Looking for some good Flight Simulators or Aerial combat games for the PC.


May 2, 2005
Anything new and interesting going on on this front? I'd like to pick up a few, but wasn't seeing much at my local Best Buy.
Man I must be old, I remember back in the day when flight sims were so prolific on the PC....I dreamed of owning a proper flight stick and pedals. Nowadays there aren't any new games to justify the expenditure :(
IL2:1946 is pretty definiatve as far as WWII flight simming. It has a very loyal active community.

DCS:Black Shark is a very detailed comabat helocopter sim.

LOMAC and it's add-ons are pretty decent represetatives of the modern air-combat sim.

If you really want to get into it, you will probably need to invest in Track IR 4 pro.


CH makes top quality joysticks, pedals and HOTAS setups, but you can get away with less if you don't want to invest that much right off.

If you can get into it, there really hasn't been a better time for simming. I would start with IL2:1946. It's only ten bucks on steam. Killer deal.

You should start hanging around SimHQ if you want to get an idea what's going on. www.simhq.com
HAWX is definetly entertaining. Not a flight sim but more of an arcade. I like arcades better than all the seriousness of a sim.
I used to love sims... Janes USAF, IAF, Longbow2 and I eventually got Falcon 4.0... too bad I couldn't run it well enough on my PC :(

Not sure what's good now though, I guess check out simhq.com
IL2:1946 is pretty definiatve as far as WWII flight simming. It has a very loyal active community.

DCS:Black Shark is a very detailed comabat helocopter sim.

LOMAC and it's add-ons are pretty decent represetatives of the modern air-combat sim.

If you really want to get into it, you will probably need to invest in Track IR 4 pro.


CH makes top quality joysticks, pedals and HOTAS setups, but you can get away with less if you don't want to invest that much right off.

If you can get into it, there really hasn't been a better time for simming. I would start with IL2:1946. It's only ten bucks on steam. Killer deal.

You should start hanging around SimHQ if you want to get an idea what's going on. www.simhq.com


Falcon4 is still may favorite title. Still. 10 years later. At least it's been updated to Allied Force. I'd love to see this updated again to support wisdescreen and keep the gameplay elements intact- with improvements of course :) Higher res tiles out of the box, better terrain- I don't like the tiling as it is, and a better uses of real world data (DLG, landclass etc) No more bubble! :)

You also might want to check out Seven G http://www.seven-g.com/ 1.03 is pretty cool, and a great beginning. You won't be able to make a trap on the first go with this one. And you can't beat free.
Crimson Skies
Most fun I ever had in single player campaign that had to do with flying. Too bad they never made a sequel.
HAWX looks awesome.

i had no idea this just came out. full gamepad support, but its too expensive. least you can play the demo until the price comes down a bit.

edit- nevermind. they botched the pc port it looks like. the game doesn't even run on vista32bit off stream. no dx10. xp compatibility and directx updates do no good. what bs.
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My favorite from growing up was Dogfight City back on MacOS 7/8.

Seems like the creator (Bullseye Software) has gone under.
Yeah it sucks because right now there is not even deadzone adjustment in the game! It will be fixed along with DX10 in the 1.02 patch, which I have been waiting a long time for. Until then I have been playing IL-2 but I don't really understand it much as they are not very clear on what I actually need to do to finish a mission. I wish there was a campaign walkthrough somewhere, but since there isn't I guess maybe there is no storyline? It seems like a bunch of random skirmishes with no real plot to it. I wouldn't suggest it if you are new to flight sims (like myself) to be honest, its a little too old to be appreciated (by me at least). However, the same guys that made IL-2 have a new game coming out really soon, and I actually look forward to that.

I have heard on that simhq site that the Strike Fighters 2 and Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam are supposedly pretty good as it sounded like they were not as arcadey as HAWX, and not as realistic as Falcon 4.0. I personally am looking for games in the middle ground, but I never got around to trying them out because of my newfound interest in space shooters. I just got into Freespace SCP (google it to find out more, its really cool), you might want to check it out.
IL2:1946 is pretty definiatve as far as WWII flight simming. It has a very loyal active community.

DCS:Black Shark is a very detailed comabat helocopter sim.

LOMAC and it's add-ons are pretty decent represetatives of the modern air-combat sim.


Also Condor Competition Soaring sim is excellent - the flight and atmosphere physics are exceptional, the multiplay netcode is great, but as a glider sim it does take a certain shift in perspective for many people that are used to flying powered aircraft. . .but the experience of fligth is quite well done, and the meteorological fidelity is second to none which is important when it comes to finding lift! The clouds for example go through the various stages of their life-cycles at the proper altitudes (when temperature and dewpoint merge) and have the associated lift or sink, there are mountain waves, and of of coruse ridge lift etc.


I'm currently beta testing Rise of Flight, and it is going to be a great WWI sim!!

Check out some of the teaser videos here: http://www.txsquadron.com/forum/index.php?topic=2769.0
back in the day I used to love Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer and the original Microsoft Flight Simulator (the REALLY old one with no textures, just flat polygons).

In Chuck Yeager you could change planes in mid-flight , so I'd take the x-15 up to like 150,000 feet at like mach 3, and then I'd switch to the sopwith camel and watch it freak out :cool: