laptop LCD questions...


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 6, 2002
yeah, one of these threads. i have some information, but not enough to know if this'll work.

the lcd i have is a sanyo lm-cc53-22ntk. i found a pinout for the lm-cg53-22ntk here. is this pinout likely to be the same? or should i keep looking?

this appears to be a DSTN display. will this work with the VESA connector method (the thread linked in the FAQ has this question asked, but not answered :()

i'm also gonna need help figuring out the pinout for the inverter, but that can wait... i have the laptop this came out of, but it no longer works (in many many pieces right now)

i'm invincible!
If you actually follow the link in that post, you will find a very detailed writeup about the vesa connection procedure on bit-tech's forum. If that pinout you linked to is indeed the pinout for your particular lcd(or at least very similar), then the vesa connector procedure won't work on your lcd and you will need a controller.
i read it and i didn't see if they specifically mentioned if DSTN displays would work or not... so i asked. and yeah, that's the closest i've seen to the pinout for this lcd. it has the cn1/cn2 things on it. oh well, didn't hurt to ask.
cn1 and cn2 are just the connectors on the lcd. And I think the writeup said that the lcd needed to have rgb inputs for it to use the vesa feature connector, which your lcd doesn't appear to have.
i meant the cn1/cn2 in the pinout diagram. and it has the right number of pins. however, move over one model and its a lot different... oh well. i think the backlight is dead anyways so it'd have to be replaced too... not worth it to keep pursuing this. thanks for answering tho.