Just started my first game server (BFBC2) Florida


Oct 19, 2002
You can search for "Stormlifter's" or "Kick Ass" it is case-sensitive, but you should be able to join.

I'm just learning how to admin, but I'll learn fast and it'll be a nice server. It's located in Tampa, FL (actually now in Atlanta, but I get 17 ping to my location in Orlando FL)
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im located in jax, fl which is like an hour away so im def gonna try this server out thanks bud.
Gameservers.com is terrible apparently, their server didn't want to work with BC2CC so I switched to Art of War Central. Works prefect on first moment. So the server is Atlanta, GA now but it actually has same ping to my Orlando, FL location so that's awesome. Same name for server.

It's a 4v4 squad rush server.
Come on and bring your friends you all can use it anytime you want. 4v4 squad rush is one of the most fun ways to play BFBC2
Bumped it up to a 8v8 server running Squad Deathmatch for now. I'm open to configuration suggestions.
Are you serving it from your house? Do you have a tutorial for setting up a home BC2 server?
Oh no, it's a ranked server. people like stats too much for me to host that out of my house.