Looking to buy a Netgear 108Mbps router -- for range.


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2004
I currently have a royal pain in the ass in a Belkin 802.11g router (bought it before 802.11g was approved).


That's what I want to replace it with, going to go out a purchase it today if you guys give me the go.

I don't want it for the speed -- there are six wireless network cards in the house and I don't want to upgrade them all. Two are Powerbooks, so upgrading is out of the question anyway.

I want it for the improved range. I have a Netgear 802.11g gaming adapter in my room, and I get choppy gaming when on Madden and I have a pretty mediocre connection in my room when using my Powerbook. Looking at my PB and gaming adapter status, I get about a 50% connection.

On the Newegg advertisement, it says I get four times the range. Does that apply to 802.11g network cards? If so, the $50 I'd pay after rebate is well worth it.
If you want range, get at real Pre-N/MIMO router, heck with the attempts at range with old G.

Linksys wrt54gx2 or gx4, or the similar Belkin models...you want ones based on the Airgo True-MIMO chipset. You'll see get the increase in range if you use plain old G or ever prehistoric B cards.