Legend of Grimrock

I was too anxious to get started and went with the standard group makeup.
How is this working out? I thought of doing this but missle weapons seem hard to.come by.

With 12 points in assassination you can perform melee attacks from the rear row.
I used the skeleton spears(they have reach as well) for the back row until then.
Anyone else having their GPU torched from the framerate bug? I finally set up some time to play this tonight and I kept having my PC shutdown. This is the first time I have ever seen this happen and not reset. Hopefully forcing vsync on is the fix.
How is this working out? I thought of doing this but missle weapons seem hard to.come by.
If you don't mind micromanaging, you can manually swap the back row to the front (drag-and-drop the portraits) once the front has attacked and is on cooldown. At least until you get the skill that allows attacking from the back row as Oomps suggested.
Anyone else having their GPU torched from the framerate bug? I finally set up some time to play this tonight and I kept having my PC shutdown. This is the first time I have ever seen this happen and not reset. Hopefully forcing vsync on is the fix.

Sounds like your video card or CPU is overheating.
Anyone else having their GPU torched from the framerate bug? I finally set up some time to play this tonight and I kept having my PC shutdown. This is the first time I have ever seen this happen and not reset. Hopefully forcing vsync on is the fix.
What sort of framerate bug are you referring to? My temps have been holding steady in the mid 40s so far.

My settings:
Anyone else having their GPU torched from the framerate bug? I finally set up some time to play this tonight and I kept having my PC shutdown. This is the first time I have ever seen this happen and not reset. Hopefully forcing vsync on is the fix.

This is a known bug, will link to it when I can find the link.

To avoid overheating your GPU turn on vsync & triple buffer ingame.

They didn't put a fps limiter so the fps shoots into the hundreds or thousands for such a simple game causing the GPU to heatup.

EDIT : Found link with dev response here.
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So is there a point where you don't need to carry around torches or are you stuck using up a slot the entire game?
I'm kind of disappointed that there's nary a peep about this gem from Giant Bomb and to a lesser extent Gamespot. Instead it's filled with drek like Star Wars Kinect and Xbox Pinball Arcade.

This game is what you would get if you mated Portal 2 with Eye of the Beholder.
I'm kind of disappointed that there's nary a peep about this gem from Giant Bomb and to a lesser extent Gamespot. Instead it's filled with drek like Star Wars Kinect and Xbox Pinball Arcade.

This game is what you would get if you mated Portal 2 with Eye of the Beholder.

Well, the devs don't have the kind of budget for marketing that those games do...

Already I'm surprised it went viral, it's not your average game anymore, but I'm happy it's working for them, and fun for a lot more people than just the ones who remember playing the original DM.
I'm kind of disappointed that there's nary a peep about this gem from Giant Bomb and to a lesser extent Gamespot. Instead it's filled with drek like Star Wars Kinect and Xbox Pinball Arcade.

This game is what you would get if you mated Portal 2 with Eye of the Beholder.

I don't see what Portal has to do with it, but the EotB games were much better dungeon crawlers IMO.
I don't see what Portal has to do with it, but the EotB games were much better dungeon crawlers IMO.

Grimrock has a heavy emphasis on puzzle solving similar to Portal 2. Every floor is like it's own test chamber where you can only advance until after you solve a series of puzzles. The puzzles themselves are also varied enough so your never solving the same puzzle twice. In fact most of the good loot requires that you solve a puzzle to grab it.
I'm kind of disappointed that there's nary a peep about this gem from Giant Bomb and to a lesser extent Gamespot. Instead it's filled with drek like Star Wars Kinect and Xbox Pinball Arcade.

This game is what you would get if you mated Portal 2 with Eye of the Beholder.

It is odd considering its the number one selling game on steam at the moment. I have trouble believing they were somehow magically not aware of it. Its been hyped all to hell since the disabled gamer thing.

I guess it's below their radar from a financial perspective. They don't get paid advertizing or receive any kind of incentive from the dev's like free copies, mugs t-shirts or whatever bullshit the larger publishers shill and so it literally just won't make it into their review schedule.

Sad fact of life but fuck'm it would have done fine without any reviews at all.
It is odd considering its the number one selling game on steam at the moment. I have trouble believing they were somehow magically not aware of it. Its been hyped all to hell since the disabled gamer thing.

I guess it's below their radar from a financial perspective. They don't get paid advertizing or receive any kind of incentive from the dev's like free copies, mugs t-shorts or whatever bullshit the larger publishers shill and so it literally just won't make it into their review schedule.

Sad fact of life but fuck'm it would have done fine without any reviews at all.

Not sure about Gamespot, but Giant Bomb covers tons of niche titles. Look at all the quick looks they have for flight sims, those are all games one of them has bought. Anyway the GB guys that are still with them that are the big PC ones seem like they're all busy with the redesign or they just simply don't want to do a quick look on the game.
Oh man, the spiders on Level 3/4 are killing me. I can hear them skittering about in the background...my last torch is flickering and I'm slowly being beaten into a corner by these arachnids...I can't hold out! They keep coming out of nowhere even when I think I've killed them all! THERE IS NO HOPE!!!
Oh man, the spiders on Level 3/4 are killing me. I can hear them skittering about in the background...my last torch is flickering and I'm slowly being beaten into a corner by these arachnids...I can't hold out! They keep coming out of nowhere even when I think I've killed them all! THERE IS NO HOPE!!!

Pssh. The spiders are nothing. Just wait.
Balrogs. Balrogs everywhere.

Nah, just kidding. I'm stuck on level three I believe. There is a pit in the center and a transporter that moves in circles around it with a push plate floor tile that opens the door past the pit. Not sure what they want from me here.
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Balrogs. Balrogs everywhere.

Nah, just kidding. I'm stuck on level three I believe. There is a pit in the center and a transporter that moves in circles around it with a push plate floor tile that opens the door past the pit. Not sure what they want from me here.

I'm stuck on this one too.
I'm stuck on this one too.

That one took me a couple minutes to figure out, but it's not too hard. Follow the teleporter to the right and up one tile. Turn to the left and throw something on the pressure plate across the room, this will bring up the floor in the middle of the room. Get to the middle of the room and get something ready to put on the pressure plate to the right. As soon as the teleporter gets to that plate side step (do NOT turn you won't have time) to the right and set the item on and quickly side step left and run through the open gate. Your timing has to be perfect any delays and whatever you put on that second pressure plate will be teleported away and the gate will close on you.
Uggh, I don't like when a game wants that kind of precision timing when the controls are fairly unwieldy. I didn't even see the push plate on the other side. I have however gotten into the habit of jumping into pits, I've been finding some decent loot at the bottoms.
Uggh, I don't like when a game wants that kind of precision timing when the controls are fairly unwieldy. I didn't even see the push plate on the other side. I have however gotten into the habit of jumping into pits, I've been finding some decent loot at the bottoms.

I wouldn't call the controls unwieldy, it's just that we're not used to tile-based first person movement since games like Grimrock simply aren't made anymore. I love how old-school everything feels.

Oh and that puzzle is nothing when it comes to timing. There is a puzzle on the 6th floor that requires timing and pattern memorization or you're going to be falling down pits a lot.
This is a known bug, will link to it when I can find the link.

To avoid overheating your GPU turn on vsync & triple buffer ingame.

They didn't put a fps limiter so the fps shoots into the hundreds or thousands for such a simple game causing the GPU to heatup.

EDIT : Found link with dev response here.

Thanks for that. LoG wasn't playing nice with my gaming rig and locking up completely at the character creation screen. Strangely, my laptop plays it without crashing, and that's usually the system I run into heat problems with.
Lov this game upto level 10 on normal diff 4 random gens, mino warrior, human warrior, human mage, human rogue

damn this game is a good challenge it doesn't baby you and its always got some shifty thing to fuck you over, yes that was fun making 3 of the monsters i was having trouble with already teleport all around me and then they decide to pull out one of the most powerful monsters.... good fun :)
Yar, game's really good and challenging. As for the controls, I feel they're tight, though I wish there were hotkeys for items. Hmm, just realized that I never actually checked to see if you could bind hotkeys.

The biggest thing that I had to learn was to manage my movement during combat, at first I would just trade blows with enemies, but once I tried doing that with spiders, well, it wasn't so effective. Now against higher level enemies I try to lure them (preferably one at a time) into large areas so that I can use my movement against them. Also, dungeon traps can be effective too (there's one section of hallway with a lovely demon statue that constantly shoots out thunderbolts that has been extremely effective).

Anyhow, really enjoying the game and already planning on the party to use for my next playthrough.
Yea; I managed to get past that one without cheating; but to be honest I kind of suck at these timing puzzles. Hum. Not sure if we are suppose to comment on solutions;but I will say this one is relatively easy compare to what comes on level 4 (I'm only on level 5 now). level 4 was a pia (and i fear what comes on level 5).

Balrogs. Balrogs everywhere.

Nah, just kidding. I'm stuck on level three I believe. There is a pit in the center and a transporter that moves in circles around it with a push plate floor tile that opens the door past the pit. Not sure what they want from me here.
Just clocked it at 23 hours, def my GOTY for sure, gunna try hard now

and they better be working on some more levels!
The patch is supposed to be out now. I havn't started my play through yet but figured once the stand alone installer gets updated I will re-download and try it. GOG and Steam have theirs updated already :(

- vsync is enabled by default
- borderless windows are no longer topmost
- pressing ESC closes character sheet
- fixed unlimited frost arrow exploit
- improved display resolution auto-detection at first launch
- fixed a couple of typos and broken english
- removed check that disables high texture resolution setting when running low on video memory (some graphics drivers seem to report available video memory incorrectly)
- quick save/load
- volume sliders
- to avoid confusion autosave & quicksave slots can’t be renamed anymore
- adjusted gui layout and camera fov so that user interface elements do not overlap with important screen areas on non-widescreen displays
- invert horizontal mouse option
- camera bobbing option (only available by editing the config file manually)
- configurable tooltip delay (only available by editing the config file manually)
- frame rate limiter (set to 120fps but can be changed by editing the config file)
- custom character portraits
- bug fix: very long map marker notes without spaces in them causes the automap to crash
- bug fix: editing a map marker that is on the same exact spot as a marker on the other map page edits them both at the same time
- bug fix: map labels are sometimes drawn partially underneath map symbols
- bug fix: topmost menu item doesn’t work reliably in high resolutions such as 2560×1440
- bug fix: wall text translations are not dismissed when right-clicking
- bug fix: inanimate objects can be backstabbed
- bug fix: projectiles go through doors in some very rare cases
- bug fix: saving the game crashes if all save game slots are full and the autosave slot is deleted or unused
- bug fix: Fighter’s Challenge doesn’t open if there’s an item in front of the door (only applies to new games, existing save games still have this bug)
- bug fix: saving the game just after the end fight creates a corrupted save that can lead to crashes and the end sequence not getting triggered correctly
- bug fix: auto pickup doesn’t pick up the correct amount of ammo in some rare circumstances
- bug fix: standing on stairs and turning with the mouse, followed by a turn using q/e keys is buggy
- bug fix: when a monster is damaged, experience point text sometimes (very rarely) flash in a square where a monster has been killed
- bug fix: trying to load a save game that has just been deleted manually from the file system (e.g. in Windows explorer) crashes the game
Definitly having a blast with this game. It's my game of the year as #1, its actually challenging, #2, it requires the use of your brain (something modern devs have forgotten that us humans have), #3, its extremely rewarding and lays off on the instant gratification most modern games have.

My party consists of two minotaur tanks in the front and two insectoid mages in the back. I'm thinking about rolling with 4 mages on my next run when I finish the game (one for protections spells/healing, and the other 3 for damage based spells). So far I'm having a lot of fun with this party and it requires a lot of dexterity with moving your party to avoid getting hit and getting the spell combinations right on the 2 mages. I cant even imagine how tough it would be with 4 mages.....lol.
Hard difficulty is not that hard unfortunately, esp on my 2nd play through with and an ice mage and a backstabbing rogue are a deadly combo, at the higher levels ice bolt can freeze a monster long enough for 5-6 attacks.
For a thread with so many people saying it's their GOTY, the discussion has fizzled out pretty fast. How's everyone doing with this game?
I would like to see some screenshots from those playing the game. :)
If they're like me they're too busy trying to figure out some of these puzzles to be bothered posting.

I finally had to look up a couple hints yesterday on levels 9 and 10 to figure out how to move forward on a couple puzzles, but overall the challenge has been very fun and rewarding. There are a wide variety from learning a pattern of movements to memorizing the sequence of the pit traps doors to the old Indiana Jones drop another item in place while picking up the treasure. Be prepared to die a lot and save often.