Logo for Pool Company.


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 15, 2002
I need a logo that can applied very universally.

For our signs we use 24"x18" signs.

The name of the company is: Aqua Pools

One of the things I suggest is leaving a small strip available two lines.

I will pay $150 for someone to do it.

That is what I did. I use a 3d program for drawing the pools, then after that I took a picture of the 3d and traced it out with lines. That was for the circle logo.

I want something clean and professional. A good site to get the local competition logos is:
www.swimmingpoolloans.com and the bottom strip is their logos

EDIT: On that site, I really like the Presidential Logo & The Sunburst Logo. Reasoning: Leaves alot of white space for other things that need to put on there also are very clean and professional and can be put on anything.
Oh all right.... I said in the PM I don't do logos but I'll give it shot. This is about the best I can come up with. Obviously the provided logo would not be watermarked.
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I like the idea behind it but I see a couple flaws:

A) Don't like the Text too much
B) I don't like the two tone. For example, if you could somehow change the bottom blue to white and still incorporate the deck/pool/slide thing, i think it would be very nice.

MixManSC: I appreciate the effort very much. Im going to try and play around my self and see if I can come up with anything.
The file is in pure vector (Illustrator) format so any element of it is quickly and easily recolored, typeface changed, resized to any size with zero loss of quality, and has a transparent background. This is with a different typeface and single color.
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Group 1:

Group 2:


Let me know if you are interested. I can change them anyway you'd like.
These are just jpeg previews, I will supply them in EPS and JPG formats, plus any other that you may need.
here are a couple i just threw together a little bit ago. Fonts colors and such can be easily changed for ya!

thenixhex311 said:
here are a couple i just threw together a little bit ago. Fonts colors and such can be easily changed for ya!


These two are so far my favorite. I sent this thread to my sales manager to check this out.
Heres my attempts.



and of course anything can be mixed & matched....colors changed, etc. :D
Damnit, wish i had seen that post sooner.... I've made one now... oh well, you've chosen one but heres mine anyway:

