Looking for a netbook recommendation


Mar 26, 2005
I've been thinking about getting a netbook for a while, and when I was on my flight across the Atlantic for my deployment last week, seeing a bunch of other Airmen on the plane watching movies and TV shows on their netbooks pretty much cemented my desire for one.

Right now I'm strongly leaning towards the new Asus 1005PR because it has a 1366x768 screen and the HD Broadcom chip, as well as superb battery life. I'm a little wary because I've been hearing rumors that people are getting their 1005PRs without the Broadcom HD chip though, and since I'm deployed, the RMA process would be a huge problem.

Here's what I'm looking for:

(Required) HD video playback - at a minimum, I want to be able to play 720p mkv videos. HD flash (i.e., Youtube) is a very strong plus.
(Required) 8+ hours battery life for long flights and other situations where I don't want to be tied to a power outlet
(Wanted) 1366x768 screen

I don't care about performance that much as long as it has the horsepower for multimedia stuff, but if there's an Ion netbook out there that has 8+ hour battery life, I'd love to hear about it.
If that is your only concern you might want to consider an ipad. I know of no other device that can stay unplugged for 2 freggin days or watch netflix for 8 hours straight
HD flash (i.e., Youtube)

There is the catch... iPad won't do this.

I have a 1005PEB and I really like it, can't imagine you'd be disappointed with the PR. Haven't heard about units without the HD chip, so essentially this reply is useless, but anyhow.....;)
If that is your only concern you might want to consider an ipad. I know of no other device that can stay unplugged for 2 freggin days or watch netflix for 8 hours straight

Fuck the iPad. I don't want a device that forces me to do my computer usage the way Steve Jobs wants me to. :rolleyes:

I'm also now thinking about the smaller CULV laptops out there, like the Acer Timeline (11" model.) I dunno...are 13" laptops too big to really open them up on a plane (coach seats?) If not, I may get an Asus UL30...
Also, I'd like to hear about Linux on netbooks. I have heard some people mention poor battery life as an issue with netbooks...do the various netbook editions of, say, Ubuntu still suffer from power usage problems?
Fuck the iPad. I don't want a device that forces me to do my computer usage the way Steve Jobs wants me to. :rolleyes:

I'm also now thinking about the smaller CULV laptops out there, like the Acer Timeline (11" model.) I dunno...are 13" laptops too big to really open them up on a plane (coach seats?) If not, I may get an Asus UL30...

Whoa, is it Monday still? goodluck on your search
Check out the HP DM3. I bought one for its compact size for traveling and tuning my car. It works real well for basic web features as well.
Check out the HP DM3. I bought one for its compact size for traveling and tuning my car. It works real well for basic web features as well.

I am looking for 8+ hours of battery life...
Isn't gateway known for being atrocious when it comes to hardware failures?
There is the catch... iPad won't do this.

Not true, Youtube and pretty much every other site with Flash video (Vimeo, TED, any of the major news websites) has HTML5 video for the iPad. Those with content protection (ie - Netflix, ABC, Hulu soon) have separate apps, as do Livestream and UStream.

I did two roundtrips from LAX to JFK this month and it was the first trip I'd taken with the iPad. My big notebook stayed in the overhead compartment, all I used was the iPad. I was on the in-flight wifi for email, IM, web browsing, web video, and also watched local HD video. It was on for as long as electronics were allowed on the flight and by the time it was over the battery was at 65%. I can do a full roundtrip from LAX to JFK and back without charging and still have juice to spare, very nice, plus it took up zero space on the seat tray. Even the netbooks took up more space since they have a traditional clamshell design while the iPad is nothing but screen. Nothing better for coach seats, period. I also barely used my notebook in the hotel, just used it for image editing and playing Starcraft 2. It was way easier just to pop the iPad on and go.

Another big plus for video is the IPS screen, far better than the display on any notebook or netbook I've seen. Movies and pictures look gorgeous. I'd honestly rather do photo editing on the iPad than on a notebook.

If you need to use it for apps like Office or are opposed to using a BT keyboard for long writing (I'm cool with the OSK but for long papers you'd likely want a physical keyboard), or are turned off by the price, then a netbook is the choice. For video, games, web browsing, and UI speed, the iPad is better. I even have some film tool work apps on mine, works great. I know a few people that have more or less replaced their notebooks with one. I can't because I need photo editing, but if an Adobe Lightroom style app comes out for the iPad then that's one less reason for me to use a big notebook (plus it has a better display). I want such an app badly.

Anyway, one more person that agrees with Sixthsense there. Otherwise just get a 13" notebook with a real keyboard, but then you're spending way more than on a netbook, and you're getting into more space issues with the airline seat trays. A netbook for $300 or so is hard to argue with if you're on a budget. There is a 13" Lenovo with something around 8 hours of battery life, but you're starting at over $750 for that.
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I posted in other threads but I had a gateway LT3103U which I passed on to my mom, but it was able to play youtube, and 720p streams just fine. Equipped with an ATI video card and the AMD netbook processor, was able to handle it just fine. Comes factory with 2gb ram and a 250gig HD, found mine for $230 shipped
Also, I'd like to hear about Linux on netbooks. I have heard some people mention poor battery life as an issue with netbooks...do the various netbook editions of, say, Ubuntu still suffer from power usage problems?

Ubuntu still doesn't manage power as well as Windows does, disappointing considering that Windows 7 is slightly less power efficient than XP and is significantly less efficient compared to OS X: http://www.myasuseee.com/windows-7-beats-ubuntu-10-04-on-battery-life/

Crossing fingers Ubuntu focuses on power management next. They pretty much have to as operating systems are getting put into every mobile device imaginable.
Here's why the iPad is NOT a solution:

Too expensive ($400 for the 1005PR vs $500+ for an iPad)
Insufficient file storage (16/32/64 GB vs 250 GB on a netbook)
Apple app store = fail (too limiting)
Fails at video (can't play wmv, avi, mkv container)
iTunes = failware (bloatware, slow, syncing instead of real file management)
No flash (don't get the real web experience)
The moral argument (I don't want to support the most dictatorial business in the computing industry)

So stop suggesting the iPad. It doesn't fit my needs.
Well, I have to wait to order a netbook, my credit card was compromised and now I have to wait for it. I could use my debit card, but then I don't get the reward points.

Anyway, I think I may wait a little bit. I was reading about the netbook MSI just announced that they claim will last for 15 hours on a charge.
Well, I have to wait to order a netbook, my credit card was compromised and now I have to wait for it. I could use my debit card, but then I don't get the reward points.

Anyway, I think I may wait a little bit. I was reading about the netbook MSI just announced that they claim will last for 15 hours on a charge.


P.S. Didn't Asus just come out with something that has like 12 or 13hr battery life?? I thought I just read that somewhere recently. :confused:
The MSI u160 was discussed in another forum i go to. From what i gather, it's 15 hours on idle. Actual usage has it running at around 9 hours realistically. Not too bad.

I didn't stick around long enough to tell if their discussion involved HD playback.
Yeah, I figured that, but still, 9 hour battery life is nice. Asus has the 1005PE that's claimed to have similar battery life (~14 hours) but that's a similarly optimistic figure. The 1005PR is the same netbook as the PE but with a 1366x768 screen and the Broadcom HD chip.

Still, I think I'll give it a couple of months, see what the next few months hold as far as technological advancements go. The next generation of Ion + Optimus could be interesting I think. Plus I've got six months before I'm back on an over-the-atlantic flight, so...
The 1005PR has a rated battery life of 11 hours vs the 1005PE's 14; I don't know if the difference is the idle power of the broadcom chip or if the screen uses more power. Reportedly the PR gets 8-9 hours of lite web browsing.
I've recently come across a notebook that's a bit larger then a netbook but the battery life is pretty darn good. Asus clams 12 hours, but most users doing basic stuff like surfing on wifi get about 9-10 hours. if watching full screen video it gets ~6 hours of straight usage before you'll have to start looking for a plug...
anyway here's the laptop:


**edit to add a shameless plug for a feature no other oem does afaik:
Accidents happen. But when they happen to your ASUS notebook purchased in the US or Canada, you have extra protection. Whether your notebook is damaged by accidental spills, drops, electrical surges, or fire, ASUS will fix it or replace it for you during the first year after purchase.**
**One incident covered per notebook
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Hi Daggah,

Is the Asus 1005PR for sale yet in the UK? I can't seem to find it anywhere...

I am in a similar situation. I travel between London and the US approximately once a month to various locations, total journey time including layovers can be between 7-16 hours.

I want to watch my own video movies and episodes, potentially play a few games, knockout a few emails with Outlook 2010 etc during this time without recharging. I don't think the maturity of the netbook market is quite there yet, the biggest problem is battery life.

