Looking for an external hdd for backup

Dec 4, 2004
I'm new to external harddrives and am looking for a solution to back up my data because I'm tired of using DVDs. 250GB is more than enough. I saw this on the egg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16822148114
I'm not sure if this is a decent drive or not. It appears to have some kind of push button backup which would be nice. Any info you could give me would be nice. :) Sorry if this has been asked 1000 times.
Thats not bad, Seagate is reliable. I was just looking at the Western Digital one for $99 at Best buy, but it comes w/out software if you need some....me - I have the software, just no drive yet.
How about free? Check this thread: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1107924
True Image 7 was finicky about backup to CD/DVD media, but by all accounts great for HDD backup.
I have Powerquest DriveImage 2002, but am going to try ATI7.....Once I replace my backup HDD (used it for another build).