Looking for an XFX Radeon HD 5850? We Got'em!


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
XFX and HardOCP have teamed up to offer our registered HardForum members first shot at purchasing an XFX ATI Radeon HD 5850! Stocks have been low, but XFX is letting [H]'ers get first dibs!

XFX part number - HD585AZNFC (XFX HD 5850) - $299.99 Plus tax, shipping, and handling. This offer is for USA shipping addresses only.

XFX is also offering a bundle on its new 850 watt BE PSU and with the above listed 5850. Cost for XFX 850W Black Edition PSU is normally $199.99. A $50.00 bundle discount for a total of $449.98 for both the PSU and the video card. Plus tax, shipping & handling to USA only.

Stock will be limited to the first fifty PMs sent the XFXSupport account at HardForum.com. Please include your full name, USA shipping address, and phone number. An XFX representative will call to process the billing information.
this is sweet, seems that now that newegg ditched us we are getting a lot more of these good deals coming to [H] first :D
Awesome of you guys to do this. The HD5800 series is awesome. Can't wait for this Saturday to see Eyefinity in action.
Nice deal! I'm loving my 5870 already though :(, may buy one for a relative.
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Bastards. Send that stock to Amazon where it belongs, fulfilling my pre-order for $40 less than that. Profits be damned!
awesome, XFX. just demonstrating again why we love you. and the psu is supposed to be quite good for anyone whos wondering. just a little ugly. who said that? :confused:
Thanks XFX. I have been looking everywhere for one of these. PM sent! What is the time frame for replies? Today? This week?
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Thanks XFX. PM Sent. This is an awesome offer regardless of which card is offered.
While I sadly cannot afford this, nor do I need it, I think this is an awesome move by XFX to reach out to the community.

Sent in my PM. Tomorrow marks 1 month from the day I pre-ordered this same product from Amazon.
Dang, I jumped, and I jumped High!

/refresh refresh refresh /wants a PM.

Hot damn I just got the call!

It's on ze way!

Oh, 20 minute turn around time FTW!
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got a pm back, unfortunately, paypal isn't accepted so I'll have to wait a little longer. Still props to XFX for their support! Can't wait to add to my XFX collection:D
Ouch, the only day I forget my CC at home! Oh well, I already have 1. Thanks [H] and XFX. glad I bought my first 5850 from XFX too, good company.
awesome work XFX.. this is why you will stay one of the greatest companies and best additions to the ATI graphics card providers in its history..

Thank you [H] for setting something up like this..
Are these better than the 4870x2?

Not much faster, and keeping in the same area. of performance.

It will have far lower power consumption, along with lower heat output...

not to mention DX11 (hides).

HardOCP has a great review:

It's not right in there, but replace "GTX295" with 4870x2... just for kicks. (iirc, the gtx295 is faster then the hd4870x2 - please feel free to correct this).
I just got a phone call ( 15 minutes after i sent them a pm, wow fast :O ) from XFX and ordered a 5850, this just shows how XFX loves their customers. I know what brand of video cards I'll buy in the future. Thanks XFX.
not hot at all. i don't mind waiting. i have this long ;)

i'll probably still get xfx though for the good warranty :)
Crap my 5850 money is in PayPal and Payday is tomorrow...

Owe Yeah... It will be on it's way.

XFX and [H] rule...
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Not in the market and not in the country. Still impressed by the move and will consider XFX for my next refresh.
Cool stuff :)

I am a little sad that I dropped $$$ on my 4890 but it does what I need and was a teeny bit cheaper :p hehe
Very nice deal, I watched newegg like a hawk a few weeks ago. Claimed it was a discontinued card or something but it came in stock for 5 minutes and I got my 5850 :D

Props to XFX and [H] for doing this!
Nice! I love this!! Already got one just like it, they look great in person. If I had the money I would jump on this to crossfire. No point really with my Dell 2209WA, as there is little need at this resolution. However XFX is ten notches kewler for doing this =)
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Not much faster, and keeping in the same area. of performance.

It will have far lower power consumption, along with lower heat output...

not to mention DX11 (hides).

HardOCP has a great review:

It's not right in there, but replace "GTX295" with 4870x2... just for kicks. (iirc, the gtx295 is faster then the hd4870x2 - please feel free to correct this).

The minimums are much better though and there's far fewer stutters/dips, with the 5850 ;).
Hey Kyle,

Tell XFX to keep doing this. They will have my money for a 5870 or 5970 by the end of the month if they partner up for these cards.
Way to go XFX. I think its a really awesome thing that your doing this. P.S. Canadians love XFX too ;) :D
I lov my XFX 5850. I'm sure some combination of cards can beat a single 5850 now with the right game, but will they have the features/low noise/cooling/heat/low power combination of the new 5850/5870? Then you can go to 5850 crossfire and :D

Trying not to think how cool two of these XFXs would look on my Asus Rampage II Gene... "one is enough... one is enough... one is enough" :p
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