Looking to set up an email sever for work.


Jun 26, 2004
I don’t even know where to begin so I was hoping some of you might be able to help. As some of you may know I sell Cell Phones for a privately owned store. Actually we have 2 stores right now and a third on the way. Each store has a business DSL connection with static IP. The static IP is required for some of our activations. We also already own the dotcom that goes with our store name but it isn’t pointing anywhere right now.

I would like to build the mail server out of an old Dual 1Ghz p3 system I have. I just need to purchase some ram and a hard drive. I would prefer to run windows on this server since it is the OS that I know. The only mail server for windows I have ever encountered is exchange and I really like some of its features but I am sure the cost is well out of our range.

Anyway I guess what we want is something we can set up 10-20 mailboxes on and can be accessed from anywhere via internet explorer. We would also like to have some kind of calendar that can be accessed by all employees, letting everyone know on what day promotions begin and end.

My first real question is does anyone see any problems with using the business DSL or my old Dual P3 to run a mail server?

If not then I would really appreciate some advice on what software would best fit our needs. Again I would prefer something windows based.

Thanks in advance and yes I know I am in way over my head here but we aren’t in any real rush to deploy.