LAN party machine


[H]F Junkie
Aug 18, 2006
Alright guys, I need some help to get a decent LAN party machine that has enough power to play older games. The games we play are:

Medal Of Honor: AA
Halo PC
Doom 3
Quake 4
Age of Empires 2

I need something that's cheap but can play games at a decent tick. Since I've been out of the mobile loop for so long, is there any notebook that you all could recommend me? I'm also looking to play some Battlefield 2 on it too. I'd like to run it at a constant 60 FPS if I can. Thanks! Oh - and I want it as cheap as I can get it.
I would look for a used older gaming notebook, you don't need to worry about battery life, weight or size since it will be used as a LAN machine so the newer slimmer, cooler machines you don't need to pay for.

I would look for a used Alienware 14x or something with Ivy Bridge and 6xxx series NVidia GPU

I am sure you can find another brand with similar sepcs used for cheaper
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