Just Got ATI Theatre 650, Need Help


Feb 8, 2006
Seems like a good card, but I can't exactly get things to work well. I'm using analog NTSC cable. I need some help to:

1) Get the video to not look like absolute shit when using Beyond TV. It looks half decent when viewed with ATI Catalyst Media Center, so I know it can do it. BTV must not be using some of the hardware decode features of the card, right?

2) Get composite video (and s-video once I get a cable for my PS2) in to simply work. Right now, it doesn't work at all and I get static in 80% of the screen with a still image that is squished into the top. Update: I've kind of got this working with MPC. The audio and video are extremely wonky. It's hard to describe. The audio sort of clips in places, and the video has a ghost trail of about 5 seconds.

And this isn't an issue related with my card, but apparently the cable connection in my room doesn't work at all. Any suggestions? I don't think it would exactly fall into the realm of free service from my cable company, seeing as how its not their house and works in two other spots. But maybe I'm wrong.

Alternatives include splitting a connection in another part of the house, then running it about 50 feet. Can I do this without having to amp the signal?