Lawyers Using Facebook, Twitter to Screen Jurors

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Lawyers are now using Twitter and Facebook to screen potential jurors? Well, the good news is you don't have to make stupid excuses to get out of jury duty anymore. All you have to do now is make some crazy posts on your Facebook page and you're out of jury duty for good. ;)

"I think it is safe to say that contemporary trial practice dictates that you make an effort to find out whatever information you can about jurors," Los Angeles defense attorney Shepard Kopp said. "If somebody has a Facebook page where the settings are public, and you can see what their interests are, you can very well learn valuable information there."
This goes far beyond just jury selection.

The first thing I tell all of my clients is to STFU online. If you have a facebook, twitter, or other account, shut it down or lock it down ASAP. These days, attorneys are crawling all over litigant's online profiles, because you would be amazed what people will post on there.

It's hard to make out a claim for emotional distress when your facebook page is littered with pics of you partying, for example.
People can only see what you let them see on FB. FB or not if you're an idiot it wont be that hard to find the dirt on you. Same goes for looking for a job. If you dont think an employer isnt looking at your facebook profile right after they look at the name on the resume, forget even reading the resume yet, then you are dead wrong.
It amazes me that people will post their life up online for the world to see and expect that nothing bad can ever come of it, and ironically those doing that will then complain about their privacy being violated. now because I don't use facebook/twitter, I actually have a bigger chance of getting picked as a juror if I get jury duty? I'm basically getting screwed because I don't use facebook. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess. now because I don't use facebook/twitter, I actually have a bigger chance of getting picked as a juror if I get jury duty? I'm basically getting screwed because I don't use facebook. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess.

It's hard to make out a claim for emotional distress when your facebook page is littered with pics of you partying, for example.

And honestly rightly so.

Too many "emotional distress" cases or "undue suffering" in the world that has really fucked things up. If you're going to claim that sort of shit (which is where the real money is), your life should be open like a book to show that in fact you are depressed, you don't find fun in anything, or yes your back is really too fucked up to ever work again (btw why are you redoing your roof by yourself?)
Lawyers are now using Twitter and Facebook to screen potential jurors? Well, the good news is you don't have to make stupid excuses to get out of jury duty anymore. All you have to do now is make some crazy posts on your Facebook page and you're out of jury duty for good. ;)

First thing I've read that makes me want to go out and create a FB account. Sure I could put some stuff on it to make sure I'd be disqualified from any major jury pool :)
It amazes me that people will post their life up online for the world to see and expect that nothing bad can ever come of it, and ironically those doing that will then complain about their privacy being violated.

exactly, total tools with our a clue.
Jury golden rule #1: I hate all races. Or something like "I'm very interested in the news and believe everything they tell me." Perhaps if it was something more than $5/day, 20c/one-way for gas, and a big fat 0 for the first day, people might be more receptive.

I'd better shut up, it's been quite some time since the douche bags @ LASC have sent me a summons. :p
Oh good. another good way to get out of jury duty.

i used to say crazy bigoted shit to get dismissed.
And honestly rightly so.

Too many "emotional distress" cases or "undue suffering" in the world that has really fucked things up. If you're going to claim that sort of shit (which is where the real money is), your life should be open like a book to show that in fact you are depressed, you don't find fun in anything, or yes your back is really too fucked up to ever work again (btw why are you redoing your roof by yourself?)

Not really. There are very few of these cases, even fewer that are won, fewer still that are worth anything. The media (and the GOP) like to hype all these things up like everyone is filing emotional distress lawsuits, but it's just not true.
Lawyers are now using Twitter and Facebook to screen potential jurors?

Jury duty is YOUR civic duty. I'm personally put off by people who intentionally try to get thrown off for outrageous lies (claiming racism). Being judged by a jury of your peers is what makes this country great... What if everyone tried to be intentionally thrown off?
Jury duty is YOUR civic duty. I'm personally put off by people who intentionally try to get thrown off for outrageous lies (claiming racism). Being judged by a jury of your peers is what makes this country great... What if everyone tried to be intentionally thrown off?
You'd be left with herp-derp juries like in the OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony trials.