Lets Catch Default

Default or death?

/me runs away before EVGA comes in here saying I stole their phrase.
You guys aren't that far behind.

Maybe I might be able to contribute before it happens, time will tell.
So if we [H] out folds default, does [H] become the new "default"

To be or not to be, that is the question.

The "Default team" ... IE: The users who do not enter a team number.

I know what he means. Back when EVGA was #1 they kept saying "default or death" because they had the same idea. They wanted to be the first team who overtook default.
I know what he means. Back when EVGA was #1 they kept saying "default or death" because they had the same idea. They wanted to be the first team who overtook default.

Too bad for them since we are going to do it first. :p
Overtake date: 2/12/2014

Can we pass default in 2013? I think so...
let's do it. I'm trying to figure out the slogan....default or death has been ruined
Default or death?

/me runs away before EVGA comes in here saying I stole their phrase.

well... if they do... juts remind them what they promised to do when they failed....
Let's do it for APOLLO. This should be an [H] goal, not an inter-team competition. Team Green E couldn't catch us anyway. :p
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somecallmeTim , what name do you fold under ??

402, dare I ask what a "stream room" is ? :D
I get passed by all you "go fast kids"... hehe.

And Grandpa... which okay because I am one.

I am Grandpa x 9 and damn proud of every one of them :D (Hopefully Future Folders) they get my old rigs and they come pre installed with F@H :)
I finally found some time today to get one of my 4P's back in the loop. Still have a few other boxes to check - may have the full farm running again by days end.
:( I'm going to shut down my 4P for a few days. It's going to be >105 degrees F outside which means my garage is going to get real hot.