lock keyboard and mouse w/o screensaver


Sep 3, 2002
Hey guys, i was wondering if you know of a freeware program that could lock a keyboard and mouse, without displaying a screensaver. i still want to be able to see whats on the screen, but i do not want un authorized access to be able to use the mouse and keybaord
I would find a program like this very useful to show off my desktop at lan parties when I walk away from my pc for some reason.
what do u mean? i just want the keyboard and mouse locked, but with the ability to still see the screen
Hidden switch on bottom of mouse and/or keyboard that interrupts the 5v path. It would be completely unique, small little switch only you know about, no keyboard has one. Security through obscurity. Hrmmm.
this is actually for a work computer, so no modding it lol, i just want it to be able to display useful widgets on a monitor, but i don't want people to be able to gain access to my account.