Leaked RIAA Training Video

I'm sure drug dealers and terrorists in North America spend their time burning movies and music to sell. :rolleyes:

at the potential markup of burned DVDs/CDs... why not. 100 pack of CDR's at walmart for $40, some label-printing crap, a few $29 newegg DVD burners, and long night of swapping CDs/DVDs... bam, $0.75 worth of material for $10-15 worth of product.

though, to be serious, It takes a special kind of retard to sell burned/copied DVDs in a public place, such as a fair or convention. Im assuming its the same category of idiot that also holds up a 7/11. And, from what ive seen (not much, but..), people who steal car radios and steal from stores, arnt the type of people that limit themselves to one "profession".
What a bunch of fuck heads. IMO, this will make people laugh so hard they have a heart attack!
I can imagine the corner drug dealer asking " would you like a brittney spears cd with that 8-ball" lol

time to join the law enforcement so I can use the illegal things...yay ;)

this is getting out of hand, RIAA
Uh oh...


This doesn't really surprise me one bit. I guess the RIAA doesn't realize that public monitoring works two ways. Maybe now some of their lawsuits will lose credibility.

But I have to agree that organized CD counterfeiting operations are wrong and need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. Getting a song for free is one thing; making money off of someone else's work is another.

The RIAA fails to make the distinction between organized counterfeiters and average pirates clear enough, however.
after watching that video all i can say is.......OH.....MY.....GOD :eek: this is wrong on so many levels i can't even think straight right now :mad:....i need a STRONG shot of Vodka just to calm me down :cool:

The series finale of Jericho reveals that the nuking of several major U.S. cities was bankrolled by the RIAA. They determined that most bootleg sales were taking place in those locations, and the attack also wiped out many of the judges, legislators, and college professors who believed in unprofitable ideas like fair use. Thus the RIAA's agenda dovetailed perfectly with those who sought to take over the country in the chaotic aftermath of the attack.
Why do you say that? The RIAA isn't affiliated with the US government.

well neither the RIAA nor the NDAA are Gov't. orgs, but the NDAA getting into bed with these whack jobs is more than a little disturbing to me. the guy "interviewing the RIAA propaganda mouths is from the NDAA (National District Attorneys Association) , so it is a reasonable assumption that he is now or has been a DA. The NDAA looks to me like some lobbyist group meets AmWay. a pyramid scheme for people with law degrees :rolleyes:

but it "sounds" official and most people would not take the time to discern what the group actually is or does. and after watching that surreal video i went to the NDAA site...they actually say;


for the people? for the people at the RIAA maybe :rolleyes:
Maybe I need to start building a bunker in the back yard. :eek:

for a fellow [H]orde member, i will consider leasing you a corner of my underground shelter...but you gotta bring your own food/water and generator for the LAN party :p

and we may have to check your CD_Keys to make sure they are not pirated :D

I know I'm a geek because when my brain read "Leaked RIAA Training Video" the first thing I thought of was that footage of those crazyass al Qaeda recruits running around on an obstacle course. Then I thought that was pretty unfair to al Qaeda.
The police need to arrest those people for doing drugs. I always wondered how stupid people could get and this answers the question. I just can't believe the police would be so stupid as to believe it. I thought they at least had some common sense.

Just goes to show you how low the RIAA will stoop to get what they want. They are worst than the people selling the drugs. They need to be investigated because I bet they break all kinds of laws to try and catch people.

The term "Scum of the Earth" was created just for the RIAA.
well neither the RIAA nor the NDAA are Gov't. orgs, but the NDAA getting into bed with these whack jobs is more than a little disturbing to me. the guy "interviewing the RIAA propaganda mouths is from the NDAA (National District Attorneys Association) , so it is a reasonable assumption that he is now or has been a DA. The NDAA looks to me like some lobbyist group meets AmWay. a pyramid scheme for people with law degrees :rolleyes:

but it "sounds" official and most people would not take the time to discern what the group actually is or does. and after watching that surreal video i went to the NDAA site...they actually say;


for the people? for the people at the RIAA maybe :rolleyes:

I know I'm a geek because when my brain read "Leaked RIAA Training Video" the first thing I thought of was that footage of those crazyass al Qaeda recruits running around on an obstacle course. Then I thought that was pretty unfair to al Qaeda.

Too true, even al Qaeda is not that fanatical.

The RIAA, making al Qaeda look like Catholic schoolgirls since 2004. Do they have a sign over their headquarter that reads "Over 4 Million Sued" ?
yeah they must be right cas right after I downloaded that movie and burnt a copy for my mate... all I could think about was "what should i doo now? sell crack or jihad?"..
I think people are taking it the wrong way. They aren't talking about your average joe downloading music. They are talking about people selling bootleg cds. And yes I could very well see some guy selling bootleg cds or movies out of his trunk also selling drugs, guns or some other stuff.

I know people who have purchased movies from people out of a van along with other items that were probably stolen. One person I know purchased 2 movies a week before they were out in theatres for $5 a movie and got 2 $200 remote control cars for $15 each.

So I see nothing wrong with them telling people to use the bootleg cds as a means to find the person doing other illegal activities. Such as selling drugs, guns, or stolen products.

yeah cas someone with junkies comiing up to them 24/7 are gonna sell cheap ass $2 dvds....
First, these people get paid, that alone I find appalling. How in the name of God does one write a job description for a job like that?

This will come to a head when one of these idiot groups cons some poor law enforcement agency to do a 4 AM door breaking in raid and some poor cop gets shot over a “CD”

I could be wrong but this looks like the training grounds for future members of the Democratic Party, their thought processes are very much aligned.

Ok, enough sarcasm. Yes, people steal movies and music. Is it wrong, yes. Is there a viable solution, yes. First, buy nothing from Metallica or Dr Dre, they started all this.

Second the RIAA has to reach a point of common sense and a better business model as in they make less, the bands make more and the real price of music and movies drops to a reasonable level.

Second will never happen because the whole thing is run by zealots who can’t be reasoned with and worse, there is no organized other side.

I don’t favor stealing music or movies but I also don’t favor the feel of the vice grip on my balls when I walk into a music store.
Lord,these people just keep making bigger jackasses out of themselves! Senator McCarthy and the judges from the Salem witch trials would feel right at home in the RIAA.:rolleyes:
I know I'm a geek because when my brain read "Leaked RIAA Training Video" the first thing I thought of was that footage of those crazyass al Qaeda recruits running around on an obstacle course. Then I thought that was pretty unfair to al Qaeda.

ROFL!! :D I thought the exact same thing. I pictured a bunch of suits with briefcases trying to climb across monkey bars with Jack Thompson and the reanimated corpse of Joseph McCarthy yelling orders like a DI.
LOL I laughed so much with this video!
I could only imagine this would be a joke video (a damn good one I might add), but...it's real...
Do these people live in the real world, or what?

Talk about trying to pass off the exception for the rule.

Most people that I know that have downloaded pirated material have never even seen a piece of crack in person.

Thanks for a good laugh!
all i kept waiting for was for them to splice in "dont copy that floppy" as an example of a media campaign that "worked" for the software industry....

WATCH OUT... I might become a cocaine addicted gun-dealing terrorist who kicks baby puppies (for fun)!
RIAA must be working with IRAN or something, only they can come up with crack like this.
That much Bullshit in such a short period of time should have some sort of Tax penalty.