtime or atleast videos of the engine at work. some of you act like EVERYTHING was cg or somthing.

fight night?
the getaway?
killing day?

I've been thinking the same thing. Fight night was impressive as hell, but I suppose it's easier to argue that everything is prerendered.
Bad_Boy said:
amazed at how some of you guys are bashing the topic maker. im pretty sure some of the sony stuff WAS in realtime or atleast videos of the engine at work. some of you act like EVERYTHING was cg or somthing.

fight night?
the getaway?
killing day?
btw watch http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/748/748475/vids_1.html jack trentton says killzone is real.

Fight Night was focused on two boxers; no processing power was put into the background.

The Getaway looked prerendered.

UE3 was real-time.

Killing Day wasn't real-time.

Killzone wasn't real time...sorry, but it was a CG video that took about months to build.
Silmatharien said:
I'm sick of people bashing the Gamecube because all of its games are so-called "baby" games. This is total crap and just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you should dismiss it as immature and for kids.

gamecube games are mostlyf or baby's the only games i wil get for that are RE4 and the new ZELDA, but for the rest, their crap and boring, i sooooo wished nintendo was finished instead of sega, sega had better games taht catered for every1s needs, original games, sequaled games, everthing

i prey and hope nintendo go down for good!!!!!!!! never liked them from the start, onlya couple of games i like but gosh it pisses me off 2 see that they lasted longer then sega
WickedAngel said:
Fight Night was focused on two boxers; no processing power was put into the background..
and? i still found it more impressive than half the 360 games displayed.

WickedAngel said:
The Getaway looked prerendered..
great argument you put up here, it looked prerendered, which is just about what everybody is saying about killzone.... but looky here...
"Real-time rendering of Getaway shown."

WickedAngel said:
UE3 was real-time.
yeah, i stated that.

WickedAngel said:
Killing Day wasn't real-time.
again... http://ps3.ign.com/objects/748/748469.html
" Realtime video of Ubisoft's crazy new next-gen game."

WickedAngel said:
Killzone wasn't real time...sorry, but it was a CG video that took about months to build.
it WAS real gameplay. watch the video my friend. and read the dozen other articles about it, but even if it was an artist's interpretation of what the game will look like next year, would you be disapointed if it did look like this? no, then why all the negativity?
Killdozer said:
Wait, wait: So all the stuff that Sony showed off was all pre-rendered (which is 95% true) but what about all the X360 stuff?

Last time I checked 95% of that was pre-rendered to.

Xbox had an acutal playable demo that looked like this:


PS3 had a video that looked like this:


Sony claims that video was not pre-rendered, but the developers (Guerilla), when asked, said it was "representative" (or something like that) of the game. Also, in August 2004 Guerilla stated that they were well into the development of Killzone 2, but that they weren't working on a PS3 version at all, and had no PS3 development hardware. I would guess that what we actually saw was a pre-scripted scene running on a PC with an X850XT-PE or SLI 6800 Ultras, both of which are easily capable of running a scene like that with very good framerates.

Personally I find Sonys statement about Xbox being current tech and PS3 being future tech as the strongest proof that Sony was intentionally duping everyong at E3 2005. Think about it, by definition if it's FUTURE technology then it can not possibly exist today. So they came straight out and TOLD us that their entire presentation was bullshit and yet lots of people ate it up like it was the real deal.

The truth is the Sony presentation was smoke and mirrors while most of the XBox 360 presentation was real. About the only thing about the PS3 that is probably real is the physical design of the PS3 and the controllers, and most of the basic hardware specs (not the Flops and other numbers, but the actual physical details like # of Cell processors, and amount of RAM and such). The PS3 game videos were complete BS and it amazes me that so many people actually believe them...

C4rniV0r said:
Sorry, PC's pwns all consoles!

The only reason I went to E3 was to get a chance to play BF2

LOL i totaly agree with u my friend. may the force be with these consoles LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw how was BF2?
Neehario said:
sony has a history of overstating the graphical power of its consoles

It's called marketing dude. I'd be surprised if Sony or MS didn't. You should have seen the ads for the Xbox before it came out, where they kept boasting about how the Xbox is twice as powerful yet I'm still waiting to see a game that looks twice as good and performs twice as well on the Xbox than on the PS2.
jonneymendoza said:
LOL i totaly agree with u my friend. may the force be with these consoles LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw how was BF2?





C4rniV0r said:
Sorry, PC's pwns all consoles!

