Looking for a KVM. How's the IOGEAR GCS22u?


Oct 9, 2007
I'm in the market for a basic KVM. I need one that's USB, and the video part of it doesn't matter to me, since I won't be using it. I found that the cheapest and highest rated one that fits my needs is the IOGEAR GCS22u. It's also nice that it comes with a switch that's seperate from the unit, so I can hide all of the cables and the unit, and just have the small switch visible, or maybe attach it to the underside of my desk near where I sit.

I'll be using it with my Logitech Illuminated keyboard and Logitech G5. It should work fine with both of those right? The only thing I'm unsure of is I don't see any mention of it being USB 2.0 or not. I'm assuming it is, and that it will work fine with my keyboard and mouse without hindering them at all.

Let me know if you all think it's a wise purchase, or if you know of something better for ~$20. Thanks in advance for any help.
KB/mice don't need the bandwidth of USB2.0, so no worries there.
honestly it should be fine, I've seen ~$3 no-name KVMs work out just fine, NOW, if you gain a ms or two on input lag, are you gonna lose it? I doubt it'll be a problem, but theres always a chance it'll raise your latency a tick

as far as quality, shouldn't matter since you aren't using video (thats usually the part that has quality/performance issues, because as simple as "wire to wire with a switch" is to do at the workbench, apparently the cheapass asian OEMs cant quite get it down consistently)
Alright, thanks for the input guys. Just wanted to make sure before I got one as I've never used one before, so I wasn't positive what to look for.

Thanks again for the help. :)