Linux is for Communists

You have no idea how many times I've been profiled, pulled over, and cavity searched due to high speed yoyo paranoia. Fucking populists.

You've got them, I know it. [[ SEARCH HIM AGAIN! ]]

fyi communism is an economic policy not a journalist policy

It's both. Kill all the journalists who disagree about how "good" things are, and everyone keeps you in power because they don't know any better. That's good for your press coverage, AND your wallet.
Well no it's not both. I challenge you to provide me with any source to a definition of communism which necessarily includes a policy on journalists and the press.
Well no it's not both. I challenge you to provide me with any source to a definition of communism which necessarily includes a policy on journalists and the press.

Most people associate communism to autocratic totalitarianism, which was Stalin's policy. However, you're right, that is not how communism is defined.
Bwahahahahahaha. This is going to be funny watching just for the spin.
In the media communism is as much a euphemism for evil as it is to describe economic policy and style of goverment.
If I was China or Russia, I would not want something like an OS owned by a foreign firm if I could help it either.
Security backdoors, and local trade preferences are just a couple reasons for it. I know I would not want to run Chinix on my PC here in the states, and I certainly would not want it used on government computers here in the US.
The East German Makarov I shot was accurate as hell. At 10 yards I had a nice tight group where I was aiming at the target.
fyi communism is an economic policy not a journalist policy

sigh...public education gets worse every year, dammit

fyi, communism is a political and not an economic system (the Chicoms are pretty good capitalists)
Well no it's not both. I challenge you to provide me with any source to a definition of communism which necessarily includes a policy on journalists and the press.

Huh? Lighten up. The corn cob's in too far if you missed that one.
fyi, communism is a political and not an economic system (the Chicoms are pretty good capitalists)

Socio-political movement. Also; distribution based on need, common ownership, and no wages, certainly has everything to do with the economic system.
Of course the Russians and Chinese don't trust MS software. What are the odds that the US gov does not have a back door in Windows and other software?

What are the odds that the Chinese don't have a back door in all mobo chip sets.

What are the odds that cell phones don't have a back door that allows monitoring.

Remember, it isn't paranoia if they really are after you.:D

Of course the Russians and Chinese don't trust MS software. What are the odds that the US gov does not have a back door in Windows and other software?

What are the odds that the Chinese don't have a back door in all mobo chip sets.

What are the odds that cell phones don't have a back door that allows monitoring.

Remember, it isn't paranoia if they really are after you.:D


And what are the odds LeninGHOLA doesn't have a back door stuffed full of something the populists want? [[ SEARCH HIM AGAIN ]]

Of course what are the odds the russians and chinese have nix' users smart enough to compile and build a kernel into their own distro? The world runs on Windows right? [[ducks]]
Of course there's a lot of politics involved in all of this. If Microsoft we're a Russian company I doubt this would be happening.
The Soviet Union was never communist/socialist. No country has ever been communist. There are some smaller examples of working communism throughout history like the city of Barcelona in 1936 and the Isreali Kibbutzim. I would recommend reading George Orwell's book "Omage to Catalonia".
The Soviet Union was never communist/socialist. No country has ever been communist. There are some smaller examples of working communism throughout history like the city of Barcelona in 1936 and the Isreali Kibbutzim. I would recommend reading George Orwell's book "Omage to Catalonia".

I would, but reading Orwell makes me paranoid. That guy must have worried himself to death.
Actually terrorism is a tactic. That's why a "war" against it is retarded. It's like waging a war against the flanking maneuver or a war against the high speed yoyo.

Yeah, that's a better use of that term. ...and I agree with you.

For some reason, it seems really easy to label a group and apply a blanket derogation without regards to individuals. It's like branding a product...
Of course the Russians and Chinese don't trust MS software. What are the odds that the US gov does not have a back door in Windows and other software?

Given how well Microsoft writes code, even if it exists it probably doesn't work anyway. :p

What are the odds that the Chinese don't have a back door in all mobo chip sets.

Pretty much impossible. You've got engineers over here going over those things with a fine tooth comb, after all.

What are the odds that cell phones don't have a back door that allows monitoring.

Download Android's source code and take a look. Open FTW!
As one of the Russians on the forum, though no longer living there, this does not surprise me. Its efficient, free, open code w/o pre-existing open doors, and significantly more secure.

They will have issues with supporting new hardware like printers, projectors, some video and audio cards.. that is a given.

I foresee problems with individuals trained and hooked on MS Office though.. that one is hard to replace, even with Open Office, Zoho, Google Docs or anything else, its just not the same, and I'm no MS fan.

The people at home though and gamers will have both likely if not just Windows.. and IT is pretty huge in Russia, yes even the legit kind. What most dont know is that web development companies in US really outsource the lion-share of their development to teams in Russia and Belarus. It would not surprise me if whole or portions of some of the biggest sites you visit were designed there, significantly cheaper and the highest quality you can buy, from a nation fascinated with science and mathematics like no other.

Also I should note, the use of the word "communism" in the US definitely is propaganda... it just happens to be for the other side. As for the system in old USSR, it changed with every leader.. the closest thing you'll find to communism is Lenin, the furthest from it in Russian history would be Stalin. And really, I wish the US would protest more when the real Stalin worshipers (Georgia) rebuild his statues in their plazas, and praise that he was a Georgian and how many Russians he killed... but hey, we've never expected fair treatment :D
Overall maybe, in every situation probably not.

because the same criteria could never apply to windows also :rolleyes:

kudos to russia, and many, many other countries around the world for mandating the usage of free software.... really does make them much more secure and less beholden to foreign corporations

anything (android, governmental adoption, etc) that helps create gnu/linux standards is an excellent thing
Given how well Microsoft writes code, even if it exists it probably doesn't work anyway. :p

Pretty much impossible. You've got engineers over here going over those things with a fine tooth comb, after all.

