Long term iPhone user needs some Android help


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
So I finally made the switch from the iPhone to the Sprint Evo. Have some issues.

So I can't root since the update (xxx.6) is applied. Keep that in mind. Personally I think one should not have to "jail break" or "root" to use a device, but whatever.

I have a million icons / programs. Shit like NASCAR, Sprint TV, Qik, so much bullshit. Thinks I have bought a Dell and I need to de-crapify, but can't. Seriously, what the hell with all the crap programs?

Not that I care they are there, but I can't find the 3-5 programs that I like. I should not need to "root" to get rid of them.

Also, trying to get my contacts. I got them uploaded from the Sprint store. Then gmail imported ALL the emails from my list. Stuff like ebags and such. One time emails. I'm going through that one by one now. How can I stop that from ever happening again? I feel like if I ask a retailer an email question, it'll become a "personal" contact in the future. I mean really.

How can I look at 2 gmail accounts on the same phone? The iPhone did that easily.

How can I tell if I am connected via wireless "n" at home?

Just some growing issues. I expect more.
Reason why I stayed with the iPhone even after considering the Evo and Droid X. I would just hate to spend money on something I end up not liking and then have to pay cancellation fees and lose my unlimited data plan with AT&T.

Unfortunately jail breaking and rooting is what most people do when they want more functionality out of their phones. I'm sure you'll sort your issues out someway.
So I can't root since the update (xxx.6) is applied. Keep that in mind. Personally I think one should not have to "jail break" or "root" to use a device, but whatever.

-- You don't have to root your device to use it, but you should have gone into the Sprint EVO 4G knowing Sprint had software on it since it's be plastered all over. You can easily root your EVO if you so please to remove those applications. It isn't difficult

I have a million icons / programs. Shit like NASCAR, Sprint TV, Qik, so much bullshit. Thinks I have bought a Dell and I need to de-crapify, but can't. Seriously, what the hell with all the crap programs? Not that I care they are there, but I can't find the 3-5 programs that I like. I should not need to "root" to get rid of them.

-- Blame Sprint...not much can be said other than that. If there are 3-5 programs you like then put shortcuts to them on your main screens and never go into the drawer. The whole point of having a drawer and shortcuts is so that the programs you use everyday are placed where they are easily reached and everything else is hidden and only pulled up when you need it the 1-2 times a week. Would you like help in creating shortcuts on your EVO?

Also, trying to get my contacts. I got them uploaded from the Sprint store. Then gmail imported ALL the emails from my list. Stuff like ebags and such. One time emails. I'm going through that one by one now. How can I stop that from ever happening again? I feel like if I ask a retailer an email question, it'll become a "personal" contact in the future. I mean really.

-- Android contacts are handled through the registered GMAIL account. If you don't know how to manage your GMAIL contacts well then that is a whole other question. It is easy enough to setup a contact list in GMAIL which only has contacts you add to it and then have your Android phone ONLY sync with those contacts.

How can I look at 2 gmail accounts on the same phone? The iPhone did that easily.

-- You just add another GMAIL account. It's not hard...you go to accounts and press the "add" button then the "google" button. Presto chango look at that you have 2 gmail accounts on your phone

How can I tell if I am connected via wireless "n" at home?

-- If your network is Wireless N and you are connected then you are on Wireless N. Your phone isn't going to tell you what kind of Wireless connection it is just as most phones don't

Just some growing issues. I expect more.

-- It is really annoying when someone creates a thread saying the want help and all they do is whine and moan about things....there really wasn't 1 actual question in regards to the phone itself other than adding a second GMAIL account but there were some nice parts in there that you decided to bash your new EVO 4G and explain how easy it was for the iPhone to do said things.

You want to create a thread to bash the EVO 4G, then at least be up front about it and say it in your title.
I'll just say thanks for your help. Next time you'd like to bash on me just ignore me. Sorry it seemed like I was bashing the Evo, but I think its better.

Copycat, no need to reply any more to me. Even if you have the solution. Thanks for your previous help.

Those were questions. Perhaps not phrased perfectly but legitimate questions.

Like I said, growing pains. I'll look into some of those solutions.