My ideal netbook/laptop would be:

- 10-13"
- Thin, with flush battery not distended
- approximately 1.3kg to carry around
- Capable of playing HD movies
- Decent resolution screen I can type emails, maybe do a little programming with Visual Studio 2010...
- As close to a normal keyboard as possible for programming
- Battery life 10-15 hours - do any reviews do video playing run downs? as in continuously play video until the machine dies of battery? I'd like to watch a whole season of a TV series back to back for instance

Maybe it's worth me getting a second battery as part of ideal solution to make this feasible?
Right you are, however that lappy from what I've read so far can best alot of netbooks for battery life. That's pretty much why I'm personally looking at that one...
After doing some digging I also found the UL80vt. Has about the same batt life and better graphics (switchable too save batt life) in case you ever find the need to frag some bad guys ini your fav game ;)
the UL80vt also has a built in DVDrom/RW drive (the one I linked to before doesn't).


*ninja edit to add a review:
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That's even larger and heavier which kinda defeats the purpose of a small machine to travel with...
That's even larger and heavier which kinda defeats the purpose of a small machine to travel with...
Didn't even notice how much heavier it was. The UL30 seems to be 1.68kg (3.7lbs.) and the ul80vt is 2.17kg (4.8lbs).
I guess if ultra portability is the #1 priority I'd stick with the UL30. it's kinda big, but not much bigger or heiver then a "large" netbook (one with a 12.1" screen).
mentat: anandtech's laptop reviews include 720p playback using the x264 codec.
I settled on the UL30VT because I found a decent deal on it at J&R Electronics (3 bonus points per dollar with my USAA mastercard too!) for $740 - it usually goes for $850+. I think the new U30JC is driving prices down. It's still a fair bit more than I was originally thinking of spending, but it's a pretty potent machine, so it should last me a while. I just need to sell off some of my electronics when I get home (I'm starting to accumulate a ridiculous number of computers, laptops, and gadgets...)

I am toying with the thought of getting a second battery for it, but without any really *easy* way of charging both batteries (having to swap batteries every time I want to charge both of them) I'm not sure if I want to do that. What I do know is that everything points to the UL30VT getting awesome battery life. It's portable enough to be easy to carry around.

I wonder what my deployed roommate is going to say when I bring home ("home") a second laptop, heh.
I've recently come across a notebook that's a bit larger then a netbook but the battery life is pretty darn good. Asus clams 12 hours, but most users doing basic stuff like surfing on wifi get about 9-10 hours. if watching full screen video it gets ~6 hours of straight usage before you'll have to start looking for a plug...
anyway here's the laptop:


**edit to add a shameless plug for a feature no other oem does afaik:
Accidents happen. But when they happen to your ASUS notebook purchased in the US or Canada, you have extra protection. Whether your notebook is damaged by accidental spills, drops, electrical surges, or fire, ASUS will fix it or replace it for you during the first year after purchase.**
**One incident covered per notebook

I should update this thread in case anyone is still watching...
Asus released a update to the laptop in my post above:
the UL30VT has the same switchable graphics that the UL80VT has :cool: :D
you loose the CD Rom but gain lightweightness <-- if that's even a word :p
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As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
It just shipped yesterday, and overseas shipping is going to take a week or two...so I dunno yet.
OK, so I've spent the evening working on getting my new laptop where I want it...I plugged it in when I got it to charge it and have been running on the battery ever since. I'm down to 58% and it's reporting that it has 3:44 left...and that's on near full brightness. I could get a little more battery life if I let it turn the display down a little more and it has a "power saving" wallpaper for the extreme power saving mode as well.

Things I've noticed:

The keyboard is a bit on the noisy side. I was expecting it to look and operate exactly like the island keyboard on my G73JH. It's pretty similar overall though, and the feel is good.

The bloatware...ye gods, when will ASUS learn? But I expected that, it's not my first time with an ASUS laptop...

The stickers were also a little overkill. I made the mistake of immediately peeling them off, and when I got the laptop out of the box it was quite cold to the touch (surprising out here in the ridiculous heat of the middle eastern summer!) So a couple of the stickers did not come off cleanly. I finally tracked down some WD-40 and that made short work of any residue.

The overall look and aesthetic of the laptop is really, really good. It's also exactly what I was looking for in terms of size. The keyboard doesn't feel cramped, the monitor doesn't seem super tiny...one thing I've noticed since I made this thread is that all the people with netbooks always seem to be hunching over them. This 13" laptop is big enough that that isn't necessary. But at the same time it's small enough to be really portable.

A thought though: the 15" laptop bag that came with my last ASUS laptop (the m51sn if anyone cares) is definitely too big for this. I will have to invest in a sleeve for it.

I haven't had time to try any games. That may end up waiting until Wednesday or Thursday...or maybe even the weekend...I'm working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week (well, Saturdays are shorter usually at least) so I don't have a lot of time to mess around with it.

Anyway, that's it for now...so far so good, my first impressions are very positive!