The only reason I went to E3 was to get a chance to play BF2
You paid $300+ dollars to see a game that pretty much offers nothing new? Don't get me wrong, probably will be a good game, but what a stupid reason to spend a day.. let alone that much money.
Its good to see the folks here were not fooled by sony's showing at E3. All of the other forums I frequent are full of people fooled by the hype machine. Now Im not saying the PS3 wont be a good machine because I think it will be, i'll just wait and see it in action before I cast judgement on who is gonna win the nex gen console battle.
C4rniV0r said:
Sorry, PC's pwns all consoles!

The only reason I went to E3 was to get a chance to play BF2

How was that by the way? Fun? Too much like Desert Combat or no?

mryerse said:
Played RE4 lately? Oh man! Just got to Saddler's right hand man in the Sewer, after a tough battle with two of those blind guys with knives for fingers. 4 grenades and 4 indendiary granades, and several shots with a .45 magnum wouldn't finish the job! Had to bust out the trusty little half-upgraded 9mm Blacktail. I hear blowing the liquid nitrogen is the way to beat Saddler's right hand man, will give it a shot.

Like someone has said, probably one of the best M-rated games I've ever played, along with God of War for PS2. I've probably played through RE4 5 times to get the stuff like the Chicago Typewriter, it's a really fun and replayable game. Probably best Gamecube experience next to Zelda: The Wind Waker.

And while I don't have any particular loyalties (though I have mainly Nintendo and Sony consoles), I do think the kiddy stigma Nintendo has received is becoming unfair. Sure, the system has games specifically geared for children, but so does the PS2. Also, a lot of the Gamecube's games do have the cartoonish or children's game looks (a la Wind Waker) but they do appeal to a broad range of ages (children and adult alike).
And yet another !!!!!! thread from so many sides.

EDIT: Wow, f-a-n-b-o-y is actually censored? LOL, good.
arentol said:
PS3 had a video that looked like this:

What about the footage from unreal or fight night? Or maybe even the duck/eye toy demonstration? Not everything was "videos."

Sony claims that video was not pre-rendered

Where did sony claim that? Not saying it isn't true, but I haven't seen them actually come out and say it was in game footage.

Personally I find Sonys statement about Xbox being current tech and PS3 being future tech as the strongest proof that Sony was intentionally duping everyong at E3 2005. Think about it, by definition if it's FUTURE technology then it can not possibly exist today. So they came straight out and TOLD us that their entire presentation was bullshit and yet lots of people ate it up like it was the real deal.

Maybe they should have used the word -new- technology so people wouldn't have an argument. Blu-ray alone is "future" technology, unless of course you already have a player, but I doubt you do.

The PS3 game videos were complete BS and it amazes me that so many people actually believe them...

It amazes me that so many people are stuck on killzone and completely ignore the other impressive games/features that they showed. Fight night alone was extremely impressive for a system that isn't going to be released for another year. I guess I just totally miss the point of arguing over all of this when the consoles are so far away from release and most everything now is speculation. I mean.... gears of war looks great, but what if it's the shittiest game ever? What if unreal runs like shit on both systems? Maybe fight night will have horrible controls?
I think it's inevitable in the life of a console gamer.

Sometimes seems more dangerous than wearing a Yankees cap here in Boston. :p
The hysterical poster who started the thread hasn't had anything else to say. Wonder why. Hit-n-run trolling
Bad_Boy said:
it WAS real gameplay. watch the video my friend. and read the dozen other articles about it, but even if it was an artist's interpretation of what the game will look like next year, would you be disapointed if it did look like this? no, then why all the negativity?

Sorry, but I've seen the same bullshit before. IGN said the pre-PS2 videos were real-time as well. Guess what. The PS2 still hasn't matched most of the tech demos that were shown at the E3 before it's release.

I'm sorry if you're too foolish to see that Sony is following the exact same pattern as before, but I am not responsible for your ignorance.

Killzone 2: Pre-Rendered

Not from IGN or a Sony rep who was paid to circulate hype, but from a man who actually worked on the video.


Jan-Bart Van Beek said:
Jan-Bart Van Beek is the Game Director of the PS3 Killzone at Guerrilla Games, and has spent the last few months working on the trailer that really blew the crowd away at Monday's PLAYSTATION 3 unveiling. After a second showing of the trailer at today's SCEE conference received another rapturous round of applause, we caught up with Jan to find out more.

Killing Day: Pre-Rendered


French Ubisoft employee confirming this. Partial real-time with CG touch-ups done before the show.

At the end of the day, you guys are talking about the PS3. I've seen way more Sony talk on forums lately than Xbox360. Mission accomplished for Sony. Believe them. Don't believe them. They don't care. Just keep talking about their system.