Looking to grab a second LCD


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2004
Right now, I do quite a bit of webpage work and could really use the additional space so that I don't have to switch between FireFox and Word as often. After switching from a flat NEC CRT to a BenQ FP931 at Christmas, I've truly fallen in love with BenQ and their display line.

What I'm wondering though is if I should vouch for another FP931 or get a different second monitor. If anyone has used an FP931 and has found another 19" LCD to be "better", I'd really like to hear from you.

Also, I was wondering if I'd be able to tell the difference if I were to use my monitor (450:1 contract ratio) right beside a monitor with a higher contrast ratio.

Any help is appreciated.
I always like to get two of a kind.

If you are very happy with your monitor, like you appear to be, I see no reason for you to get something different.
I just got the FP931 and it's a great display, blacks are black, other colours are good. I've got one stuck pixel near the middle though (onlyy shows up when it wants to). I like it a lot better then my 17 inch CRT.
harmlesskils said:
I just got the FP931 and it's a great display, blacks are black, other colours are good. I've got one stuck pixel near the middle though (onlyy shows up when it wants to). I like it a lot better then my 17 inch CRT.
I've got two stuck on red toward the bottom-right corner, right beside each other.

My only problem with getting another FP931 is that it doesn't include the DVI cable and costs more than the FP91G+ (after $40 MIR), which is the reason why I asked if anyone could tell the difference between two monitors with different contrast ratios.

I may just pass up the rebate and wait until after I go back to college. I'm sure prices will drop after all of the "back to school" shoppers go away. :rolleyes: