Left4Dead @ E3

Jun 10, 2004
EA had their presentation and Gabe spoke about Left4Dead. Here is the video for the presentation. it really looks like they threw the Source engine into steroid mode. They're going back now and reworking all the filmic effects and re-working the character designs. It looks a ton better than it did, and it looked amazing before. This is definitely my most anticipated game for the year.
very excited.. I'll probably upgrade my video card so I can run this game without a hitch. I just hope they let us tweak the variable for how long bodies stay on the ground
Agreed. I was already pumped after watching the Resident Evil 5, Gears of War 2, and Fallout 3 videos but I gotta say the Left4Dead video had me the most excited. L4D and WAR are the two games I'm looking forward to the most as they'll be the only ones with replay value. I'll probably beat the other games in a matter of hours and never touch them again.
I think they're probably overplaying the director AI and all the rest of it, just like they did with HL2 with them bigging up how good it is that none of the AI was scripted and was all dynaically worked out which turned out to be a big lie when the source code and compiled beta was leaked.

However the game does look good and if they can keep it interesting and a bit different each time you play they may have cracked coop, fact is, there's a massive gap in the market for coop, theres practically no good coops out right now, a crying shame.
I like the new survivor models. They're a lot more detailed than the old ones, and the animations are really nice.
As much as I love Valve and zombies, I remain skeptical mostly because I prefer vanilla, slow but hugely numerous hordes of zombies. Having ridiculously limited weapons and ammo is also a must. Zombie Panic Source does all this and is pretty awesome even if it lacks the polish of a professionally developed game.

I'll be buying this guaranteed though.
New Shacknews preview HERE

Looks like they changed the pipe bomb to be a sort of bait-and-boom. I think it's a kinda cool concept.

It seems like the Infected side of things is going to be a big mystery until very close to release.
New Shacknews preview HERE

Looks like they changed the pipe bomb to be a sort of bait-and-boom. I think it's a kinda cool concept.

It seems like the Infected side of things is going to be a big mystery until very close to release.


They've already detailed all the zombies.

I don't have a link though I'm afraid.
Try playing zombie master, zombie panic, and the zombie mod for gmod. The first two require half life 2 and the last one requires gmod 10. There is also a zombie mod for counter strike source, but that sucks. If you like these games then left4dead is a must buy.
I was hearing a TON of buzz about a 28 Days Later mod for this game when it was first announced. Has anybody heard if it's still a planned thing (3rd party, of course).
I'm pretty excited for this. The video even makes me more so.

Graphically, I must say I was pretty impressed when the gas station blew up.

BTW, I'll definitely be playing as the dude in the business suit. He looks B.A.
For a Source engine game, this looks very impressive. Gameplay seems very polished as well. I'll definitely be checking this one out when it's released.
Man, the graphics have gotten an overhaul lately it seems.

Especially in the shading/lighting department and teh new characters look a lot more detailed then the older models.
If what is seen in the OP's link is true, I wonder how many people that complained about the balancing system of Oblivion, will also complain about this one...

I personally didn't like Oblivion's balancing system that much, so I didn't like what I saw in that video for L4D. It should be irrelevant if we are playing well or not. The difficulty of the game should be set in an in-game option.
If what is seen in the OP's link is true, I wonder how many people that complained about the balancing system of Oblivion, will also complain about this one...

I personally didn't like Oblivion's balancing system that much, so I didn't like what I saw in that video for L4D. It should be irrelevant if we are playing well or not. The difficulty of the game should be set in an in-game option.

They didn't go this route because it's a co-op game. If you are in a game with 3 people you don't know online, maybe some of them aren't that great. that shouldn't prevent you from having fun. the game will adjust accordingly to make it a good experience every time. And a different one every time I might add.

Also, regarding someone's post about them revealing the boss infected, yes, we know details on what they are and what they do, but there hasn't been any demos that have them playable. I'm wondering what kind of HUD they will have, and how you perform the attacks. Do you have to aim your tounge as the smoker? Do you hit a button to cloak as a hunter, or just stand still? What's the range and how do you aim your vomit as the boomer?

This is going to be an incredible game though.
They didn't go this route because it's a co-op game. If you are in a game with 3 people you don't know online, maybe some of them aren't that great. that shouldn't prevent you from having fun. the game will adjust accordingly to make it a good experience every time. And a different one every time I might add.

Flawed logic, because if you are good playing the game, the fact that some under-performing team members will make the game "easier", will NOT make the game "fun". That means that every time, less skilled players, will always drag the difficulty of the game down and that sucks.
Well, i have faith in the fact that however they decide to work the AI, it will be fun. Valve haven't let me down. them and Blizzard are the only developers I really feel comfortable supporting nowadays.
Flawed logic, because if you are good playing the game, the fact that some under-performing team members will make the game "easier", will NOT make the game "fun". That means that every time, less skilled players, will always drag the difficulty of the game down and that sucks.

You have flawed logic too. maybe valve means the game being easier if you look at the set up as a whole as compared to your personal situation. Lets sa ythat the balancing will be more about as to how many monsters you will encounter and maybe a tad bit of difficulty but things will even out if you look at it mathematically. Lets say they put a value on your head that you can take on 4 monsters at a time and the newbie guy can take on only 1 so the spawn up 4+1 monsters. If both of you are skilled theyll spawn up 8 monsters. The difficulty hasnt changed in your perspective because you will still have to take on those four monsters that you can handle and the newbie is handling the other one. It is more complicated than what im saying, but hopefully youll get my point. It is valve, theyll get the balance right.

Then if you really are that competitive and highly think of yourself as being uber and not wanting to mingle with low lifes then its time for you to set up private games (i.e. through irc) and play with those people that also think highly of themselves. That solves your problem.

Its like CS and TF2 "pro" players always whining about public servers that theyre full of newbies, the reason we play on pubs is because we take the game casually. Proper pros know better than whine.

The "pros" and proper pros take it as something competitive. And I think a guy like you belongs there, and you dont belong to public servers. If you had a newbie team mate im sure youll be whining how he is a newbie and letting everyone down. Valve is trying to avoid that and their system if you think hard about it, works for us that cant be arsed to arrange games with similar skilled players
Then if you really are that competitive and highly think of yourself as being uber and not wanting to mingle with low lifes then its time for you to set up private games (i.e. through irc) and play with those people that also think highly of themselves. That solves your problem.

I think the balancing will be more about as to how many monsters you will encounter and maybe a tad bit of difficulty but things will even out if you look at it mathematically. Lets say they put a value on your head that you can take on 4 monsters at a time and the newbie guy can take on only 1 so the spawn up 4+1 monsters. If both of you are skilled theyll spawn up 8 monsters. It is valve, theyll get the balance right.

Its like CS and TF2 "pro" players always whining about public servers that theyre full of newbies, the reason we play on pubs is because we take the game casually.

The pros take it as something competitive. And I think a guy like you belongs there, and you dont belong to public servers. If you had a newbie team mate im sure youll be whining how he is a newbie and letting everyone down. Valve is trying to avoid that and their system if you think hard about it, works for us that cant be arsed to arrange games with similar skilled players

And this is exactly the post I was expecting...If X company does it, it sucks and X company ruined the game. If Valve does it, it's ok, because it's Valve...give me break :rolleyes:
A bad feature is a bad feature, no matter who does it.

It's not about being uber or competitive. It's about fun and the fun factor is not present when the less skilled players are dragging the difficulty of the game down. Case in point, if one or two team mates are really not doing much, you'll finish the game without challenge. If the difficulty is a globally set feature, it's irrelevant who is better than the other and everyone just wants to survive, making it a more fun and challenging game.
Also take into account there will be a match making system i believe, where it will pair up users of similar skill levels. So hopefully this wouldn't happen very often. And if it does, just leave and find a different match. it wouldn't hurt the game in progress, as you would be replaced by a bot on the fly. Also, when you join a different game in progress, you will replace the bot on the fly. i think it'll be just fine.
Also take into account there will be a match making system i believe, where it will pair up users of similar skill levels. So hopefully this wouldn't happen very often. And if it does, just leave and find a different match. it wouldn't hurt the game in progress, as you would be replaced by a bot on the fly. Also, when you join a different game in progress, you will replace the bot on the fly. i think it'll be just fine.

Hopefully, but I definitely didn't like what was shown in that video. We should be able to choose the difficulty, not the game, based on the skill level of one or more players. It's exactly the same thing, that made Oblivion's balancing system, so retarded.
New video posted on Shacknews as well now - Check it HERE

Shaky-cam, but looks unbelievable. Can't wait for some high res media to come out on steam.
baaaah, whatever you think guys. I think the balance system is great, each to her own opinion. We'll wait and see how it goes since we dont really know the 100% workings of the balance system. Who knows i might end up thinking it sucks.

A bad feature is a bad feature, no matter who does it.

Its not a case of bad feature, its a case of how you implement it.

It's not about being uber or competitive. It's about fun and the fun factor is not present when the less skilled players are dragging the difficulty of the game down. Case in point, if one or two team mates are really not doing much, you'll finish the game without challenge. If the difficulty is a globally set feature, it's irrelevant who is better than the other and everyone just wants to survive, making it a more fun and challenging game.
If that is your idea of fun then so be it. i rest my case. its all personal opinion anyway.

As far as i believe it still is a great system if done right. Just look at TF2 when youve got lots of newbies in the team, look at CSS if youve got lots of camper newbies in the team, look at DoD when wrong people get the wrong guns. And if you end up on the losing team, that just gets pawnt everytime. It doesnt become fun anymore, it becomes torture.

Its one of the quirks of public servers that i dont like too much and at least valve is trying to address this issue in this game, give it a go, see if its successful, and should it be a feature theyll prospectively add to future games. Again, kudos for being brave to implement a new system. After all if everyone doesnt like it we know that we can complain and let them patch that part of the game (for the PC gamers anyway, dunno bout console gamers).

Take note, the balanec system in oblivion is for single player, multiplayer has never been done before (in my experience anyway)
Kotaku interviewed Doug Lombardi. Check it out

Looks like we may get a machinima replay option after launch. Also talk about Steam as a distribution platform. Good interview.
From what I recall reading the amount of zombies are not scaled down when a survivor dies, so if you lose a man it's basiaclly harder than if he's there, so if you have newb players they're going to die and you'll find it harder.
Yea, I'm not too worried about the difficulty. I remember them saying there was only a 25-35% survival rate during some of the testing.
Anyone getting this game because of coop? 2007 was a very empty year for that but late 2008 seems ripe with them. My friends and I want to play something new and this looks great.