Looking for an RF Keyboard Combo


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2001
Hey fellas, I am looking for a sleek simple RF Keyboard/TouchPad(or trackball) combo unit to control a theater system. Obviously being wireless it needs batteries. Something that can be recharged as opposed to replacing "AAs" all the time is a plus. Not looking for tons of bells and whistles....just something simple. Similar to this: http://www.adesso.com/products_detail.asp?productid=281

Only reason I am asking is, that is really the only one I have found that I like, but the reviews on it are less than stellar.

Have you all any suggestions?

The Logitech S510 Wireless Kit (w/ Remote) Here's a foreign language review that has nice pics. This kit is AWESOME. Great range, nice and solid construction, and (except for the remote) very Linux-friendly.