Download Android's source code and take a look. Open FTW!

Don't lie man. We see your profile says win7. :D
Also I should note, the use of the word "communism" in the US definitely is propaganda... it just happens to be for the other side. As for the system in old USSR, it changed with every leader.. the closest thing you'll find to communism is Lenin, the furthest from it in Russian history would be Stalin. And really, I wish the US would protest more when the real Stalin worshipers (Georgia) rebuild his statues in their plazas, and praise that he was a Georgian and how many Russians he killed... but hey, we've never expected fair treatment :D

Communism looks great on paper, but due to human nature it just couldn't work on a large scale.

Didn't know that about Stalin and Georgia. I learn something every day.
On the negative front, Russia may face some resistance due to the human nature that makes people creatures of habits. The country may also need to train the end users on free and open source softwares.

Yep everyone needs training in the use of free and open source software :) .
That must be so hard to get going , you need training ?
Someone is not passing their drug test this month :) .
Communism looks great on paper, but due to human nature it just couldn't work on a large scale.

Didn't know that about Stalin and Georgia. I learn something every day.

Communism's problem is that it only tried to solve 1/2 of the equation. In Lenin's time, money = power, and it certifiably looked like the people in power had wealth and used wealth to stay in power. His take was that by sharing wealth, you share the power. It was his error.

Democracy is a better scheme of sharing power, but in its pure state it is terrible in its creation of wealth disparities that themselves lead to turmoil and greater and greater controls imposed on those in turmoil not to fight with those who are causing it. And those who are causing it, regardless of motivation, cannot or will not control their greed, whether its possible to live with less or not, because, ironically, they are often under the same spell as Lenin, that money = power, or money = control. Regardless, they are not in control and die like the rest of us but cause much pain in their struggle to live, ironically, an un-democratic life.

I find it interesting that people in communism try their hardest, falsely, to prove that they are like others, but in a democracy, they try their hardest, also falsely, to prove that they are greater than another.

Real insight, in some who have experienced both, is that irrelevant of the system, contentment is the only truth that makes you happy in ways that neither imaginary equality or delusions of grandeur could ever. What neither realize however is how contentment exists apart from either system and that neither system could lead to it, because both are rooted in discontent. They often argue that contentment leads to laziness and related behaviors, yet refuse to see the quality of work from those who are content with who they are and what they are doing.. those people don't exist, till you look for them in the guise of something other than "the other".

And if I haven't confused you enough with my essay to myself, if you wanted to learn more about Stalin and Georgia, they have his childhood home and much of his belongings preserved there in museum fashion that I'm sure has made its rounds on the internet already in picture form. But yes, Georgia is one of the last places on earth that thinks of him fondly.
Just the old people. You can find old people in Russia who are still nostalgic for Stalin.

Yes, you can, but in contrast, Russia tore down his statues and portraits and for a long time tried to erase him and his influence from their history. In Georgia however, his statues stay up by post-soviet government mandates.

Nostalgia is the rule in both Russia and Georgia, but only one waxes pretty about Stalin to the new generation.
Yes, you can, but in contrast, Russia tore down his statues and portraits and for a long time tried to erase him and his influence from their history. In Georgia however, his statues stay up by post-soviet government mandates.

Nostalgia is the rule in both Russia and Georgia, but only one waxes pretty about Stalin to the new generation.

Hey, they elected a tie chewing president, give them some slack ;) :D
Yes, you can, but in contrast, Russia tore down his statues and portraits and for a long time tried to erase him and his influence from their history. In Georgia however, his statues stay up by post-soviet government mandates.

Nostalgia is the rule in both Russia and Georgia, but only one waxes pretty about Stalin to the new generation.

They took the statue down. A little later than Russia, but Georgia was his birthplace.
tsk tsk... Soviet Union was never a communist country.

Troll? Or just uneducated?

The consitution was socialist and the Communist Party was the only political party and had complete control. Is this not enough to qualify? :confused:
Troll? Or just uneducated?

The consitution was socialist and the Communist Party was the only political party and had complete control. Is this not enough to qualify? :confused:

The uneducated one would be you. No country has ever become communist. Even countries referred to as communists never actually became a communist country. The problem so far has been when a communist party takes control of the government, it tends to not want to give it up and move forward with communism, and thus instead shifts towards socialism. One of the final stages of communism according to Marx is for the government to "wither away", so things like a communist government are actually a self-contradiction.
The uneducated one would be you. No country has ever become communist. Even countries referred to as communists never actually became a communist country. The problem so far has been when a communist party takes control of the government, it tends to not want to give it up and move forward with communism, and thus instead shifts towards socialism. One of the final stages of communism according to Marx is for the government to "wither away", so things like a communist government are actually a self-contradiction.


Nothing in Stalinism resembled the tenets of what Marx outlined.

Marx was 100% correct in his critique of capitalism -- it has grown into out-of-control corporations with global reach -- but 100% wrong about the development of socialism.

Long story short, he thought the advanced capitalist countries would naturally go socialist and pull the poor countries along with them. In reality, the advanced countries adapted to regulated capitalism whereas the poor countries tried to go socialist, which was a disaster because the whole underlying point of Marxist socialism is that socialism is an advanced state of society where there is already abundant material wealth and a history of democracy through capitalist experience.
Actually, I guess one could almost say that the open source community itself is the closest anything has ever gotten to communism. No authority/classless, everyone contributing for the collective good, free access, common ownership, etc...

I certainly wouldn't choose it as the basis for a country, but for things like the open source community it seems to work pretty darn well. I think there it only works so well because there isn't any production to speak of, since copying is free.