Looking for a Lian-LI PCV2110A


Jan 10, 2006
I'm looking for a place to purchase a Lian-LI PCV2110A. I know this is a two year old case and may be hard to find but I have hope someone can find a place that still sells them. After doing a Google search I found 6 listings that are not really in stock as listed or will not ship to me in the US.

If this case is not for sale anymore I would love help finding something similar. I'm looking for a roomy aluminum tower with a door and is designed to be quiet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
How much components you're going to put in there?
Two years ago I had it originally on top of my list because of biggest "advertising number" of 5.25" bays in silencing friendly cases but after starting to study innards and verify advertising claims I discarded it quickly:
5.25" bays are only intakes to motherboard area where huge majority of heat production is so case needs "deduction" of three 5.25" bays for intake fan (leaving four usable 5.25" bays) especially considering considerable airflow blocking effect of door having only few narrow slots for airflow... Sure that door looks nice industrial but cooling wise its design is unnecessary high impedance.
(smaller V1110 has similar problems with chamber design+door hampering cooling)
And for any kind acoustics that "lighter than air" Akasa/Spire etc. foam used in side panels is useless by being too light and thin to be able to increase acoustic opacity or vibration resistance of panels and absorbt anything except little of highest frequencies. Generic bitumen felt/mat/what ever they call it in general store would be lot better and there are also ready combination mats with heavy base layer and foam meant for PCs which are the stuff case makers should use if they actually wanted to make quiet case instead of normal fooling of people.

Also cheaper PC-A71 is more configurable, design of internals and door does't hinder cooling and it doesn't have fraud foams in the way of adding proper dampening materials.