L4D or L4D2

I think those guys are on crack. The Mall campaign is awesome, as is Heavy Rain.
Heavy Rain has to be my favorite campaign from both games. In defense of the 2nd game, the level design was more focused on wide open areas, its not "bad", it just feels different from the first game. Oh and yes of course, DAYTIME fighting.

I recommend both games.

EDIT: BTW, there is currently 10,014 people playing Left 4 Dead 2.
3,198 are playing Left 4 Dead.
For reference 12,679 are playing Battlefield BC2 and 17,333 Team Fortress 2.
That should speak for itself.

On crack, eh? Heh.

Yeah, I've owned L4D since release, but tired of it relatively soon, going back a few times. The community was a large part of what drove me away, and I've not had any personal friends (not counting my wife who would still play) with whom to get together with.

I've no issue with more wide open areas. I've watched most the gameplay vids, and some of the level design actually looked good to me, better than the first, with more options as to where to go/hold-up etc. If I'm wrong, please correct me, but I remember reading something about being able to take more than one route in many of the campaigns, and each one can provide a different outcome.

I also tried the demo when it was released, and it seemed better than the first in terms of layout/design. It had multiple ways to take, which was a little confusing at first, but made it seem more open. It seemed a little "pointless" at the time, however, because there were not always hordes in either direction I took.

At the end, holding-out at the garage, having to keep the power on, I thought was a relatively cool idea, though.

How is the AI in the final version?
For now, it would be my wife and I playing (she's actually great at FPS titles) until/unless we hook-up with other older/more mature PC gamers still around. But wouldn't want to get "bogged-down" by brainless AI, heh.
I'd get them only if they're significantly lower than their original price point, I think there's about 1/2 of a full game here, they're fun but get boring quickly so not really worth full price. i was tempted by the 50% off L4D2 midweek sale a few weeks ago but refused because Im still in the L4D2 boycott group :)
The Mall campaign is awesome, as is Heavy Rain.
Heavy Rain has to be my favorite campaign from both games. In defense of the 2nd game, the level design was more focused on wide open areas, its not "bad", it just feels different from the first game. Oh and yes of course, DAYTIME fighting.

That should speak for itself.

+1 Heavy Rain is the definitive campaign across the two games. Stunning weather visual and sound effects that force you to work together. Clever the way it backtracks and the finale is always entertaining trying to make it to the boat with 2 tanks chasing you down.
I dont get why people are saying theres nobody playing, I have seen several times the player count be above 16,000 at a given moment. Why do you need any more than that for random match making of 8 people?
On crack, eh? Heh.

Yeah, I've owned L4D since release, but tired of it relatively soon, going back a few times. The community was a large part of what drove me away, and I've not had any personal friends (not counting my wife who would still play) with whom to get together with.

I've no issue with more wide open areas. I've watched most the gameplay vids, and some of the level design actually looked good to me, better than the first, with more options as to where to go/hold-up etc. If I'm wrong, please correct me, but I remember reading something about being able to take more than one route in many of the campaigns, and each one can provide a different outcome.

I also tried the demo when it was released, and it seemed better than the first in terms of layout/design. It had multiple ways to take, which was a little confusing at first, but made it seem more open. It seemed a little "pointless" at the time, however, because there were not always hordes in either direction I took.

At the end, holding-out at the garage, having to keep the power on, I thought was a relatively cool idea, though.

How is the AI in the final version?
For now, it would be my wife and I playing (she's actually great at FPS titles) until/unless we hook-up with other older/more mature PC gamers still around. But wouldn't want to get "bogged-down" by brainless AI, heh.

Hopefully you have good teammates, but depending on the difficulty setting, L4D2 is MUCH harder than the first. The director AI is more challenging this time, with constant waves of enemies being thrown at you. Expert mode is "hard as fuck", this time around, with me perfering to play advanced or normal on occasion. L4D1 is always on Expert.

I don't recommend offline playing at all. The bot AI is stupid as always, and at times I think they are dumber than the first game. (Healing you at the wrong times, not picking medpacks when they are dying.... ect, ect, .....)

You are correct about the level layouts. The are multiple paths you can take in a stage, and they all lead to the same end, but only one way will actually be "open", so yeah, the path changes and leads to a different experience through the stage.

Its a fun game. I don't understand that hate. Especially coming from owners of the first game, considering the huge upgrade. O well....
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I stuck with single player, and played through the levels casually - the second game is just dripping with atmosphere. There's one level that takes place in a B theme park. Everything is in there, from the old style roller-coaster to The Giant Slide. All gamers have to play that level at least once - it's easily the most charming, atmospheric level I've ever played in a game.
I stuck with single player, and played through the levels casually - the second game is just dripping with atmosphere. There's one level that takes place in a B theme park. Everything is in there, from the old style roller-coaster to The Giant Slide. All gamers have to play that level at least once - it's easily the most charming, atmospheric level I've ever played in a game.

Ah yes, L4D2 Dark Carnival is a great campaign too. Saving Gnome Chompski was incredibly fun.
While I love L4D2, and play it a ton, I think one should play L4D1 first. it's too good of a game to not play. I agree, "No Mercy" is pretty awesome.

Also, once you play L4D2, you will miss the melee ability.

The new add-on will supposedly link them both story-wise.
The second one makes the first one feel like a demo. A $49.99 release date demo =(
Used to love L4D2. Then a buddy came back from grad school and wanted to play the hell out of the game. Must have played like 10 hours of Dark Carnival straight and I haven't touched the game since lol. I hope the DLC can bring me back.